I become light in American comics

Chapter 417 New Watchtower

A moment later, in the laboratory, Kara was already curiously close to the light bubble that Shen You had pinched. Inside was a little orange guy, built of pure energy, but he was very small, and his height was even less than her boots.

The oval forehead has jagged and sharp teeth, but the threat on such a small guy is limited, and it even looks a bit cute.

Realizing that Kara was looking at him, the little guy showed his fangs and howled a few times to show his ferocity.

Super fierce.JPG.

"What is this?" Kara asked strangely.

"It looks like an orange lamp, but I'm not sure what the principle is yet." Shen You said.

This was not explained in detail in the original work. The orange lamp elephants are all creatures that were killed and possessed by the orange agent La Freeze, but they did not say how this was achieved.

Maybe the Orange Lantern has the ability to capture souls, or maybe it simply preserves the physiological characteristics and full set of memories of the creatures it kills, and creates a one-to-one resemblance of the individual through energy representation.

Therefore, it is not easy to define whether this thing is alive or not.

"Are you sent by La Freeze?" Shen You asked.

"King Lafleez asked Grumulus to explore the way!" the little thing shouted proudly.

I don’t know why it sounds like he’s saying, “The king asked me to patrol the mountains.”

"So who is talking to me now?" Shen You asked, "Is it a virtual soul, or is Lafleeze talking with the help of this mouth?"

The little guy was dissatisfied, and kept beating the energy cover that trapped it with his little fist: "Grumrus is not Lafleeze!"

"But after all, you are still the embodiment of his lamp ring, aren't you?" Shen said, "Like a sparkling puppet."

"Grumrus is Grumrus!" The little orange thing pouted angrily.


Kara's eyes lit up: "I think it's very cute, Shen You!"

"If you let it out and put it on your hand, you won't feel cute anymore."

Shen You sat back in front of the experimental table and called up the data collected during this period from seven light rings. Or to be more precise, six light rings and an orange light entity disguised as a light ring. .

"The emotional spectrum has not been very stable recently, and there have been abnormal energy fluctuations many times." Shen You said to himself.

In fact, even if he doesn't need this data, he can still perceive some of it through the spectrum of blue, green, and purple lights directly connected to him. It's as if the spectral balance that has existed for eons is being disrupted.

It's like the spectrum is warning its users in a silent way.

"What does this mean?" Kara tilted her head.

"Don't know, but maybe"

Shen You pondered for a moment.

".The big one is coming."

Earth surface orbit, watchtower.

The previous generation of the Watchtower crashed during the invasion of the Sinestro Corps, but the new model was launched back into its original orbit not long after - Batman must have a lot of spare parts in stock.

After all, it’s hard to be optimistic about the fall coefficient of something like the Justice League Headquarters when you shoot it up. Batman probably understands this too, which is why its design looks like a spinning top.

The man on duty in the new watchtower today is Ron Ronds, also known as Martian Manhunter.

Unlike superheroes like Batman, The Flash, and Green Lantern, who have busy personal affairs, J'onn doesn't have a city that he clearly governs, so he has more time to devote to the Justice League.

He currently spends the most time in the watchtower among the Alliance members. Whenever a member is busy dealing with a new idea from a passionate fan of his, he will often switch shifts with him.

Superman once suggested that Ron should be considered as the chairman of the alliance. After all, he seems to be the most invested in the alliance. But this proposal was rejected by Ron himself.

"The routine safety inspection has been completed." The watchtower's intelligent computer reported, "Everything is normal."

At the same time, the details module in the operation interface pops up, and the inspection reports for all parts of the system show "everything is normal."

But at this moment Ron En's expression suddenly changed.

"Seal the watchtower, activate the automatic defense protocol, and lock all exits." Ron shouted.

The defense mechanism was activated immediately, and thick reinforced doors sealed every passage. Within a second, the watchtower had turned into a fortress loaded with guns and ammunition in the universe, and not even a mosquito could fly out.

The watchtower looked empty, the console screen still had the string of words "Everything is OK", and the sensors only detected Martian Manhunter.

But a voice came from nowhere and seemed to echo in the watchtower from all directions.

"Interesting. How did you detect my intrusion, Martian?"

"When Batman designed the security protocol, although the daily security check had a default option of 'everything is normal', the watchtower AI would never report it like this." Ron said in a deep voice, "If no problems are found in the daily check, the system will Randomly report some unfounded suspicions, but they can be easily confirmed.

And if the system monitoring report is ‘everything is normal’, then there is only one possibility.”

"It means you have been invaded." The voice smiled coldly, "Smart."

"He's always been a suspicious person, and now it seems he was right."

Martian Manhunter said solemnly.

"Thanks to this early warning mechanism, I can detect it. Here!"

He turned his head sharply, and red-hot beams of light shot out from his eyes. But there seemed to be a short figure somewhere inconspicuous in the rear, but it disappeared out of thin air the moment the beam of light hit it.

The heat vision penetrated through, leaving two scorched black and red holes in the wall. Ron was taken aback and hurriedly turned back to look for the enemy again.

"Not bad perception, Martian." The voice chuckled sarcastically, "But you still need to work hard."

Ron turned around again and fired another heat vision. There seemed to be another human figure at the place he focused on, but it disappeared before the beam of light hit it.

"Ha, that's almost it."

Rongen was slightly shocked.

Is it super speed? So fast that you can hardly even notice it?

So the intruder is a speedster?

No, other possibilities are not ruled out. Maybe it's teleportation, or maybe it's some other ability that I haven't seen clearly.

Others must be warned.

Ron flew up and flew to the console at full speed, reaching out to press the button to urgently summon the entire alliance.

However, despite his super speed, the moment his hand had time to touch the console.


The sound of flesh being penetrated.

As if a hand appeared out of thin air, it penetrated from the back of his heart and exited from the front of his chest.

Cut out his heart.

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