I Became the Sun God

Chapter 51 Snowflakes are fluttering and the north wind is blowing

Almost ignored this big baby.

Qin Ran, who returned to the Yanyang tribe, naturally turned on optical invisibility.

Qin Ran, who was standing on the altar, looked at the totem pole more than three meters high in front of him, with a somewhat helpless expression on his face.

Such a precious thing was actually ignored by me.

The totem pole can store my divine power and continue to protect the Yanyang tribe. It obviously also contains divine treasures.

It's a pity that I just became a god and didn't notice this thing for a while.

Qin Ran opened and closed his eyes and could clearly see a ball of golden light in the totem pole.

Like the One-Eyed Stone King, the ball of golden light was none other than the body of the Sun God.

Once the Sun God is born with consciousness, this ball of golden light will be his body, making him an independent life.

But unfortunately, the current Sun God is Qin Ran.

The totem sun god is long gone.

With such a treasure, the training of the Sun Spear may be much faster.

Qin Ran put his handprint on the totem pole, and powerful divine power invaded the totem pole, causing a fiery red line to appear on the totem pole.

It is a scene that can only be formed when the stone is burned into liquid but does not flow down.

Looking at the scorching magma, Qin Ran put the sun gun up.

As soon as the Sun Spear came into contact with the magma, it slowly sank into the totem pole as if being dragged by an invisible hand.

Divine power gathered in his eyes, and Qin Ran looked inside the totem pole.

As soon as the gun blank made from the one-eyed stone king's divine body entered the inside of the totem pole, the golden mass wrapped around it like a liquid.

That golden mass contained the power of the sun and was naturally controlled by Qin Ran.

Under Qin Ran's control, all the patterns on the gun blank were covered with gold, and the one-eye-shaped pattern was also covered with sun patterns.

Of course, this kind of coverage does not replace it, it just simply covers it.

When it is replaced, the One-Eyed Stone King will completely disappear.

With the accompanying treasures of the Sun God and the tribe's beliefs, it should be quick to refine.

But in the end, I want to refine it into my Sun Spear, so this kind of refinement should not be a waste but a replacement.

Qin Ran put his finger on the totem pole, and part of his divinity was immediately stripped away and blended into the golden mass.

His own divinity plus his faith are enough to refine the divinity of the One-eyed Stone King into his own divinity.

“The rest is just a matter of terrazzo.”

After finishing all this, Qin Ran nodded with satisfaction.

The Sun Spear is conceived in the totem pole and can be refined with the help of believers' faith to the greatest extent.

When the One-Eyed Stone King's divinity completely disappears, all that's left is Qin Ran's Sun Spear.

When Qin Ran holds the Sun God Spear, it will undoubtedly be equivalent to plugging in part of his divinity, and his power will become even more powerful.

But now Qin Ran doesn't pay much attention to the Sun Spear.

Qin Ran cares more about his tribe than the Sun Spear.

Because winter has come.

Standing on the altar and looking down, the entire tribe was covered in heavy snow.

The house that was originally built haphazardly was already overwhelmed by the heavy snow, and only a strong wind would completely collapse it.

Snowflakes are falling and the north wind is blowing.

Qin Ran didn't know why, but the melody of a plum blossom suddenly sounded in his ears.

Just seeing this scene, Qin Ran's DNA moved inexplicably, as if he saw the tidal sea spirit...

The most indispensable thing in the cold winter is the strong wind.


As soon as Qin Ran's thoughts became angry, a gust of cold wind blew the tips of his hair.

The north wind is coming.

Qin Ran looked up at the sky, and his divine intuition made him realize that this was a strong wind that would blow for three days and three nights.


The cold north wind is like the roar of a ferocious beast, echoing in the endless wilderness.

Faced with the long winter, even the top predators choose to hibernate.

Faced with the power of nature, even extraordinary things sometimes seem extremely fragile.

The cold wind howled, sweeping across the earth like an icy knife.

Thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow drifted, and countless ancient trees had their branches blown off.

what to do?

The wind is really strong this year!

The house can no longer hold on any longer. Chief, please think of a way. Without a house we will all die.

There is a fire inside the house. If the house collapses, will there be a fire?

The sky and the earth were gloomy, and the earth was covered with silver.

But the humans of the Yanyang tribe were anxious at the moment.

The houses in the tribe cannot withstand such strong winds.

Not to mention the randomly built houses in the tribe, even the houses in the northern rural areas in the real world will be disfigured after the cold wind in winter passes.

All the houses were shaking violently, making squeaking and harsh noises, and looked like they were crumbling.

We could no longer stay in such a dangerous house, so everyone in the tribe ran out.

But being exposed to the cold north wind will only make everyone more desperate.

It was so cold that the wind felt like a knife on my body.

The adults could still resist with their bodies for a while, but the child started crying as soon as he came out.

Everyone's eyes turned to the clan leader, hoping that this wise old man could once again lead the tribe through the difficulties.

But what can the patriarch do?

In order to be in line with true civilization, those backward but solid buildings were demolished. Now it is too late to regret.

Don't panic, everyone!

I'm already thinking of a way. We have spent countless winters, and we can survive this winter as well.

In the howling cold wind, the old patriarch was shaking with cold, but he still spoke loudly to stabilize everyone's mood.

Ada, you and Aru keep an eye on the newcomers.

They can read the jokes if they like, but don't let them get too thoughtful.

After comforting the clan members for a while, the old clan leader gave Ada private instructions.

The people of the Stone Pillar Tribe were conquered, but it was obviously impossible to fully integrate them.

The process of conquest requires death, and this is inherently a blood feud.

And although the other party has shaken his faith, his faith in his heart is still the One-Eyed Stone King.

The momentary wavering is only temporary.

The faith you have grown up with is not so easy to replace.

Under such circumstances, the old patriarch was afraid that they would cause trouble.

I can only pray to the gods for protection.

The old patriarch in the cold wind, after arranging everything, looked towards the direction of the altar.

There are totems of the great sun god.

Human beings are too insignificant when facing nature.

The only option now is probably to pray to the gods for protection.

Everyone listen up.

I'm afraid this wind will blow for a long time, and our house won't even be able to hold on for half a day.

There are too many old, weak, sick and disabled people in the tribe, and there is no way they can survive this strong wind.

But... don't be afraid, my people.

We are the people of the sun, and we bathe in the rays of the sun god.

The sun god will protect us.

It has to be said that the old patriarch is very good at mobilizing emotions.

When the entire tribe was confused and desperate, the old patriarch gave birth to hope in everyone's hearts with such simple words.

Yes, we can't survive the strong wind.

But we are the people of the sun, and we have the protection of the sun god.

With this thought in mind, everyone looked towards the altar with bright eyes.

And those outsiders who were ready to make a move also hid in a strange place after hearing the name of the Sun God.

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