I Became the Sun God

Chapter 50 Artifact: Sun Spear

Stone Pillar Tribe.

This tribe originally had no name.

Although the tribe can survive and reproduce under the protection of the One-Eyed Stone King, it can only be trapped here in the end.

In such a situation, it would be meaningless to distinguish one's own name from that of others.

The Shizhu tribe was just a name given by Qin Ran.

the reason is simple.

In the middle of the Stone Pillar Tribe, stands a huge stone pillar.

The stone pillar was completely raised by nature, but like a miracle, it had mysterious lines and a single eye outlined by the lines.

It was worshiped as a god.

Before the Shizhu tribe was conquered, the One-eyed Stone King was wrapped in colorful cloth and animal skins, as sacred as a wishing tree.

But now?

Before Ada and others left, they burned everything above with a fire, once again breaking the enemy's spirit.

The stone pillars that had been burned by the fire were pitch black, but Qin Ran, who was also a god, could feel that a powerful force was bred in the stone pillars.

It looks like a stone pillar, but in fact it is already extraordinary.

The shadow of the sun appeared in Qin Ran's eyes, and he looked at the one-eyed stone king without hesitation.

He could clearly feel that the divinity and power contained in the totem pole was not much weaker than his own.

But it's a pity that it's just a dead thing.

It's like a mutually beneficial symbiosis between birds and trees. The tree provides a sheltered home for the bird, and the bird cleans the tree of pests.

But even if all the birds fly away, the trees can actually still exist.

Although trees contain great vitality and strength, they are no match for humans.

As a man who inherited the divinity of the totem sun god, Qin Ran was very aware of the status of the one-eyed stone king.

After all, the One-Eyed Stone King is just a dead thing. When believers pray for power, they will instinctively give them power, but they don't know how much to give them.

After all, there is no thought.

Believers pray for power, and it will give them power according to their level of faith, and then leave it alone.

It is precisely because of this that Ada and the others can win.

But if it were another tribe that worshiped ferocious beasts as gods, Ada's little strength wouldn't be enough to fill their teeth.

However, Qin Ran saw this clearly and asked Ada and the others to travel thousands of miles to conquer.

Now the Stone Pillar Tribe no longer exists, and only the One-eyed Stone King still stands.

Because of the loss of faith, the divinity in it will gradually disappear over time, and eventually only an extraordinary body will remain.

“Waste is not an option.”

Qin Ran turned into a divine light and instantly appeared in front of the one-eyed stone king.

The aura belonging to the gods exploded, and Qin Ran's entire body was shrouded in the golden sun, and his domineering power slammed towards the stone pillar.

That is Qin Ran’s divine power!

The power of the brilliant sun is extremely blazing, and it is an extremely domineering refining process.


Before the power of the sun could touch the stone pillar, gray light burst out from the stone pillar.

In the crisp sound of clicking, two divine powers confront each other.

The golden power of the sun is domineering and sacred, and contains various powers of the divine light and blazing sun.

The power of the gray one-eyed stone king is strange and thick. It is as powerful as a mountain and can turn everything into stone.

The collision of divine powers is the collision of rules.

In this simple and crude refining process, the golden divine flames burned away the divine power of the stone pillars, and the divine power of the stone pillars also petrified the divine power of the sun into fragments.

How can a mere dead thing compete with me?

Qin Ran's deep voice sounded in the bright sun.

The overbearing divine power was released unscrupulously, completely regardless of loss and stone pillars.

A steady stream of faith came from nothingness, replenishing the divine power consumed by Qin Ran, and the spiritual energy in the dark was also mobilized by Qin Ran.

As a living god, Qin Ran has many advantages over dead objects like totems.

Even if Qin Ran didn't master the so-called magic, this kind of essential crushing alone would be enough for Shizhu to lose sooner or later.

The confrontation between the divine powers did not know how long it lasted, and the divine power of the sun finally submerged the stone pillars.

As the One-Eyed Stone King's resistance became weaker and weaker, its solid body began to melt.

Once your body is destroyed, the divinity contained in your body will completely belong to me.

Qin Ran, who was sitting cross-legged in the golden sun, looked at the one-eyed stone king with bright eyes.

Unlike living creatures like the Thunder Lord, where most of the divinity is contained in the soul, all divinity is dispersed in the body of a divine totem like the One-eyed Stone King.

If you want to refine its divinity, you must first refine its body.

Divine power permeated the heaven and earth, like a sacred force field, covering hundreds of meters in radius.

This is a world of light and heat, everything is turned into fly ash, and the earth melts into magma under the power of the sun.

Under this overbearing power, the totem without any consciousness finally began to melt away.

Amidst the ticking sound, the red liquid emitted thick smoke and continued to fall to the ground.

The golden flames and divine light also became more and more convergent, and finally they were only the size of a human head.


At this moment, Qin Ran raised his eyebrows:

Is this part of your body already deified?

It seems that in the future the totem will give birth to consciousness, and this will be its physical origin.

It's much stronger than my flesh and blood body.

With a thought, Qin Ran dispersed his domineering power.

In the void, a group of dark liquid floated there, with divinity permeating it.

This is the most essential part of the One-Eyed Stone King, and it is also the part of the entire totem pole that has been completely transformed by divine power and divinity.

Just like Qin Ran said, if the One-eyed Stone King can give birth to consciousness, this will be its physical origin.

But it is a pity that the One-eyed Stone King cannot be born with consciousness.

After being completely smelted, Qin Ran only needs to extract its divinity, and the one-eyed stone king will disappear completely.

This kind of disappearance is not only a physical disappearance, but also a conceptual disappearance.

The only thing left is probably this essence, which can be called a treasure of heaven and earth.

But I changed my mind.

Qin Ran looked at the liquid with flashing eyes.

Originally, he only planned to plunder the opponent's divinity, but after seeing the ball of liquid, Qin Ran suddenly changed his mind.

It is absolutely rare to see the complete fusion of divinity and material, even the fusion without distinction between each other.

Such a treasure would be useless if it were not refined into a divine weapon.

Although the divinity is precious, the artifact is not bad either.

If I use this thing to refine weapons and refine the divinity in it into my divinity, wouldn't I have a divine weapon?

Although the divinity is left in the artifact, the artifact is under my control. In the final analysis, it still belongs to me.

With such thoughts in his mind, Qin Ran's thoughts suddenly changed.

Under the force field of the sun's authority, the liquid was pinched by invisible hands, and finally turned into a pitch-black spear.

On the spear, there are mysterious lines and a one-eye.

Obviously, the one-eyed stone king has not completely disappeared.

When I refine and assimilate the divinity, this spear will transform into a sun spear.

Qin Ran stretched out his hand and the spear flew into his hand.

Qin Ran, holding a spear in his hand, turned into a divine light and flew towards his tribe.

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