I Became the Sun God

Chapter 98 The sword comes

Brother Ziyun, Wudang Mountain is really full of talents.

In the square in front of the Taihe Palace, a group of Taoist priests in black formed a square formation, performing Tai Chi like clouds and flowing water.

Sitting on the chief's desk, the head of Qingwei Palace looked envious and said to the old Taoist next to him.

There is no way, the entire Hubei region is dominated by the Wudang Mountain family.

Small temples like Qingweigong were assigned to the jurisdiction of Wudang Mountain decades ago and can be regarded as a subordinate institution.

Since they are affiliated institutions and they are so close together, we cannot miss the Zhai Jiao in Wudang Mountain.

But if you are not absent, you will not be absent. Every time the old Taoist comes to participate in the ceremony, he feels aggrieved.

I just sit there like a mascot. Who among the tourists and media recognizes me?

Hearing the sour voice of Master Shen Yu, Master Ziyun of the Wudang Sect chuckled:

This is all because of the country's good policies.

But having said that, we are all busy with worldly affairs, so we have lost our freedom.

It's not like the elders in the family, who are surrounded by morning dew and morning light all day long, how comfortable and unrestrained they are.

As the management of Wudang Mountain, Ziyun Zhenren is no longer a pure Taoist priest.

Although he has rich knowledge of Taoist theory and is proficient in Tai Chi, he still has to be responsible for various chores externally.

Compared with the leader who is active in politics, Ziyun Zhenren is more like the steward of Wudang Mountain. He has to take care of everything big and small.

Everyone knows that Tai Chi uses softness to overcome hardness, and it is a first-rate martial arts skill.

But they don't know that the original meaning of Tai Chi is a health-preserving exercise that harmonizes yin and yang.

Looking at the Tai Chi practice below, Master Ziyun didn't know what he thought of, and shook his head helplessly.

I will have to trouble all fellow Taoists for the fasting ceremony later.

After a few casual sighs, Master Ziyun calmed down and said to the people around him with a smile.

Zhai Jiao is not as simple as a Taoist practice. There are many details in it.

The most intuitive thing is that the Taoist priests who perform the Zhaijiao ceremony must have the same identity.

Only in this way can we appear sincere to God.

Although the Zhaijiao ceremony in Wudang Mountain has become a commercial activity, the people on Mount Wudang dare not fool around with it.

A Tai Chi performance is a performance, and when the Zhaijiao ceremony begins, it must be presided over by a real cultivator from Wudang.

No matter where you are, this is my job.

It's a pity that the teacher doesn't like the excitement, otherwise how could I have the qualifications to do this?

Senior Brother Ziyun, you're welcome.

Several old Taoist priests at the table responded to Taoist Ziyun with a smile.

After receiving responses from his colleagues, Master Ziyun took a deep breath and slowly stood up from his seat.

As Master Ziyun pressed down with his hands, those practicing Tai Chi below all stopped with a light drink.

Bang bang bang bang!

A group of Taoist priests finished their work with Tai Chi routines. This scene was quite entertaining, and tourists immediately applauded like thunder.

Welcome all faithful friends to Wudang, today coincides with... eh?

Master Ziyun, wearing a robe, walked out of the table first, followed closely by the other veterans.

But before Master Ziyun could finish describing the scene, a figure at the entrance of the square successfully attracted his attention.

I saw an unparalleledly handsome young man in white, strolling towards the square.

The young man has a tall and straight posture, as if he has been relegated to the world.

Even from a long distance away, Master Ziyun was lost in thought.

Fortunately, Master Ziyun was good at nourishing his Qi, and he regained his clarity in a matter of seconds.

Which family's junior is this to have such an appearance?

Seeing Qin Ran strolling over, Master Ziyun sighed with emotion and looked at Qin Ran with admiration.

Qin Ran seemed to feel something, and met the eyes of Master Ziyun, with an unexpected expression on his face.

But that touch of surprise was soon replaced by surprise and surprise.

Under the gaze of all the old Taoists, the young man showed joy and walked quickly towards the direction of everyone.

When he reached the Tai Chi square, the young man stopped, bowed and saluted upward:

I've met all the seniors.

The junior Daoist name Wiaoyan is the contemporary successor of the Sword Sect.

This junior was ordered to enter the world by my master and came here to pay a visit to Wudang.

The young man transformed by Qin Ran is like an immortal walking out of the painting.

At this moment, he suddenly walked in front of everyone and paid homage to the veterans in front of them, making him the center of attention immediately.

Who is this person?

The current successor of the Sword Sect, what is this?

Afraid it's not an internet celebrity?

Qin Ran turned his back to the tourists.

The tourists couldn't see Qin Ran's stunning appearance, so they naturally started to comment subconsciously.

Sword Sect?

Is there such a sect in Taoism today?

Not only the tourists were confused, but the old Taoist priests present were also confused.

Although they didn't understand it, they were greatly shocked.

But after all, people become better with age. Although Master Ziyun had never heard of it, he smiled gently and said:

My little friend is from the Sword Sect?

Forgive me for being ignorant and ignorant, I have never heard of the name of Sword Sect.

But my friend is a guest, so let's participate in this Zhaijiao ceremony together.

To be honest, Qin Ran looks like a young man at first glance.

At such an age, one can only watch and cannot participate in the fasting ceremony.

Master Ziyun saw that Qin Ran was handsome and extraordinary, so he said this out of love for talents.

I have to say that this era is an era of looking at faces.

Qin Ran's tender face is enough for all ages.

However, facing the kindness of Master Ziyun, the young man seemed to be anxious:

Senior...junior, I am not here to participate in the fasting ceremony.

I dare to ask all the seniors of Wudang, do you remember the agreement between Master Sanfeng and my Sword Sect three hundred years ago?

What the hell?

Master Ziyun narrowed his eyes, his head filled with confusing question marks.

Has Master Sanfeng been cured?

What are you talking about?

Could it be...another layman who seeks fame and wealth?

After a brief moment of confusion, such thoughts arose in Master Ziyun's mind.

Master Ziyun's face turned cold, then he shook his head and said sternly:

You young man, don't act nonsense!

Is the Daomen Zhaijiao a place where you seek fame and fortune?

Why don't you retreat quickly?

After being scolded by Master Ziyun, the anxiety on the young man's face became even more anxious:

How can senior say that?

This junior came to visit Wudang precisely because of the agreement between the two factions.

Back then, the noble sect Sanfeng Zhenren...

Before the young man could finish speaking, Master Ziyun waved his hand and said with an indifferent expression:

Disciples, please pull this young man out. Wudang Zhaijiao does not allow common people to be presumptuous.


As soon as Master Ziyun finished speaking, the Taoist priests performing Tai Chi gathered around the young man.

Facing the hundreds of Taoist priests who gathered around him, the young man's handsome face showed hesitation, and he became firm after a moment.

Seeing that he was about to be surrounded by a large number of Taoist priests, the boy in white suddenly stretched out a palm:

Here comes the sword!

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