I Became the Sun God

Chapter 34 The God of La is on top

Eyes are the windows to the soul.

People with gloomy minds often have sinister eyes.

As the holder of the rules, the eyes of the gods are incredibly powerful.

With just a casual glance, everyone present felt a terrifying pressure disappear in a flash.

It was as if... a big sun was passing over their heads, and the terrifying pressure made their souls tremble.

what happened?

Just now...I seemed to be scared!

My mind went blank just now, what happened?

The security personnel present were panting heavily like rescued drowning people.

And Li Fei was even more unbearable.


My heart almost stopped just now!

Li Fei cursed.

At this time, someone finally noticed Mark's change, and screams suddenly sounded.

By Allah! What is that?

Light! Light is like liquid!

Look at Mark, his body is glowing!

Look at his legs, they seem to be recovering!

Mark's whole body was glowing, and his body was visibly recovering. This vision shocked everyone.

Li Fei looked at Mark subconsciously.

The incomprehensible change in Mark's body made his expression serious.

He let go of Daisy from under his feet, pulled out a pistol from his waist, and aimed at Mark without hesitation.

Quite decisive?

Qin Ran showed an unexpected expression.

He didn't expect this second generation to have such a decisive side.

However, Qin Ran's expression was very relaxed, and he was not worried at all that Mark would be beaten to death.

With extraordinary power and divine protection, nothing in this world can kill Mark except nuclear bombs.

Of course, when his divine protection ends, Mark will no longer be so invincible.

At that time, he was just an extraordinary person.

There was no way he would become invincible if he came up.

He is not his biological son.

Die to me!

Seeing the heat wave spreading from Mark's body, Li Fei, holding the pistol, decisively pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang!

With the sound of gunshots echoing in the basement, three bullets were fired continuously by Li Fei.

But just as Li Fei curled his lips, a crisp sound froze his expression.

Ding ding ding…

There was a sound like metal clashing, and three deformed bullets fell to the ground.


The pistol hit Mark on the body, but he was still unhurt!

What the hell is this!

Li Fei's mentality was a little unbearable.

Everything happening in front of him was beyond his control.

But after all, he had a ruthless temper. After Li Fei realized something was wrong, he immediately roared:

Are you all blind?

Take out the guns for me, no matter what the hell he is, I don't believe I can't kill him!

Li Fei's power still exists.

Under Li Fei's order, even though the security personnel present were frightened, they still took out their weapons.

Da da da!

Countless bullets poured out like a torrential rain, but it was of no use at all.

That sacred light seemed to be eternal and unbreakable, blocking all bullets.


Endless power!

Fiery and divine power!

As dark energy was absorbed by Mark, Mark's body recovered rapidly, and majestic power was born in his body.

That's an amazing feeling.

It is obviously an unprecedented power, but it is controlled by myself like instinct.

Ding ding ding ding!

With the crisp sound of landing, Mark, whose body had fully recovered, slowly climbed up from the ground.

The great god Ra...

Praising God in his heart, Mark looked at the security personnel.

He knew that Ra's blessing was about to end, and that almost absolute defense bonus was also going to disappear.

Although he has the power bestowed by the god Ra, he cannot completely ignore the power of firearms.

When these troubles are solved, it's time for revenge!

Facing the fire from a large number of firearms, Mark tried to direct the power in his body towards his eyes.

This is an instinct, an instinct that comes from force feedback, just like a person knows how to pee.

As the extraordinary power was mobilized, the blood vessels around Mark's eyes began to glow, and the light converged along the blood vessels to his eyes, filling his eyes with light.

Holy light version of heat vision!

Qin Ran couldn't help but smile knowingly when he saw this scene.

After all, Mark's power was given to him, and he mixed a lot of personal goods into it.

As his first test subject, one of the powers Mark mastered was the divine light version of heat vision.

Just like Superman, but essentially the heat vision of the light force.

God be upon you!

Feeling the terrifying power contained in his eyes, Mark roared the name of La, and then directly vented the power of his eyes.


Two beams of light burst out of his eyes instantly!

On the sacred light pillar, there is steaming mist, just like the flame of the sun.


Under the powerful impact, a bodyguard in black was hit by heat vision on the chest and flew backwards immediately.

As Mark's gaze continued to move, the bodyguards in black instantly fell on their backs.

The extraordinary power bombarded the mortal bodies, even if they could not easily kill them, they instantly lost their combat effectiveness.

Amid the painful groans, the originally terrifying bodyguards were hunched over and struggling feebly like cooked prawns.

After dealing with the miscellaneous soldiers with guns, Qin Ran also removed his protection in time.

The light that enveloped Mark disappeared, and his heat vision entered a normal refractory period just like that.

When Li Fei saw this scene, he quickly pulled the trigger crazily and fired all the bullets in the pistol in an instant.

Da da da!

The bullet shot into Mark's body, splashing blood.

The severe pain made Mark frown.

However, with the flow of power in the body, the bullets were forced out. Although the wounds were bleeding, they were also healing slowly.

If it had been daytime, the pistol might be useless to me.

After all, I am the sun knight of the god Ra. When I bathe in the sun, I will receive the closeness and blessing of the sun.

Probably having a judgment about his own strength, Mark looked at Li Fei with a cold expression.

In Li Fei's horrified eyes, Mark's body turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of Li Fei instantly.

Before Li Fei could react, Mark grabbed his neck and lifted him up.


Li Fei struggled painfully and looked at Mark in horror:

What the hell!

What the hell are you!

Although Mark cannot speak Chinese, he can understand Chinese.

Seeing Li Fei's frightened look, Mark said in a cold voice:


I am the...Sun Knight!

“Apostle of Ra…”

Translated it is:


I am...Sun Knight!

The apostle of Ra...

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