I become light in American comics

Chapter 293 Parallax reaction

Not only the captain, but also the entire team, everyone on the planet was shocked when they saw this scene.

That invincible monster that left them helpless, that terrifying existence that they couldn't leave even a scratch with all their firepower, could they be killed in front of this giant of light with just one punch?

While the captain's heart was filled with turmoil, he was also convinced in his heart.

In that flash of lightning, everyone on their ship moved to this place at the moment of the explosion, and it was this existence that saved them all by miraculous means.

After all, what are the chances that you will see two such powerful beings in your lifetime?

In the eyes of others, the monster was killed instantly, but in fact, Shen You carefully looked and scanned the creature before punching. It's just that his observation and thinking speed are so fast that in the eyes of others, it seems like it happened in a flash.

And he also roughly figured out what this monster was.

That thing was originally a local creature, and most of the elements he found in the monster were in line with the local characteristics of Axor Planet. But it was infected, and there was a trace of the reaction of the terrifying spectral fragments in its body. Not very strong, but definitely scanned.

So the state of this thing is actually similar to Hector who was infected by the fragments of Parallax in the Green Lantern movie. Just as Hector, who was just a mortal, was infected and gained superpowers rivaling the Green Lantern, this creature also mutated into such a powerful posture under the influence of the fragment's power.

After killing the monster instantly, Shen You also absorbed the remaining reaction of the fragment.

He even thought that if he collected enough fragments, he might be able to piece together a yellow lantern ring by using the emotional spectrum technology he mastered to refine it.

After finishing, Shen You turned around and looked at the Aksol people below who looked in awe. He thought for a while and decided to follow the custom of the Austrian tribe. After giving a mysterious and mysterious nod, he soared into the sky, exploded a sonic boom in mid-air, and disappeared into the sky without a trace. .

Even after he disappeared, the people in Aksol still raised their heads and looked in the direction of his disappearance for a long time.

The giant of light from the starry sky, it seems that this legend will not disappear from the planet Axor for at least the next century.

Several coordinates with similar reactions are also marked in the Milky Way.

There was a time when he thought the Milky Way was a very big place, but that was long gone now. With his current speed and vision, the entire interstellar sector is actually only the size of a palm, let alone a mere galaxy.

In addition, the separate work does not affect other work anyway. Shen You, who has gradually learned the secret of multitasking in two places, now has enough time to figure out what the parallax monster is planning.

He is beginning to understand more and more why multi-faceted bosses love to spread their avatars all over the world. It is really convenient and efficient.

Not long after the interstellar jump, he visited the coordinates of the remaining discoveries in the galaxy, and found that extraordinary individuals infected by similar fear spectral reactions appeared on different planets.

Shen You solved them all along the way, collecting every energy fragment while spreading the legend of the Giant of Light along the way.

If after the battle with Darkseid before, his name was only spread among higher-level civilizations, then this time it was mainly spread among some secondary civilizations.

It won't be long before the entire galaxy will slowly accept this little Ultra shock.

At this moment, the culprit that caused this "Giant of Light One-Day Interstellar Tour", the incarnation of fear, the Yellow Lantern Parallax Monster, is inhabiting a dark corner of the galaxy.

In fact, it didn't intend to stay here. To be honest, if it had a choice, after the beating it suffered last time in the solar system, it would definitely want to stay as far away from this place as possible.

Now that I think about it, Parallax Monster feels like he has turned into a non-chief. In such a huge universe, we haven't seen the movement of Hope Spectrum in so many years. It just happened that at the moment when he regained his freedom, and at the place where he was preparing to cause trouble, he bumped into such an unscientific giant head-on.

To be fair, the helper that came out from the opposite side at that time was the Green Lantern Beast Ion Shark, so Parallax Monster felt that it might not be impossible to defeat him.

But there are unforeseen circumstances, and even if the character is as strong as a lamp beast, there is nothing he can do about it. As a result, its previous entity was beaten to ashes, and the article had to be read from the beginning. It’s over now, because the place where it died last time was in the solar system, so although it drew energy from the fear spectrum to reshape the entity, people are still not far away.

It's too weak to star jump. The Milky Way is not very big, but if you want to escape completely by flying, you will probably have to fly until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

So it temporarily found a place to hide, concealed its aura, and reluctantly separated part of the little power it had just condensed, and released it to the surroundings, hoping to infect some individuals and feed back some fear energy to itself. .

Don’t ask for too much energy. The ambition that Oa had to dominate the universe when it first regained its freedom disappeared the moment it learned that Hope Spectrum was resurrected.

Now it just hopes to at least gather enough strength to jump through the stars and get a ticket out of this place of right and wrong.

Parallax released the fragments, then waited patiently. Waited.

As I waited, I began to feel something was wrong.

No, where are my fragments? Why hasn't there been any movement in the past half day?

be lost?

"Is this the last one?"

Shen You held a creature that looked like a giant helmeted crab in his hand and flew in the air in the eyes of the residents of a certain planet as if they were looking at a god.

"It seems so, sir." Pal said, "There are currently no other similar fear spectrum energy responses. However, the warship is still continuing to perform the scanning process. If the radar captures new signals, I will notify you immediately."

"Okay. So what do you think these pieces look like they're doing?"

Shen You threw the giant monster into the air with one hand, then fired an Ultra Shot and blew it into pieces.

Of course, I didn't forget to extract the fear fragments and collect that energy.

"Just an inference, it looks like it is deliberately creating fear." Pal said, "Collecting and capturing the emotion of fear can accelerate the absorption of yellow light spectrum energy."

"I think so. Maybe the Parallax Monster is still around here?" Shen You said.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out. However, no similar reaction has been found yet, and the radar is scanning."

Shen You thought for a while.

"Maybe it was hidden intentionally, but this way, mark the discovery coordinates of all the fear fragments found so far. There must be a center point when the fragments are released by the Parallax monster. If we simulate the curve of all the fragments being released, we may be able to calculate where it may be hiding. s position."

Although Parallax Monster is well hidden and well concealed, and cannot be directly scanned by radar, he can still make calculations and inferences.

There is no need for an exact location, just mark a few possible general areas, and Shen Youfei will go over and investigate them one by one, and you will have a good chance of finding them.

"Okay, sir."

As Shen You spoke, he had already flown away from another planet and was flying towards the edge of the galaxy.

"Okay, it looks like we've found everything we're looking for. Now we can almost go back home. What's over there?"

He slowed down slightly, and his super senses expanded outward, trying to catch a trace of movement flashing outside his field of vision.

It sounded like some kind of battle, and it felt quite intense.

"The star map is being retrieved for comparison. We have already flown into the star domain under Almeric's jurisdiction, sir." Pal said, "Want to go over and have a look?"

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