I Became the Sun God

Chapter 3 Am I a god?

The fireworks are brilliant!

There were grand fireworks blooming in the sky, there were also fireworks spewing out from the altar floor, and there was a thunderous noise between heaven and earth.

This is the power and beauty of civilization.

The sky and the earth flickered, and the crowd was like a flock of frightened sheep, retreating in panic and helplessness.

Only the old patriarch stood there motionless, staring at everything on the altar.

Clan leader, run!

The beast seems to have awakened!

Ada ran back with a face full of fear, covered in messy mud.

Seeing the clan leader standing there blankly, Ada subconsciously grabbed his arm and loudly reminded the clan leader to leave quickly.

But the old patriarch seemed to have taken root under his feet.

Even a young man like Ada couldn't drag away the old patriarch at once.

Clan leader?

Subconsciously glancing at the old patriarch, Ada found that the old patriarch's face was filled with unprecedented fanaticism.


The sky is filled with flowers, and the ground is filled with golden lotuses!

This is a miracle!

Our ancestors once described that miracles are like this.

Not knowing where the strength came from in that skinny body, the old patriarch broke away from Ada and stared in the direction of the altar with a face full of enthusiasm.


Ada was stunned for a moment.

The tribe believed in the sun god, and Ada naturally knew that.

A tribe without gods cannot survive.

Because the endless wilderness is full of ferocious beasts, which are simply not something that human beings can resist.

Only God's protection can prevent the tribe from being invaded by ferocious beasts and give the tribesmen some breathing space.

Although he has never seen the sun god, Ada knows that the sun god exists.

Because as long as he could remember, the tribe had not been invaded by ferocious beasts. This was obviously the protection of the gods.

Ada has heard many legends about gods.

The old man in the tribe once said that the wilderness, which contains endless dangers, has long been separated from civilization.

Although he didn't know what civilization was, Ada knew that the old man was right. The wilderness contained endless dangers.

All tribes in the wilderness need the protection of gods to survive.

Just like the tribe believes in the sun god, although Ada has never seen other tribes, he has heard that they also believe in gods.

But...but Ada has never seen God!

Just like the world where Qin Ran lives, many old people in the north believe in Baojiaxian devoutly, but who has seen Baojiaxian?

In the world where Qin Ran lives, gods are a kind of spiritual sustenance.

In this world, the same is true for gods.

It's just that because of the protection of the gods, the existence of the gods is more real.

But the reality... is only a conceptual reality!

What is a miracle?

Ada was completely stunned. From his perspective, he could not understand what was happening. He could only stand there with the old patriarch.

Ada didn't leave, so the rest of the team naturally stopped.

The herd effect just happens.

Everyone stopped. Although they didn't know why they stopped, they stopped after all.

Everyone looked at the old patriarch at the front, waiting for his next move or instruction.

The same is true for Qin Ran.

Above the altar, Qin Ran secretly looked at the situation below, feeling a little nervous.

Why did you stop? Didn't you scare them?

Except for the silly roe deer, there is a big difference between humans and animals, and that is curiosity.

Now Qin Ran was afraid that these barbarians would get curious and board the altar collectively to capture him alive.


“We can’t sit back and wait for death, we must take the first step.”

After thinking about it for ten seconds, Qin Ran gritted his teeth and decided to walk all the way to the dark side.

The fireworks were still going off, Qin Ran was wearing golden holy clothes, and the breathing lamp on his body was flickering on and off.

Suppressing the nervousness, Qin Ran slowly walked out of the corner, standing condescendingly on the edge of the altar like a god in mythology.

The fireworks all over the sky and the fireworks spewing all over the ground made Qin Ran's holy clothes even more dazzling.

It was a golden color, as bright as the sun.

The moment Qin Ran appeared, the old patriarch began to tremble all over.

The sky is full of flowers, and the ground is filled with golden lotuses!

This is the scene where the true god descends according to clan legend!

And in the middle of the small flower and golden lotus, that figure emitting light like the sun, who else could it be if it wasn't a god?

Sun God!

This is the sun god we believe in!

The old patriarch's furrowed face was already covered with muddy old tears.

After believing in the Sun God all my life, I was finally able to see him before he died.

Is this God...

It emits the same light as the sun, and wherever it goes, golden lotuses bloom from the sky.

Great Sun God...your humble believer finally sees you.

The old ancestor, who was in tears, knelt down tremblingly, prostrating and praying loudly.

Sun god?

The sun god we believe in?

Everyone in the tribe was shocked when they saw the old patriarch's actions.

They looked at Qin Ran subconsciously.

The golden holy clothes under the sky filled with fireworks exuded light like the sun.

Is this God?…

In other words...this is how they imagined what God could imagine.

The old patriarch took the lead in kneeling down, and others also knelt down one after another, praising the gods devoutly.

Qin Ran stood on the altar, looking confused in the face of such a situation.

what's the situation?

Are you all scared to your knees by me?

Is the Golden Saint Cloth so powerful?

Hundreds of people knelt down and worshiped him, speaking strange languages. This scene was beyond Qin Ran's imagination.

Qin Ran satisfied the tribe's imagination of gods.

The tribe's actions were beyond Qin Ran's imagination.

The two groups were just deadlocked here.

And in this kind of kneeling and praising, invisible power comes from nothingness.

Bathed in that power, Qin Ran heard a strange language ringing in his ears, but he could understand its meaning.

Praise to you!

The great sun god!

The source of all light!

Listening to the unfamiliar language in his ears, Qin Ran's eyes flashed with doubts, but he was more concerned about his physical condition.

His body had never felt so relaxed, and he had never felt it so well.

Surrounded by that invisible force, Qin Ran felt that something in his body was reviving, gradually becoming one with himself.

And as the mysterious attribute revived, the power surrounding him also turned into his own power under the mysterious attribute.

Is this... divine power?

Qin Ran closed his eyes and felt carefully.

After a moment, he opened his eyes suddenly.

At the same time, a golden sun emerged behind him, emitting endless light.

Am I a god?

A flash of ecstasy flashed in Qin Ran's eyes.

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