【You should be able to see that Murong Bo's move is naturally for the same purpose, to provoke a war between the Song Dynasty and the Liao Dynasty.】

【If his plan succeeds, the world will be in chaos, and his Murong family will have a chance to complete the cause of restoring the country.]

Ming Dynasty, Qixingtang in Jiangnan, in the Murong family, Murong Qiudi's expression moved, and he said:"Sure enough, the old ones are still the wisest!"

"Murong Fu is far inferior to his father!"

"But they all had an impossible dream!"

In another room, Ah Zhu held the diary, sighed quietly, and said:"It is true that the imperial family is the most ruthless!"

Ah Bi on the side nodded and said:"They only see interests and no affection. Such people have lost their humanity!"

"Although Mr. Ye is a romantic......But it is more real than anyone else!!"

Azhu looked at A-Bi and said with a smile:"A-Bi is right!"

"We will serve a master who is kind and righteous from now on!!"

"This is a great thing!"

The two girls smiled at each other and continued to read the diary in their hands.

【Of course, the so-called national restoration project, needless to say, was a failure.】

【Back to the story, in this world, Jiumozhi still fell into Murong Bo's trap】

【But the Six Meridians Divine Sword Manual of Dali Tianlong Temple has already been in my hands, so when he went to Dali Tianlong Temple to snatch the Six Meridians Divine Sword, he naturally got nothing.】

【Unexpectedly, he also came to Zhongnan Mountain to join in the fun.】

【As luck would have it, he also saw me using the Six Meridians Divine Sword】

【So, he said a lot of nonsense, trying to find an excuse to snatch the Six Meridians Divine Sword.】

【I immediately interrupted him and said that if he just stood still and took my Six Meridians Divine Sword attack, I would give him the skills.]

【But who would have thought that he didn't want to! He even said that I was teasing him.

No, can you please talk properly?

If I stand still and take a blow from you, I will die!

Who would be willing to do that?

The women were speechless.

【I say, an object is only worthy of being entertained】

【Who knew that he would get angry and say that I looked down on him and wanted to fight with me?】

【You know, I always value peace, so I can only explain: I am not targeting him alone, I am saying that everyone present is a waste.】

【Who would have thought that it would be fine if there was no explanation, but once the explanation was given, the whole audience went crazy】

【He's milky.】


"Bad guy, you are acting naughty again!"

"Aren't you obviously pissing others off?"

In the room of Ye Chang'an's house in Jingzhou, Ming Dynasty, Qingqing held the diary and smiled with her hands covering her mouth.

In the room of Huashan, Ming Dynasty, Yue Lingshan snorted,"This guy must have done it on purpose."

"He has offended the public, let's see how he ends up!"

Ning Zhongze, who was standing aside, looked at Yue Lingshan and said,"Silly girl! That scene has already been resolved."

"In front of a treasure that is as rich as a country, no one can easily retreat."

"In the end, it must be based on strength. He had already seen through it, so he just talked about it in advance."

Yue Lingshan was shocked and said,"Is he going to be the enemy of half of the Jianghu in the Song Dynasty for the sake of the Tomb Clan?"

"Since it is fake news, let them go in and take a look. If there is no treasure, won’t the truth be revealed?"

Ning Zhongze shook his head and said patiently:"Girl! Jianghu is not that simple!"

"If those people entered the ancient tomb and did not find the treasure, they would definitely think that the Little Dragon Girl had hidden it and would eventually blame her!"

"You know Ye Changan's character very well. How could he let Xiaolongnu get hurt?"

"Since we will have to fight sooner or later, why let them go in and destroy the ancient tomb?"

"Moreover, when he went to the ancient tomb, that tomb was equivalent to his private residence. Do you think he would tolerate someone breaking into his residence in front of him?"

"I'm afraid even the thought of forcing my way in is a capital crime!!"

Yue Lingshan nodded thoughtfully and said,"It seems to be true! This bad guy is very domineering!!"

"Mom! You know Ye Changan too well!"

"You are not the worm in his stomach!!"

Hearing this, Ning Zhongze's face turned red, and he immediately scolded with a stern face:"Silly girl, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"I told you to read more and think more, but you just won't listen. If you use your brain a little more, you can analyze it!"

Seeing Yue Lingshan's nonchalant expression, Ning Zhongze could only shake his head helplessly and continue reading the diary.

After all, she is also a national teacher!

You actually made fun of her like that.

Not only do you look down on her, but why do you also involve everyone present?

Also, how come we don't know that you are a person who values peace and harmony?

I think you are a bad guy, even worse than the villain!

The girls who were reading the diary couldn't help but complain in their hearts.

【At this time, the second villain appeared] (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【This person is the villain in"The Return of the Condor Heroes", named King Jinlun】

【In the original novel, King Jinlun is a master of the Vajra Sect of the Western Regions Esoteric Buddhism and also the national teacher of Mongolia. His strength is even better than that of the Five Great Masters of the Song Dynasty.】

【Of course, in this world, his strength is definitely not ranked among the top in the Yuan Dynasty, and the position of national teacher is even more impossible.】

【As soon as the Golden Wheel Dharma King appeared, another big villain descended from the sky.】

【Many of you must have heard of this man. He is one of the Five Great Masters of the Song Dynasty, Ouyang Feng, the Western Poison.】

"Ouyang Feng, the Western Poison who is as famous as my father?"

"The uncle of that pervert Ouyang Ke......Biological father?"

"He is actually a villain?"

"Humph!! As expected, if the top beam is not straight, the bottom beam will be crooked!"

"However, Ouyang Ke was killed by this guy, so the Western Poison Ouyang Feng will definitely not be able to escape!"

Damian Dynasty, Jingzhou, Ye Changan's house, on the recliner, Huang Rong was slightly startled and said

【The name"Poison" in Ouyang Feng, the Western Poison, is not just because he is a master of poison, but because he has a cruel heart. Even if you save his life, he will immediately repay you with hatred.】

【At that time, I even suspected that God had deliberately sent these villains here so that I could enforce justice and eliminate harm for the people.】

【However, before I had time to think about it, Ouyang Feng actually smelled the scent of Tongxi Dilong Pills.】

【He said that if I handed over the things, he would let me die quickly.】[]

【You all know me, Ye Changan. Do you think I can hand it over?

If you can hand it over, it would be a miracle!

The women all curled their lips and said

【Hehehe!! It's impossible to hand it over, not in this lifetime.】

【But since Ouyang Feng had discovered it, and I was an honest man, there was no need to hide it, so I simply admitted it generously. Not only that, I also admitted that I was the one who killed Ouyang Ke.】

【Who would have thought that even after I admitted it, he still looked like he was going to eat me?】

【It scared me.

The girls who were reading the diary rolled their eyes and snorted,"You are such a fool! Who can scare you?"

【Then, without even saying hello, he attacked me.】

【Damn it, he has no moral principles at all, he really deserves to be called an old poisoner】

【Then I can't spoil him.】

【Just when I was about to kill him, Di Feijing of the Six and a Half Hall actually blocked Ouyang Feng's attack. The emerging power of the Song Dynasty, the Six and a Half Hall?

What is the meaning of their move?

Could it be that someone in the Six and a Half Hall has a copy of the diary?


Only in this way can it be explained.

This move will definitely win the favor of this guy.

If the Six and a Half Hall can seize the opportunity and get the support of this guy, the Six and a Half Hall will inevitably become the top power in the Song Dynasty.

Many women who were reading the diary frowned slightly, and then showed a look of understanding, and said in their hearts

【Di Feijing's appearance immediately reminded me of the heroine Lei Chun in Master Wen's book"Who is the Hero?"】

【She is one of my favorite heroines.】

【She is the eldest daughter of Liufenbantang】

【She is gentle, patient, eloquent, sociable, steady, calm, and capable.】

【She has a soft outer side and a strong inner side.】

【Although she is weak, she can lead a group and has the courage to fight for the world in the world of Jianghu men.】

【In short, it's more often】

【Anyway, I like her very much.]

In the ancient tomb in Zhongnan Mountain of the Song Dynasty, Lei Chun raised his head, with an unconcealable smile on his face, looked at Ye Changan, and asked softly:"Do I really have so many advantages?"

Ye Changan raised his head and smiled slightly, staring at the peerless girl in front of him, and said affirmatively:"No! You have more advantages than this!"

Hearing this, Lei Chun smiled even more brightly.

It seems that the woman who has a copy of the diary in Liufenbantang is this Lei Chun.

And who can���This guy praised her so much, which shows that this woman is very extraordinary!

But why is there not much information about her in the world?

Many women holding diaries can't help but look puzzled..

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