I become light in American comics

Chapter 251 What a coincidence

There are countless stories related to Apokolips in DC, and Darkseid always targets the earth whenever he has something to do. But among the various versions of the world, Shen You could only remember one version where the situation was similar to the current one.

This is how the story of Earth 2 unfolds. Earth 2 is one of the most important parallel time-spaces outside the DC main universe, and it is a desperate time-space. The heroes of Earth struggled to fight back against the invasion of Apokolips, but the ending was not satisfactory.

The three giants of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman all died, and major countries were forced to join forces to establish a world army. After a difficult and long resistance war, mankind finally faced the fate of near destruction. Even the Will of Earth itself joined the heroes in resisting the invasion, but their desperate struggle ultimately proved in vain.

The earth of that world eventually ushered in destruction.

So this familiar unfolding made Shen You instinctively feel that something was wrong.

Of course, that world didn't have time to form the Justice League, let alone Shen You. He is still relatively confident that he can prevent those disasters from coming to this world.

Just act quickly.

"Karl immediately decided to go to Deherian after seeing the news, and everyone decided to go with him." Kara said, "We are ready to leave now, will you come with us?"

"You guys go ahead, I'll be there by myself later."

After hanging up the communication, Shen You immediately said: "Pal, check the news about the Sky Eye Society. When did they get Deherian?"

Parr acted quickly as always and quickly dug out the information. Sure enough, just as Shen You thought when he was in Bellerive Prison last time, Waller deliberately summoned those specific criminals to prepare the suicide squad plan.

It was because of the Suicide Squad investigation that Sky Eye got involved.

At first, the Sky Eye Society did not notice the unknown coup in this small and remote country. They were attracted by some clues related to illegal super experiments.

The clues pointed to Deherian. Because it involved the affairs of other countries, Waller felt that it would be inconvenient for Sky Eye to take action personally due to political reasons, so he arranged for the Suicide Squad to sneak into Deherian to investigate. Even if the team's whereabouts are exposed, Sky Eye can put the blame away and show that they have nothing to do with these criminal scum.

Originally it was just to investigate an illegal super experiment, but the team sneaked in and were shocked to discover that Dehryan had been occupied by aliens. But when the team brought back this shocking information, their whereabouts were also exposed, and they fought against Deherian's flying mecha formation armed with Apocalypse technology.

Waller was originally worried about being involved in diplomatic issues, but since the shocking discovery of alien invasion, all political and diplomatic considerations have to be put aside. A head-on conflict broke out between the Sky Eye troops who had been ambushing outside the border and Dehryan's army.

After a full ten minutes of anxious fighting, Tianyan was completely defeated.

There was no way, the opposite side was an army armed with New Gods and Apocalypse technology, and there was still an unprepared encounter battle, and the ghosts came out only after fighting.

And in terms of frontal combat power, the Heavenly Eye is actually just like that.

Excluding superpowers, if the frontal firepower is to be compared with the Open Defense Team, the corresponding 80% should be similar to the MAC team. What he is good at is nothing more than setting off fireworks from airplanes and taking showers with missiles. The gun that appears to be on his waist actually functions like a fire stick. The only target he has ever killed was a crab on the beach.

So you are playing the main C on the frontal battlefield with your Sky Eye and so on. Can he fight? Can't fight! No such ability.

"Received mission instructions from the Sky Eye Society." Pal said.

"Give it to me?" Shen You raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"To Agent Mike Williams, of course," Parr said. "The Eye is calling on Deherian for help. Will Agent Williams be absent, sir?"

"No, of course it's not necessary." Shen You said, "We have our own things to be busy with, but there's nothing wrong with inserting an eye in the frontal battlefield. Just like..."

As he spoke, his figure blurred, lightning emerged, and his figure transformed into a blurry double image in the shock. The next moment, Shen You's whole body was split into two, transforming into a doppelganger.

With a flash of golden light on the doppelganger, the image changed. In an instant, the person turned into the appearance of Agent Mike Williams.

"Who says people can't multitask?"

Outside the border of Deherian, the Sky Eye Society camp.

Artillery fire lit up the sky, and violent explosions shook the air. Each explosion was like a relentless wave, and the camp was covered in a thick smell of gunpowder, and the air was filled with smoke and explosive dust.

"Hold our position? Why don't I hold my position without my head!?"

The officer held the microphone in his hand and roared.

"Does Waller know what's going on here? I told you that the enemies are armed with unknown technology. What kind of equipment do we have? With iron will? Damn it to you."

As he spoke, the energy blast exploded outside the camp, kicking up pieces of dust and debris. Their space has been compressed to the point where they are almost unable to retreat, and the artillery fire threatens to annihilate everything.

A few minutes ago, this camp on the border was also exposed. Their concealment methods were useless in the face of Tianqi's technology. A locust-like army swept in, leaving no room to fight back.

The officer was also very depressed.

He wasn't sure if it was his imagination. But it seems that as far as he knows, since dealing with aliens, their heavenly eyes seem to be always being beaten. Sometimes I deserve to die, but other times I suffer inexplicably, and I always feel like someone has put a big pot on my head that I can't take off.

"Ha, look at how bear-like they are!"

A Deherian flying soldier mecha sprayed tail flames from its back, firing while looking mockingly at the embarrassed Sky Eyes people below.

"I have to admit, it's quite interesting to watch these idiots who have been arrogant and bullying us for years running around."

Deherian is a small country, and it has always had no choice but to swallow its anger in front of the Western world. Although many people present may have reluctantly bowed their heads and joined under Steppenwolf's power at first, now they feel inexplicably happy using alien technology to kill among the guys who used to dominate them.

"Come on, come on, you liberal democratic idiots! Why don't you yell your clichés now!?"

The soldiers became more and more arrogant as they killed, flying in mid-air with energy cannons in their hands and pulling the triggers.

"No one can stop us anymore! No one!"

Then I heard a gentle voice behind me.

"Okay, then I guess I might be the 'nobody'."

The soldier who was in the mood to fight raised his eyebrows when he heard this and turned around angrily.

"Who? Who dares to challenge me!?"

Turning around, I saw a big "S" coming into view.

Superman folded his arms, his cape flying, and floated in the air with a smile under the gaze of countless eyes.

The soldier's expression instantly stiffened.

He swallowed, and the fierce expression he had just a moment ago immediately turned into a smile.

"Oh, it's you, haha, what a coincidence."

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