I become light in American comics

Chapter 174 Becoming Light

He was attacked by a sneak attack, but Typhon quickly adjusted and regained his composure. All the eyes on the hundred heads were locked on the sudden appearance of the giant of light.

An opponent of the same weight as himself.

Typhon paid attention, but he still didn't take it seriously.

In the past, it threatened to demote the gods as slaves and marry Hera. Zeus was once defeated by it (although it relied on a sneak attack). The whole Olympus was killed by it and fled in all directions. What a scene it was at that time.

Therefore, Typhon's understanding to this day still remains before it was sealed and suppressed, and he felt that he was invincible.

"Now that I'm free, that only means one thing."

Typhon hummed in a deep voice.

"That's the old immortal Zeus, who is no longer here. What are you left with, those mortals, those weak gods, how can you fight with me?

I will rule the heavens and the underworld. Mortals and gods will be my slaves.”


Before he finished speaking, a radiant fist struck it with lightning and golden light effects.

On the one hand, Typhon was caught off guard before he finished his harsh words, and on the other hand, he didn't expect that the other party would be so quick. He was hit by a punch before he could react, and his huge body lumbered back.

"Roar!" Typhon was furious.

Are all modern strong men so ignorant of martial ethics? Are you starting to attack before the trash-talking session is over?

Typhon was furious, and his thick arms swept towards him with great force. But Shen You blocked it with his left arm, held the blow with the gorgeous special effects of golden light impact, and at the same time used his right hand to bombard.

Suffering another heavy blow, Typhon retreated again. The severe pain of the impact and the light energy that invaded the body caused severe pain in its internal organs.

This power and speed were far beyond Typhon's expectations. It was horrified. It didn't dare to underestimate the enemy any more. With a loud shout, hundreds of dragon heads moved together, their long necks danced like snakes, and countless mouths opened with horns. Comes from gnawing with teeth.

Lightning flashed across Shen You's body, and time suddenly slowed down in his eyes. The hundreds of dragon heads that were swooping all over the sky and almost turning into intertwined afterimages immediately slowed down in his eyes, and the attack lines and trajectories were clearly visible.

He nimbly dodged and shuttled through the staggered gaps, bypassing each dragon head and pulling it closer to him, punching Typhon's head with an uppercut.

Although Typhon has the head of a hundred dragons, only the head among them is human-shaped. This punch deformed his face and shattered his bones. When he opened his mouth, a mouthful of Titan blood spurted out.

The collision of huge forces and the burst of energy continued to collapse the world of the Fallen Realm. With the impact of a punch, countless things in the void were annihilated, and every bombardment seemed to shock the hearts of everyone in the space.

"Threat, I know these aliens are threats." Luther continued to mutter.

Diana was also a little surprised: "I didn't know he was actually so strong?"

Euryale was trembling next to her.

If there was still some thought in her heart that she wanted to avenge her sister, then this remaining thought had been wiped out with the falling of those fists just now.

Thinking about it carefully, although they are three sisters, she feels that she is not that familiar with her sister, and it seems that she is not guilty of revenge or anything like that.

"You will pay for this!"

Typhon roared, and his divine power exploded, turning into a terrifying storm! All its heads spread out in all directions, and the strong wind was like a network formed by thousands of sharp blades.

Shen You stepped away and flew into the air. But the wind seemed to increase the opponent's speed. Two of the dragons that had already been locked on his movement trajectory opened their mouths. The dark and terrifying impact exploded as if it was about to blast through the sky, lifting Ultraman into the air with unparalleled power. The body is swallowed up!

All the dragon heads of Typhon roared together, like a demonstration or a roar of joy.

However, in just a moment, the cheers came to an abrupt end.

Because the hundred dragon heads immediately opened their eyes in disbelief and saw that the Ultraman who was hit by it had transformed into two.

No, not just two.

Then two became four, four became eight, eight became sixteen.

A full circle of Shen You fell from all directions, forming an Ultraman formation. They shouted in unison and put into a fighting posture to surround Typhon.

Ah this

Facing this entire circle of siege, Typhon froze instantly.

Looking back, he would never have imagined that he would have such a moment today.

It's really starting to miss Zeus.

The remaining blood of the Sun God was almost drained, and his current swimming state was much stronger than when he had eaten the Star Cannon.

The main factor limiting the release of Ultraman's skills has always been energy. For the same skill, the limit of power when the energy is sufficient basically only exists at the limit of imagination.

The next moment, a circle of blue electric snakes began to radiate from every Ultraman.

Typhon has also recognized it with his rich combat experience.

This was a sign of the terrifying super-fast, CD-less flashing skill that the pervert in front of him had just unleashed.

But now, similar electric light floats on every clone.

As if to say.

Now guess what, can these clones of mine move using Mach, or can't they?

No prizes for correct answers.

bang bang bang bang

A series of blows, all members of Mach moved at high speed to engage in a righteous gang fight.

The Fallen Realm was finally overwhelmed and the entire realm fell apart. Almost everything in this space was annihilated, and cracks exploded everywhere.

The rest of the people had already gotten into the cracks and returned to reality before the entire magical space was completely destroyed.

Of course, the corresponding position in reality after exiting from each different crack is naturally different.

Typhon, who was being beaten, also fell into a gap and fell into a deserted wilderness.

When it raised its head, it saw that Shen You had surrounded it from all directions, and every clone made a cross-shaped gesture in an extremely neat manner.

There is a dazzling light in the hand.

Multiple Specium Rays!

A full circle of Specium surrounded and irradiated in a ring, hitting Typhon at the same instant.

The huge monster raised its head and roared, the endless light and heat tore its skin, and blasted into its body with the scorching heat of the sun.

Light energy spread quickly, blooming from the mouths and noses of the one hundred dragon heads, and shooting out from every crack in the body. Until countless cracks spread like spider webs, and intense and dazzling light filled its body.

At the end of his life, what came to Typhon's mind was not the fear of death.

But it's finally over.


A gorgeous explosion, the majestic black gas shot straight into the sky, and was assimilated into azure brilliance within a moment of release.

Typhon, turned into light.

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