I Became the Sun God

Chapter 99 They are all mortals

Here comes the sword!

I saw the handsome young man waving in the direction of the crowd.

Accompanied by his soft drink, the ancient sword that was originally placed on the altar and used for practicing martial arts suddenly let out a buzzing sword chant.


Amidst the clear sword chant, the ancient sword rose into the air and passed through the crowd in an instant.

The ordinary ancient sword showed its sharpness at this moment.

Amidst the clanging sword chant, the ancient sword flew into the young man's hand with its sharp edge.

As soon as the ancient sword was held by the young man, his whole temperament changed.

If we talk about the young man before, he had an unearthly fairy spirit and an innocence that was not familiar with the world.

Then the boy at this moment is completely different!

The pressure belonging to the gods was released a little.

The young man who was attracting everyone's attention seemed to be an unsheathed fairy sword at this moment, with sword intent soaring through his body.

Under that terrifying sword intent, everyone felt cold all over.

Breathing becomes rapid, heartbeat becomes turbulent, blood becomes cold, and body becomes numb...

In the kind of fear that originated from the soul, everyone looked at the young man in horror, and their original views collapsed in an instant.

The sword...the sword flew?

Is that sword-driving?

What's going on with this terrible smell?

Why do I feel the fear of facing a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood?

In the fear filled with endless sword intent, the young man raised the ancient sword in his hand and pointed it at the stunned Taoist priests from a distance.

Dressed in white clothes and standing in the wind, with a head full of black hair dancing like a waterfall, the young man looked like a sword fairy at this moment.

The temperament changes drastically!

From the moment the young man held the ancient sword in his hand, his whole demeanor changed.

From a perfect banished immortal to a peerless swordsman.

who I am?

where am I?

what happened?

Is Master Ziyun an idiot?

Shrouded by the young man's terrifying sword intent, all the Taoist priests felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave and almost lost the ability to think.

They looked at the handsome young man in horror, with unprecedented fear in their eyes.

If you want to cultivate your moral character, go to hell!

Who can tell me what's going on?

That handsome young man is clearly a member of the Sword Immortal.

Master Ziyun actually asked us to drag him out.

Do we look like grievances?

Although their brains have lost the ability to think, these Taoist priests still greet Master Ziyun in their hearts.

And just when they were all stiff, the young man opposite who looked like a swordsman moved.

With a flick of his wrist, the ancient sword in his hand moved as he pleased, drawing a perfect arc.

As the ancient sword was gently waved by the young man, a sword energy visible to the naked eye emerged!

This sword energy is extremely powerful, like an immortal riding on the wind, with mist and cloud shadows in the sky, full of myriads of expressions and exquisiteness.

The sword light rolled back like the Milky Way, and a deep sword mark suddenly appeared on the ground paved with stone slabs.

There was sword intent lingering on the sword mark, like a long, surging river, majestic and never-ending.

Standing in front of the sword mark, those Taoist priests had an illusion of insignificance in their hearts.


Although the energy and blood are acceptable, the flesh and blood have not been properly trained, and they are still mortals?

The young man who had slashed out his sword looked at the frightened Taoist priests with belated surprise on his face.

As if he had realized something, something strange appeared in the young man's eyes, as if a celestial river had entered his pupils.

Seeing such miraculous eyes, those old Taoist priests in gorgeous clothes suddenly felt their backs and spines froze.

Under the young man's gaze, all the veterans felt that their whole bodies had been seen through, and there was no secret left.

The energy and blood have even begun to decline, and the body still has many hidden diseases.

Aren't you seniors from Wudang Mountain?

The young man's brows furrowed tightly, and his handsome face showed a bit of confusion. The cold sword intent from before was gone.

Looking at the mysterious and powerful young man, the old Taoist priests didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, after a brief silence, the young man's face suddenly showed a look of surprise:

I see!

Wudang Mountain is a major Taoist sect, so it must be divided into inner and outer sects.

The outer gate faces worldly pilgrims, while the inner gate is where true practitioners gather.

You must be the outer disciples of Wudang Mountain!

It's a clever statement, but I would like to ask you all to inform the inner sect true cultivators that the descendants of the Sword Sect are coming to visit.

Outer disciple?

Is the inner sect really cultivating?

What are you talking about?

Master Ziyun's eyes were filled with confusion.

The little eyes were full of doubts.

As an old Taoist priest who has been worshiping in Wudang Mountain since he was a child, why didn't Pindao know that there was an inner sect?

The middle-aged Taoist has a figure like a pine tree, his beard and hair fluttering in the breeze, and he is silent like an expert.

Master Ziyun's beard and hair were gray, and his eyes were dazed at this moment, making him look unfathomable.

This kind of performance made the real people from other sects feel moved in their hearts.

Is there really an inner sect in Wudang Mountain?

Are all the legends about Wudang Mountain true?

It's so hard for this old bastard to hide it from us!

Isn’t this what I want in my life, the Great Way of Heaven and Man?

Not only the real people from other sects, but also the stunned tourists also reacted belatedly.

Although these people did not dare to speak due to the terrifying aura of the young man, they started talking about it.

But...many people have already turned their attention to those old Taoist priests.

Some of them have extremely fiery eyes.

Sword Immortal!

The legendary Sword Immortal has appeared!

Not only that, Wudang Mountain actually has an inner gate, which contains the way to refine qi and live forever.

It turns out this is what the world is like!

So this is the hidden truth!

I understand!

Xinyao, have you seen it?

This is the real Sword Immortal. There are indeed cultivators in this world!

Mr. Nan Huaijin and Mr. Chen Yining, two masters of traditional Chinese culture, have already described the sword fairy in their writings.

Now it seems that the two gentlemen must have met with their own eyes.

And their writings have not been banned, which means the authorities must know something.

On the contrary, we ordinary people are deceived by the truth and lies.

This is the real world!

Zhang Chu, standing side by side with Wang Xinyao, was so excited that his whole body was trembling.

He stared at the young man, the desire in his eyes undisguised.

In the Sword Immortal lineage, it has always been important for the master to seek his disciples, not for the disciples to seek their master.

But Wudang Mountain is different!

Xin Yao! I have decided! I want to become an immortal!

Faced with Zhang Chu's almost fanatical raving, Wang Xinyao did not show helplessness for the first time.

Because she was also shocked by the scene before her.

Just like the young man walking out of the scroll, he can wield the sword with his hand, and with one strike, the sword energy is as strong as the Milky Way.

This... is really incredible!

Wang Xinyao's head felt dizzy.

Facing the silent Master Ziyun, the young man frowned at first, then seemed to realize something, sighed guiltily and said:

I didn't pass the message with the flying sword in advance, so I took the decision and went to Wudang without permission. Today, my clever words were abrupt.

That's fine...

I would also like to ask a few seniors to spread the word that the successor of the Sword Sect will formally pay a visit to Wudang in three days to fulfill the agreement made by the elders of the two sects.

After a pause...the young man looked helpless and raised his hands to several people:

This junior has reached a bottleneck in his cultivation.

My master specially gave me some advice before he came down the mountain.

The real Wudang Demon Map in Wudang Mountain contains the opportunity for juniors to break through.

I also ask many elders in Wudang to fulfill my wish.

After saying that, he saw the young man holding a sword in his hand.

Immediately, the mighty sword energy emerged out of thin air, wrapped around the young man and turned into an escaping light, disappearing into the sky in an instant.

The huge Wudang Mountain was completely silent.

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