Superman is almost synonymous with invincibility on earth. You may have never seen him, but it's absolutely impossible that you haven't heard of him, and it's even more impossible that you don't know what he's capable of.

The moment that "S" appeared on the battlefield, a sentence seemed to appear in the minds of Deherian's soldiers.

game over.

What happened next was just as expected. Superman's figure flickered, and a red and blue afterimage flew through the air like a whirlwind. Without being able to see his movements clearly, a series of explosions were heard in the air, and the soldiers' mechas exploded and became paralyzed.

The guns in their hands are very strong, but that is compared to earth weapons. When it comes to Superman, we can't say it has no effect. I can only say... well, it has no effect.

Their flying mechas are very cool very quickly, but in front of Superman they can only be considered better than nothing at best, something is better than nothing.

Generally speaking, conflicts and disputes between countries are not within the scope of Superman's work, but when it rises to the level of interstellar invasion, the nature is completely different. Superman also showed everyone in just one minute what a dramatic role he could single-handedly play in a war if he wanted to.

For them, this is just the beginning of their nightmare.

Followed by Supergirl. Although she rarely appears in public, the deterrent effect of wearing the same "S" as Superman on her chest is already strong enough. And the facts soon proved that their worries were not unnecessary. The girl's performance was not inferior to Superman at all. She swept across the battlefield like a gust of wind, and everywhere she went, the mechas exploded and people were turned upside down.

Followed by Martian Manhunter. This one is a heavyweight in a literal sense. The Martian immediately activated his transformation ability when he landed on the ground. His body expanded to more than fifty meters tall, and his body shape transformed into an upright terrifying dragon. Along the back to the tail were long tail fins, and he opened his mouth to spit out scorching flames.

Everyone was even more dumbfounded.

Forget about Superman and Supergirl, what's the situation if the meow-like Godzilla also comes to join in the fun?

"Hold on, Alpha Lightning is coming for reinforcements!"

A sharp-knife-like squad pierced out of Dehryan's camp and outflanked the battlefield along two routes.

This is a special team. They are not equipped with thick exoskeleton armor like conventional flight formations, but a closer-fitting suit. When in operation, fluorescent stripes spread all over the body. Although its defense is weak and most of its weapons are missing, it possesses extraordinary running speed.

Because of this, they never fight head-on in battle arrangements, but are better at flanking guerrillas. Using the speed to come and go without a trace to support the frontal troops, the enemy will never know who attacked them.

Generally speaking this is the case.

However, as soon as the team started running, they saw a red-gold afterimage chasing them directly from behind. The figure was covered in golden lightning, turned around, faced them and walked backwards, while looking at the suits on their bodies with wide eyes and curiosity.

"Wow, you guys run so fast. What kind of technology is this? It doesn't look like the Speed ​​Force."

A whole team of people were dumbfounded.

It felt a bit like buying some top-speed magical equipment with some coupons in the game. Just when I was about to go out and kill everyone, a naked guy came up from behind and overtook me as if nothing had happened. Ask, big brother, do you want to buy it?

No, running backwards is too much, right?

The harm is secondary, the main thing is that it is extremely insulting.

"It's The Flash! The Flash from Central City!" someone shouted.

"Get him!"

All the soldiers took out their guns and opened fire, and energy beams shot out. The Flash swayed to the side and muttered: "Well, forget it if you don't want to say it. There's no need for you to be so ugh. They are really a group of grumpy people."

As he spoke, he stepped forward, and a red afterimage flashed past the entire speeding team with electric current. The soldiers felt a flash of red in front of their eyes, and instinctively raised their arms to protect their faces, but the expected super-speed impact did not come.

On the contrary, they only felt a little chilly on their bodies, especially their crotches.

Looking down, the whole team froze.

They were stripped naked.

In an instant that was too fast to react, the Flash ran arrogantly through the middle of their team, and in the process, he took off all their high-tech suits and firearms one by one.

So when I came to my senses, a whole team of people were running naked on the battlefield.

What speed is this! ?

The entire Alpha Flash team was dumbfounded.

Fortunately, they thought alien technology was awesome before, and they thought they were invincible if they could run faster than bullets. Now, if you compare it, do you think that the three-legged cat's skills can be called speed?

There were so many people in the team, and the speed suits were all operating at full power. The Flash was able to strip them all naked one by one, but no one reacted. Apparently, this means they may be no different to The Flash than an octogenarian walking in the park.

After all, do you care which snail is Bolt among snails?

If they thought it was insulting for someone to run backwards in front of them before, now they found that it really wasn't.

After all, it seems now that even if someone jumps on one foot incorrectly, or even crawls, they can run faster than them.

At the same time, the formations nearby were also suffering various degrees of physical and mental torture.

For example, at this moment, no one was aware of the fierce fighting on the battlefield, and a huge shadow fell from the sky. A group of Deherian warriors shrouded in shadow raised their heads, and suddenly saw a huge shadow falling in mid-air.

Green, huge and heavy, it looks like a steamroller?

"Eat my steamroller!"

A steamroller fell from the sky, accompanied by a rumble that shook the mountains. The Green Lantern, who controlled the concrete steamroller from afar, descended from the sky, and a green trumpet appeared on his lips, with a loud and powerful voice.

"Aliens, listen, your behavior has violated interstellar law. I am the Green Lantern of Sector 2814. If I know what I am doing, I will raise my hands and be arrested. You have the right to remain silent, but every word you say will be..."

The lamp ring reminded: "In fact, according to European and Arab laws, the actions of Apokolips are generally not within the jurisdiction of the lamp group."

"Shut up, whatever I say, don't tear me down!" Hal scolded angrily.

Deng Jie remained silent.

However, the battle below is raging. High-tech soldiers are fighting a group of super-powerful gods in darkness. Well, fighting may not be very appropriate. Because the opponent is mainly responsible for beating and they are responsible for suffering.

But anyway, no one has time to talk to Hal at the moment.

Hal was bored and removed the speaker.

"Well it seems like no one has time to talk to us. In that case"

Hal raised the light ring, the green light shone, and countless metal parts materialized, and they were assembled and assembled around him until he transformed into a mobile suit more than 20 meters tall, covered with weapons from head to toe, with green lights flashing on its chest. The mark of the lamp ring.

"Then let's party together!"

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