I become light in American comics

Chapter 175 They are all ants

The blue beam of light shot straight into the sky, and the thick black fog was completely purified. Shen You slowly lowered his arms. All Shen You did.

Seeing that the huge shadow was blown to pieces, all the "Shen You" figures were shrouded in light, turned into countless light particles and dissipated, converging back into the mobile armor.

"The Fallen Realm has completely collapsed." Pal said, "But all personnel should have been evacuated."

"Eye of Argo?"

"Preliminary scans have been carried out."

When Parr was speaking, Shen You had reached out and opened the subspace with a light wave, and took out the small jewelry in his hand.

The Eye of Argo, an object containing the divine power of Zeus, has been successfully acquired during this trip.

"Discovered a characteristic energy reading response consistent with the Olympian god. It is speculated that if the armor is removed and worn directly, it may automatically activate and grant you part of Zeus's divine power."

"It's not necessary for now."

Putting it on can directly grant divine power to mortals. It can be operated in a fool-like manner and become a god with one click. It sounds very powerful, but Shen You was not interested in this function itself in the first place. From the beginning, this thing had more research value than practical value to him.

He still has the same view that knowledge is greater than the prop itself. What the Eye of Argo can bestow is only a part of Zeus's divine power, and there's no telling if Zeus himself will be able to take it back if he jumps out.

But if we can use it to study the secrets of the divine power of Zeus, and even the entire old gods, and obtain the knowledge, it will not only be helpful when we may face the strong ones among the old gods in the future, but it may also be enlightening to ourselves. .

But what he didn't know was that just a moment ago, the Fallen Realm was shattered, and in the short time that Typhon appeared in the world, the entire Olympus had been in turmoil.

"That's it!"

Hera looked out from the rooftop of the palace and saw the thunder of Olympus rolling in the sky. Light gray clouds were floating in the sky, and strong electric light pierced the sky, splitting open large and thick clouds, followed by bursts of thunder like a giant hammer, which exploded in the ears disturbingly.

The wine glass crashed to pieces on the luxurious floor, and the red wine spread like blood.

"We must act, we must"

Hera turned hastily and entered the house.

The goddess of strife followed the voice: "Mother? What happened? Where are you going?"

At first glance, he saw that the Queen was carrying large and small bags, wearing her feather cloak, as if she was ready to run away with a bucket.

"Typhon!" Hera rolled her eyes at her and gritted her teeth, "Damn it, I should have thought of it earlier! It was it that was sealed in the Fallen Realm! I shouldn't have let that idiot Apollo in."

She did not participate in the decisive battle against Typhon, but ran away with the buckets along with the other gods early on. Among the twelve gods, Athena was the only one who faced Typhon side by side with Zeus.

Afterwards, Zeus boasted to others that Typhon had been killed by him, so Hera just thought it had died long ago. Otherwise, no one would be allowed to enter the realm of depravity and mess around.

"Now that it has woken up, even Zeus was defeated by it. Now Zeus is not here. No need to say more, let's go quickly. The first thing it will do when it wakes up is to sweep Olympus."

The expression of the goddess of strife also changed.

But she hesitated and asked.

"But it can only work alone, right?" The goddess of strife frowned, "We have so many gods in Olympus."

“There’s not much left now.”

Hera pointed out the window.

I saw a black cat running down the mountain at an unscientific speed, followed by a goat, and an ibis flapping its wings desperately in the sky. Everyone wanted to hide as far away from the mountain as possible.

"The cat is Artemis, the goat is Dionysus, and the ibis is Hermes."

The goddess of strife was shocked: "Why are they so skilled?"

"Because this happened many years ago. When Typhon attacked, Pan told us to turn into animals and escape. That's how we ran away."

The goddess of strife looked back and was even more shocked. Because she discovered that Hera had also turned into a cow?

Goddess of Dispute: "???"

"I'm also getting ready to leave. I suggest you, daughter, move quickly, otherwise you'll have to wait for it to come over.

Um? "

The heifer was about to ascend to the sky when it suddenly made a move and froze for a moment. After a moment, she changed back to Hera's appearance, looking out the window with a strange look on her face.

"what happened again?"

The goddess of strife followed her line of sight and saw that the outside had suddenly returned to calm. The wind stopped blowing and the clouds dispersed. It was sunny and windy, as if nothing had happened just now.

The goddess of strife blinked and looked at Hera: "What's going on?"

"I don't know." Hera frowned, "But it feels like Typhon is gone again?"

The goddess of strife pondered: "Maybe it jumped repeatedly on the edge of the seal?"

"How is that possible?" Hera frowned.

"That means it was killed?"

"Even more ridiculous."

The queen scoffed.

How long did it take from the induction to Typhon's appearance to his disappearance? Not even a minute.

The Storm Titan Typhon was chopped into pieces within a minute. Not to mention Zeus couldn't do it, even if they tied all the Olympus gods together and beat them up, it would be useless. If someone really had this ability, wouldn't they all become funny in Olympus?

"Then there's no other possibility?" the goddess of strife wondered.

"I don't know either, but it must be impossible. I can guarantee it with the queen's reputation." Hera shook her head, "There must be other reasonable explanations."

While talking, someone came to visit.

The goddess of strife turned her head following the sound: "Apollo, you are here, we are discussing, right? How did you end up like this?"

I saw that Apollo's originally purple-black face was blown into black, and that was all. His whole body still looked like it had been squeezed dry. His skin and muscles were all dry, and he felt like a walking dried salted fish.

"What did you do in the Fallen Realm, Apollo?" Hera frowned and yelled angrily.

Apollo sat down heavily, waved his hands, poured a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp, panting for a while before raising his head.

"You guys will never imagine what I saw."

Apollo looked like he had seen a ghost.

"That monster, that thing... is simply something that shouldn't exist in this world."

"Really Typhon? Olympus has also sensed it." Hera said in a deep voice, "We should not enter the Fallen Realm."

"No, it's not Typhon, you don't understand." Apollo shook his head repeatedly and said with difficulty, "Typhon was released but was killed by the monster."

Hera: "?"

The Queen looked strange, as if she didn't understand what he was talking about.

"Yes you heard me right, that creature from the stars, a glowing thing, he drained me dry like a broken battery.

Then he got up, got on, got an A, and Typhon failed. In less than a minute, he felt like he had crushed an ant to death. "

Hera: "???"

As the information given by Apollo was digested bit by bit, the Queen's mouth slowly opened uncontrollably, with a look of doubt on her face.

"You said, there is something that kills Typhon like an ant?" She asked in astonishment, "How is it possible? If that's true? Then don't all the gods on Mount Olympus look like them to him? Ant?"


Apollo shook his head, thought about it, and said seriously.

"Plankton at best."

Hera: "????"

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