I become light in American comics

Chapter 294 Interstellar Invasion

Almerik is a civilization with a backward system but a relatively advanced one. At least in a small place like the Milky Way.

If all the civilizations in this area were to be listed, then these people could still be considered old acquaintances of Shen You. First, Maxima, DC's most famous left-behind girl, made a special trip to Earth to catch Kaizi, and then there was the matter of her cooperation with the Robot Superman.

But that's the past. The assistance of the mechanical superman also caused a minister named Zazo of Almeric to try to instigate rebellion and usurp power. The former king, Maxima's father, had been captured alive. After that, Maxima rushed back to deal with internal affairs in person. No news so far.

I happened to be passing by today. Shen You thought about it and then flew forward to check the situation.

At this time, there was indeed a lot of movement on Almerik Prime. Shen You took a general glance, and it looked like the civil war had reached its peak. The old regime represented by Maxima and the new regime previously established by Zazo with the support of the mechanical Superman launched a full-scale war.

All the early battles and actions are paving the way for today's decisive battle. The battle has heated up to the stage where both sides put all their trump cards on the table. At this time, the battlefield where the two sides were located was already a nuclear level, and it was a bare area for hundreds of miles, without even the slightest irregular ups and downs. It can be clearly seen that this land is the result of some kind of weapon sweeping across the screen.

The protective barrier has been torn apart, and various powerful weapons have colorful special effects. Viewed from a high altitude, it looks like light pollution stretching for hundreds of miles. The armor of the battleships and fortresses loaded with ammunition was torn apart by the powerful energy, and exaggerated explosions came and went like waves.

An afterimage cut out from the curtain wall of flames and bright light at super high speed, and the flames were divided into tumbling tracks behind her, extending all the way into the enemy formation.

It seems that Her Royal Highness the Princess is on the expedition herself.

But it's true. This princess may be different from others. In addition to the appeal of the royal bloodline and the majestic mountains, the only thing a person can use seems to be muscles.

Rather than sitting in the back row and acting as a mascot, it is more practical to lead the charge and lead the charge.

And at this time, she was wearing more advanced equipment than when she came to Earth. Her wrists are equipped with high-heat beams capable of cutting through the armor of battleships, and the armor and force field on her body can offset and absorb various forms of energy. The leg armor is designed to maximize her super speed, and her arm strength is also greatly improved.

Even in her naked state, Maxima is already a superhuman character. With the addition of a divine outfit, she can match an army even in Almeric.

Of course, that's usually the case.

The afterimage of Her Royal Highness crashed through the burning curtain wall and blasted through a solid chariot. There was a whirlwind behind her, and she suddenly stopped in front of a turret. Holding the barrel of the gun with her bare hands, she uprooted the entire turret and swung it like a baseball bat.

Until an exaggerated energy from nowhere hit her. The bright light from that shot could be seen across the battlefield, like the brief flash of a blazing sun. The powerful energy made Maxima groan and fly backwards. The half of the turret in her hand was annihilated and shattered by the overbearing energy.

"That shouldn't be the case. My armor should be able to absorb it."

Maxima covered her head and stood up unsteadily.

The other party used some kind of unknown weapon, a technology unknown even to them, Almeric. But she heard from her subordinates that that one might come from Apokolips.

Minister Zazo originally launched a coup with the support of Mechanical Superman and his army of machine hunters. Not long ago, his backstage person went to the solar system and has not returned yet. The princess Maxima, who had been missing for a long time at the key point, returned to Almeric and contacted the resistance forces. The situation was briefly reversed.

But the sudden intervention of Apokolips reversed the situation again.

Maxima doesn't know why Apokolips is here, and she doesn't care.

She heard someone shouting in her ears, and the severe tinnitus made it difficult for her to hear clearly. But she was relatively sure that it was the headquarters calling her name, and a loyal subordinate begging her to retreat.

But she cut off the signal and didn't respond. She took a deep breath of air mixed with the smoke of the battlefield and stood up straight.

She was the princess of Almeric, but more than that. She is also the strongest warrior on the planet.

She's not good at using her brain, so this is all she can do.

Maxima takes off again. My ears were still ringing and I couldn't hear anything clearly. But she instinctively locked onto the direction of the shot. She reached subsonic speed almost instantly after leaving the ground, and within ten seconds she would exceed the limit speed of an atmospheric aircraft on this planet. She's so fast that most weapons can't lock onto her.

But when the afterimage passed over the enemy formation, she suddenly froze.

Just as someone paused the scene that was being played ten times in fast forward, Maxima was frozen in mid-air. Thunder and lightning shot out from nowhere and wrapped around her body like a chain, binding her in place and unable to move.

A trap. Speed ​​Trap, a trap designed by Apokolips for speedsters, was originally designed to capture people much faster than her.

When Zazuo, who was at the command post behind the enemy lines, saw this scene, he twitched the corner of his mouth and showed a proud smile.

It worked.

Thanks to the support provided by the generous people of Apocalypse, his only remaining henchman is about to be caught.

"Concentrate your firepower and capture her," he ordered, "but remember, you have to capture her alive."

All kinds of heavy firepower were concentrated on Maxima, and all the muzzles flashed together. Maxima's pupils shrank, and her super speed allowed her to clearly feel the firing of each cannon, the vibration of the air being penetrated by energy, and the gradual transfer of temperature.

But nothing can be done.

The one who loses at this moment will not only be the princess, but also the royal bloodline that is still resisting on this planet, and it will also represent the entire Almeric.

Everyone knows that after this battle, the new regime of this once glorious planet will become a puppet of outsiders.

The overlord from Apokolips.

Maxima closed her eyes. But at this moment, the rumble echoing in his ears disappeared.

Instead, there is the sound of light.

The incandescent light that illuminated the entire battlefield bloomed like a huge lotus. A beam of light shot straight into the sky, and a giant bathed in light appeared among the flying particles.

The firepower that was enough to evaporate the strongest fortress was washed away by the strong light in just an instant, disappearing into thin air between heaven and earth.

Both warring parties stopped, and countless shocked eyes focused on the giant.

Shen You lowered his arms and slowly glanced at the familiar equipment among Zazuo's army.

Tianqi Technology.

The moment this thing appeared, the nature of the war changed from civil war to interstellar invasion.

match of major.

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