I Became the Sun God

Chapter 35 Healing Ability

Apostle of Ra, how is this possible?

Mark's neck was strangled tightly, and his face turned red from suffocation.

But even so, Li Fei still felt a sense of absurdity in his heart.

Apostle of the ancient Egyptian sun god?

Are you kidding me?

How can there be a God in this world?

Although he didn't want to believe it, Mark's power was real.

This was enough force to crush him easily.

Faced with such power, Li Fei, who was full of desire for survival, suddenly changed his attitude:

Mr. Mark, listen to me first.

Misunderstanding...it's all a misunderstanding...

‘Put me down first, okay? As long as you are willing to let me go, we can discuss everything. ’

I can satisfy any request you have.

Faced with the threat of death, Li Fei stopped putting on airs and spoke proficient English, begging for mercy with a painful expression.

Mark looked at Li Fei with an indifferent expression.

If it had been anything else, Mark might have relented.

But now Daisy is involved.

Mark, who grew up with Daisy, would never allow Daisy to be harmed in any way.

Mark didn't believe a word of the misunderstanding Li Fei said.

If he had not become a Sun Knight, would Li Fei be as humble as he is now?

It's simply impossible.

He would only allow himself and Daisy to experience unimaginable despair.


After that, go to hell!

Mark glanced at Li Fei indifferently, then easily crushed his neck with a crisp sound.

Mortals are too fragile when facing extraordinary beings.

After killing Li Fei, Mark was not as scared as expected, but instead felt very calm.

Is it because I am an apostle of Ra?

Praise be to the great Creator of the Sun!

The image of the God of La appeared in his heart, and Mark praised him in his heart.

Daisy, are you okay?

After thanking the gods in his heart, Mark quickly helped Daisy up and looked at her with a distressed expression.

Because of Li Fei's abuse, his face and body, which were originally full of youthfulness, had a lot of bruises.

Brother...I'm so scared...

Daisy was trembling all over and couldn't help but fell into Mark's arms, her body twitching constantly.

It's okay, it's okay.

It's all over... I will protect you from now on and won't let anyone bully you again.

Mark's face was full of distress, and he patted Daisy's back gently, trying to comfort her as much as possible.

The power of light filled his palms.

Every time he patted Daisy's body, there was a halo like ripples, spreading all over Daisy's body from Mark's palm.

That is the power of healing!

As the ripples of light flowed, the bruises on Daisy's body began to fade away visibly.

The warm atmosphere contained in the light power also quickly calmed down Daisy's spirit.

Daisy, who had calmed down, looked up at Mark, her blue eyes filled with confusion:

Brother...what is this?

Have you awakened your superpower?

Like Superman?

Daisy thought about the heat vision just now, and the first image that came to her mind was Superman.

Mark rubbed her head lovingly and said softly:

Where are the superpowers and supermen?

My power was given to me by the god Ra, and now I am Ra's sun knight on earth.

Ra Shen?

Daisy blinked in disbelief:

Is he the sun god in Egyptian mythology?

Could it be that...the myth is true?

Daisy was a little excited and a little confused.

The teenage years are a time of great imagination, especially the worship of superheroes.

To be worshipped is to worship.

In this era of prosperous technology, anyone who is not a fool knows that superheroes are just fantasy.

As for the gods?

It has always been just an illusory spiritual sustenance.

But it’s different now!

The changes in her brother's body were so obvious that Daisy had to believe it all.

The god Ra really exists?

Daisy covered her mouth in surprise.

Then she seemed to think of something, and her whole body hung on Mark's neck:

Then my brother became a superhero?

Where's the Sun Knight!

Mark put Daisy down lovingly, then pointed at Li Fei's body and said:

He's still a superhero, and he's pretty much a supervillain.

Although Li Fei is dead now, this matter is definitely not over.

Let's get out of here first and think about the long term.

After being reminded by Mark, Daisy remembered that there was a corpse next to her, and couldn't help but whiten her face and said:

Ah...what should we do?

You were so impulsive just now, you shouldn't have killed him.

Mark heard this and shook his head with a smile:

The result will be the same whether you kill him or not.

I am now Ra's knight, and I am destined to be targeted by many people.

And... if he dares to bully my sister, even if he is the president, I will kill him myself.

Mark doesn't regret his actions at all.

Because he knew very well that whether Li Fei died or not, trouble would follow.

Then what should we do?

Daisy asked with a worried look on her face.

Although Daisy is not mature enough, she can imagine how many people will peep at the appearance of an extraordinary person.

If nothing else, the Hulk in the movie almost makes people turn into dogs.

Unlike Daisy’s worries, Mark is full of confidence:

I don't know what to do, but there's no need to worry.

As long as we survive until the gods return, all our enemies will become a joke.

After all, I am Ra's knight...

Return of the gods?

Daisy felt like her head was dizzy!

Co-author Not only do gods exist, but will the mythical gods return?

Then Mark’s current identity is not simple.

Then aren't you almost the same as Pharaoh now?

Daisy's eyes suddenly lit up.

As a girl who has lived in Egypt since she was a child, she is certainly familiar with Egyptian mythology.

In the history of ancient Egypt, the Pharaoh was not only the monarch of ancient Egypt, but also the spokesperson of God on earth.

And now...the gods haven't returned yet, so Mark may be the only spokesperson for Ra in the world.


Mark knocked Daisy on the head, directly interrupting her random thoughts:

Daisy, times have changed.

It is still unknown when the God of La will return. We can only rely on ourselves now.

Your brother and I can't stand the gun right now, so the final thing now is to leave first.

We have any relatives in Egypt. I'll see if I can send you there to avoid the limelight.

After saying that, Mark took Daisy and walked out.

Daisy's eyes widened and she said coquettishly:


My brother is the knight of Ra, I want to be with you!

I do not care!

Watching the brothers and sisters leave, Qin Ran also flew out.

Not to mention the initial success of the experiment, I seem to have some unexpected gains.

And now...it's time to check out these windfalls.

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