I Became the Sun God

Chapter 2 The sky is full of flowers and golden lotus emerges from the ground

Qin Ran's head was buzzing and his heartbeat was about to jump out.

The truck loaded with 20 tons rushed down the winding mountain road, and he looked like a normal person.

This is incredible!

I must buy a lottery ticket when I go back!

Qin Ran gasped violently and said through gritted teeth.

Call the police first!

Then call Lao Zhang!

Realizing that there was nothing wrong with his body, Qin Ran's first thought was to call the police.


Why is there no signal? Is the phone broken?

But soon Qin Ran's idea of ​​calling the police was shattered.

Because he found that his mobile phone had no signal.

The cell phone signal is out of service, which means that I will temporarily lose contact with the outside world.

Such a situation is very dangerous in mountainous areas.

Let’s not talk about wild animals. Accidental hypothermia is the most terrifying thing.

Once this happens, you may not realize it, and it will disappear in a daze.

But Qin Ran obviously couldn't let this happen.

In the worst case, I'll burn the tires.

Qin Ran struggled to stand up and looked at the truck he had driven for three years.

Should I go?

However, as soon as Qin Ran's eyes fell on the truck, he was stunned.

Fortunately, the front of the car is not in close contact with the ground. Normally, it would be deformed at best.

But what was before Qin Ran's eyes at this moment was as if it had been burned by a flamethrower, with the entire front of the car scorched black.

Qin Ran could even see some traces of melting.

Did I land from outer space?

Qin Ran instantly thought of the spaceship.

I heard that when this thing lands from outer space, the outer surface will burn violently due to friction.

But that’s outer space!

I just fell off the mountain road!

It's not such an exaggeration, right?

Where am I now?

Qin Ran was completely confused.

He looked around subconsciously, and the expression on his face became unbearable.

The imaginary mountains and forests are gone, replaced by tall buildings.

That’s right, it’s architecture!

He and the truck were now on top of the building.

The building looks like a high platform, or a pyramid, with rough artificial traces everywhere.

The space on the high platform is not large. His truck and the knocked down stone pillars take up most of the area of ​​the high platform.

And below the high platform, there was a fire.

There were hundreds of figures in the firelight, and Qin Ran could see them clearly from a high position.

This group of people were all powerful, wearing coarse linen clothes, and holding bone spears and bows and arrows in their hands.

At first glance, he looks like a tribal warrior from TV.

Is this... traveling through time?

Faced with the sudden changes on the high platform, the group of people also seemed to be in a state of turmoil.

Even the wisest elder in the tribe cannot judge the situation at this moment.

The sacrifice has lasted for hundreds of years, and even though there have been countless accidents, nothing like this has ever happened?

The sacrifice was just halfway through when a monster with black smoke fell from the sky and knocked down the totem pole.

What monster dares to collide with the majesty of God?

Is it an injured beast?

Ada, take someone to take a look.

If it's injured, you signal us and we kill it.

Such a big beast is enough for us to survive the winter.

In the panic atmosphere, the elder of the tribe finally spoke, and he decided to take a risk and test it.

Under the old man's order, the young man named Ada quickly organized a team.

Just like hunting, the group of people cautiously moved towards the top of the altar.

When Qin Ran saw this scene from above, he was already panicking.

Did I travel through time?

The unfamiliar environment made Qin Ran make such a judgment.

But he also knew that now was not the time to care about these things. Those people below looked very cruel and barbaric.

If he were caught by them, he might become a prisoner.

What if... what if they take a fancy to his handsomeness and lock themselves up for breeding...

Damn it!

Qin Ran shuddered, he didn't dare to think about such a scene.


We must not let them catch me!

Qin Ran's face was solemn, but his eyes were extremely anxious.

If there was only one person, he could just attack or escape by himself, but there were more than a dozen people on the other side.

Just from that battle, Qin Ran didn't think he could run away.

We can't let them come up!

These people are barbaric and backward. They may try to manipulate me in some way.

Wait...barbaric and backward?

Qin Ran's eyes suddenly lit up.

After taking a look at the team that was advancing cautiously, Qin Ran quickly ran towards the carriage.


Using all his strength, Qin Ran opened the carriage and then took out the fireworks inside.

After quickly placing a large number of fireworks on the altar, Qin Ran got into the carriage and put on the holy robe.

It has to be said that the convenience brought by technology is superior.

Such a set of golden holy clothes can be put on without much trouble.

Even after wearing it, the built-in light strip automatically lights up, and the pair of golden wings also stand up.

This means there is no mirror, otherwise Qin Ran would not be able to help but take another look.

The gods in mythology are basically configured like this, right?

You should be able to scare them, right?

As long as I can scare them, I will be safe for the time being.

When I fix my car, I'll be invincible.

Qin Ran's plan is simple.

Since the other side seems barbaric and backward, use civilized power to deter them.

Don't ask them to be too afraid, as long as they can buy enough time.

As long as you repair the car yourself, you will be invincible when you step on the accelerator.

Seeing the pair getting closer and closer, Qin Ran took a deep breath and quickly lit all the leads.

Under the altar, everyone held their breath and watched the changes on the altar.

Living in the wilderness, they were prepared for the worst.

As long as the ferocious beast revives, they will retreat decisively.

And if not...


Some people could not help but drool.

Getting closer!

Adana's team of warriors will soon reach the top of the altar.

And at this moment, a thunderous sound suddenly sounded.

Bang bang bang!

Amidst the thunderous sound, light bombs soared into the sky, exploding into fireworks in the sky.

The dazzling light lights up the night sky and the earth, like flowers of light blooming.

Everyone was shocked!

The thunderous noise, the blooming flowers in the sky, the divine and blurry light... everything was beyond their imagination.

The magnificent picture shocked their hearts and made them instinctively afraid.

In this fear, the crowd instinctively retreated like a flock of sheep, and panic and confusion spread.

The warriors climbing on the altar were also frightened by this change and couldn't help but retreat.


And just when the crowd began to retreat, a bright rain of light suddenly spurted out from the altar, like flowers blooming on the altar.



Under this unknown light and loud noise, everyone was dominated by fear.

Only the old man standing at the front looked at all this with trembling eyes and murmured to himself:

The sky is full of flowers, and the ground is filled with golden lotuses.

This...this...is this a sign of the arrival of the gods?

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