The girls continued to look at the diary in their hands.

【So, I am very happy that Di Feijing appeared.】

【But just when I was happy, Murong Fu was so reckless that he actually encouraged those martial artists to rush into the ancient tomb and snatch the treasure.】

【Those idiots rushed over like lard.]

In the Ming Dynasty, Qixingtang in Jiangnan, in the Murong family, Murong Qiudi snorted and said disdainfully:"What an idiot!!-"

"You are asking for death, so you can't blame others! It's better to die, so I don't have to fulfill my promise to exchange those two girls."

In another room, Ah Zhu and Ah Bi looked up at each other at the same time, then shook their heads at the same time and continued to read their diaries.

【At this moment, Tie Shou, one of the four famous detectives of Shen Hou Mansion, suddenly appeared and stopped the group of people.】

【At that time, I couldn't help but feel excited.】

【In Master Wen's"Four Famous Detectives" series of novels, the four famous detectives are all men.】

【But in one adapted version, Wuqing, one of the Four Famous Detectives, is a woman of unparalleled beauty.】

【Iron Hand suddenly appeared, and he knew me. There is no doubt that Wuqing is a woman who has a copy of the diary.】

【In that version, the woman Wuqing's original name was Sheng Yayu. When she was very young, her entire family was brutally murdered, leaving only her. Although she was discovered and adopted by Zhuge Zhengwo, she was severely injured and her legs became disabled.】

【She has a strong personality, is very smart, and can foresee things, but because she has no relatives, she has become very withdrawn.】

【She is a girl that makes anyone who sees her feel distressed and want to protect her.】

【It goes without saying that the reason she came to me was definitely because of her legs.】

【So, when Tie Shou explained his intention and asked me to go to the Shenhou Mansion in Bianjing City, I agreed without hesitation.】

【Yes, Wuqing is also a woman I like very much.】

【Now that I know of her existence, I will no longer let her suffer in a wheelchair.】

【Hehe! Xiao Wuqing, if you are reading this diary, please remember, you can't run away!! 】

In the room of the Shenhou Mansion in the Song Dynasty, Bianjing City, Wuqing suddenly sat up, and said with surprise on his beautiful face:"Ye Changan really knows me!"

"I didn't expect that I, like Dongfang Bubai, the deputy leader of the Sun and Moon Sect in the Ming Dynasty, also have a male version!"


"What a bad guy! A pervert!"

"If I were a man, you would never come even if you were beaten to death!!"

"Humph! Once you heal my legs, I will run away immediately!"


Wuqing's face was filled with an unprecedented smile. After a moment, he continued,"No matter what! Ye Changan, Wuqing is waiting for you!!"

In the Song Dynasty, in the back mountain of Zhongnan Mountain, in the ancient tomb, in the stone chamber, Lei Chun looked at the diary again. His eyes moved, and he couldn't help but secretly said,"I heard that Wuqing is a god in solving cases and has unparalleled beauty, but unfortunately his legs are disabled and he can only sit in a wheelchair!"

"Although we are both in the capital, we have never had the chance to meet. I will definitely visit him when I return."

"However, the Shenhou Mansion has always had a close relationship with the Jinfengxiyu Tower and is quite hostile to the Liufenbantang. I wonder if she is willing to meet them!"

"but......If I had stayed with Master Ye, I would have definitely seen her."

Ming Dynasty, Western Snow Mountains, Lingxiao City, in the room, Ah Xiu exclaimed:"Wow! Is Brother Chang'an going to marry a constable as his wife?"

"Hello, Constable! Ah Xiu has no objection! Hehehe!"

In the Ming Dynasty, Jingzhou, in Ye Chang'an's house, Huang Rong held the diary in her hands, her expression changed, and she said,"I heard from my father before that the four famous detectives of the Shenhou Mansion are the best geniuses of the younger generation. This Wuqing must be very powerful!"

"Judging from the appearance of this pervert, she must be extremely beautiful!"

"Humph! My cooking skills are unmatched in the world!!"

Huang Rong snorted proudly and continued to read the diary in her hand.

【When Di Feijing and Tie Shou stopped Ouyang Feng and a group of martial artists respectively, Jiumozhi and King Jinlun attacked me without knowing whether to live or die.】

【Humph! Anyone who dares to attack me, Ye Changan, will naturally have a bad ending.】

【Jiumozhi wanted my Six Meridians Divine Sword, so I used the Six Meridians Divine Sword to knock off one of his ears.】

【King Jinlun relied on his mastery of the tenth level of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Sutra, the Dharma Protector of the Vajra Sect, to become extremely arrogant, but he was blasted into pieces by my third level of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Sutra.】

【I didn't even use any strength, but he fell down. He was really weak.】

【Alas!! Being invincible is so lonely]


It started again!

Can you stop showing off!

I know you are awesome, okay!!

This bad guy is sometimes more manly than any other man, but sometimes he is like a child who never grows up!

It is really funny!

The girls who were reading the diary rolled their eyes, showing a coquettish look, and sighed helplessly

【But even so, the Western Poison Ouyang Feng actually wanted to attack me without knowing whether to live or die.】

【Just when I was about to kill Ouyang Feng again, Hong Qigong unexpectedly stood in front of me again and took Ouyang Feng's full-strength attack.】

【At that time, I was speechless】

【But we can't blame the old beggar, after all, he means well, right?

0 Request flowers

"That Western Poison Ouyang Feng probably doesn't know that he has been on the brink of death twice!" (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The girls nodded and thought to themselves

【But everyone thinks I'm a weakling and wants to do something to me, which makes me a little annoyed.】

【I have to show off my skills.】

【So, I asked Di Feijing and Tie Shou to retreat, and then I used the Wuxiang Divine Needle.


He actually used the Wuxiang Divine Needle!

It seems that this guy wants to kill everyone!

The women's faces were stern, and a terrifying thought emerged in their minds.���Scenes

【What about the Tibetan national teacher Jiumozhi and the Western Poison Ouyang Feng? In front of the Wuxiang Divine Needle, they simply took out a clay chicken and a clay dog.】

【Haha! You should be able to guess the result. I won’t describe the bloody scenes in detail.】

【I thought I was so brave and invincible that no one dared to go against me.】

【Unexpectedly, a group of stinking Taoist priests from the Quanzhen Sect in Zhongnan Mountain actually stopped me without knowing whether to live or die.

Even this guy said that the scene was too bloody, and there must have been a sea of blood and corpses there.

But so many people died[]

How dare the Quanzhen Sect offend this guy?

The women were stunned and puzzled.

【The old Taoist priest Wang Chongyang told me that I have killed enough people. If everyone who came here died in Zhongnan Mountain, he would not be able to explain to his friends in the martial arts world.】

【What the heck】

【He actually said such a thing. I was furious at that time.】

"Wang Chongyang of Quanzhen Sect!"

"Daddy mentioned him often!"

"His words were full of admiration!"

"But why is he taking sides now?"

"It seems that he is a hypocritical person!"

"No wonder this guy is angry!"

In the courtyard of Ye Chang'an in Jingzhou, the Great Song Dynasty, Huang Rong was shocked and said with a curled mouth.

Although this guy did kill a lot of people, Wang Chongyang is a senior with a very high reputation in the world. Such a biased approach has lost the identity of a master of a generation.

If you really want to stop it.

What did you do earlier?

When those people came, you used the Quanzhen Sect as a guarantee and said that there was no treasure in the ancient tomb. Although this move will offend people, it should be able to calm the matter down!

Since you don't want to get involved in right and wrong, just watch it from beginning to end, and no one will say anything to you.

But you don't care in front, and come out to be a good person later. What's the reason?

With this guy's temper, can he spoil you?

The women showed disdain and waited for the next corpse..: Mặc Dạ

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