【But it doesn't matter. She can't deal with those martial artists, I, Ye Changan, will help her deal with them. She can't kill those who have bad intentions, I, Ye Changan, will help her kill them.】

【In short, I will do what she can't do, and I will kill those she can't kill!】

【Alas, actually......In my heart, I am against killing, but there is nothing I can do. Who allowed them to bully my beloved Long Er?】

【I am also helpless]

In the Song Dynasty, at the back of Mount Zhongnan, at the Tomb of the Living Dead, a strange color appeared on Xiao Longnu's frosty face, and she said,"Ye Changan is willing to do these things for me!"

"I wonder if he is willing to die for me?"

"He is a time traveler. Even if he is willing to die for me, I am afraid that he knows the rules of the Ancient Tomb Sect, and it does not count!"

In the Song Dynasty, at the foot of Mount Zhongnan, in a secluded place, Li Mochou bit her red lips and said angrily:"Okay! Junior Sister! You are worthy of being the heroine!"

"Ye Changan is actually willing to do this for you!"

"Humph! I, Li Mochou, will not lose to you!"

"Since he has intervened, I will not think about"Jade Girl Heart Sutra", but for this man, don't think you can take 23 by yourself!!"

"I, Li Mochou, have not admitted defeat yet!"

Ming Dynasty, Jingzhou, Ye Chang'an's house, Huang Rong held the diary and snorted:"Humph! My cooking skills are unparalleled in the world!"


How beautiful is this little dragon girl!

She actually made this guy say such a thing!

But......Ye Changan, your purpose of killing is so obvious, why are you so helpless! You are a duplicity guy!

Besides, those people were deceived, so they don’t deserve to die!

The girls were shocked and said with a frown.

【Are you trying to say that they were also deceived and that they are not guilty of death?

Can this bad guy hear me?

The girls' hearts skipped a beat and they looked around.

【Haha! They were deceived because of greed. How can it have anything to do with me, Ye Changan?】

【But it’s their fault for scaring my Long Er, right?]

In the room of Shenhou Mansion, Song Dynasty, Wuqing smiled lightly and said,"Young Master Ye is still as domineering as ever! I have to remind Brother Tieshou not to offend him!"

In the room of Liufenbantang, Song Dynasty, Lei Chun’s bright eyes shone with a strange light, and he smiled and said,"Young Master Ye is indeed very principled towards women, but he is a bit unreasonable towards others!"

"Haha! However, such a domineering and protective man is really irresistible to women!!"

After saying that, he continued to read his diary.

【By the way, since Long Er is going to take over as the leader of the Ancient Tomb Sect, then the gold-wire gloves I stole two days ago were not stolen from her?】

【oops......It seems a bit difficult to deal with.

Hmm? What is this guy doing?

What's wrong?

What's the problem?

The girls stared at the diary, all showing doubts.

【In the original novel, there is a rule in the Tomb Clan that if the leader wants to leave the tomb, there must be a man willing to die for him.】

【Moreover, this man must be unaware of this rule.】

【Everyone, this is a bit difficult.

This ancient tomb sect has such a strange rule?

This is indeed a bit difficult.

If this little dragon girl had a diary, even if Ye Changan didn't write it in the diary, she would definitely guess that he knew this rule.

Whether this guy is willing to die for him or not, it doesn't count!

Haha! Let's see what you can do!

The girls' eyes flashed with strange looks.

【I don't know if this rule still exists in this comprehensive world.】

【Regardless of whether I am here or not, I have to complain about Lin Chaoying. What kind of crappy rules did she set? 】

In the central area, in the Great Zhou Dynasty, in an inn, Lin Chaoying's beautiful face without a trace of time had a look of surprise, and then she shouted angrily:"Asshole!"

"When did I make this rule?"

"It must have been that girl who decided it."

"However, this rule is very good. The disciples of my Ancient Tomb Sect are all so beautiful. If there are no rules, wouldn’t everyone be able to be deceived?"

"No matter what, you bastard dare to scold me, when I get back, I will never let you off easily!"

After saying this, Lin Chaoying snorted coldly and continued to look at the diary in her hand.

【If this broken rule still exists and Long Er has a diary, then I definitely can't pretend I don't know about this rule.】

【However, as a real man, even if Long Er doesn't have a copy of the diary, I can't deceive her.]

Ming Dynasty, Jiangnan Qixingtang, Murong Family, Murong Qiudi nodded and snorted coldly:"Not to mention anything else, this manliness is much better than some people!"

"If we talk about strength, the entire Shenjian Villa combined, I'm afraid it can't be compared with Mr. Ye!"


This bad guy is really like a man when it comes to women.

This point has surpassed most people in the world.

The women who were reading the diary also nodded secretly.

【Huh......Why is my brain a little crazy? How can I, a time traveler, be bound by a broken rule?】

【You say, if I slap the ancient tomb into ruins, will this rule of not leaving the ancient tomb no longer exist? 】

In the Song Dynasty, at the back of Mount Zhongnan, at the Tomb of the Living Dead, Xiao Longnu trembled and almost fell off the rope. She said,"This.........Master didn't seem to have said, what should we do if this happens?~!"

In the Song Dynasty, at the foot of Mount Zhongnan, in a secluded place, Li Mochou opened his mouth wide and said in surprise:"This......"

"If there was a man willing to do this for me, I wouldn't have been kicked out of the ancient tomb by my master and become an abandoned disciple!!"

"Junior sister is so lucky!!"

In the central land, the Great Zhou Dynasty, in an inn, Lin Chaoying glared and gnashed her teeth and said,"Bastard Ye Changan! If you dare to destroy my ancient tomb, I will find you and fight you to death!!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You're a fucking bastard!!"

"You mustn't do this!"

"At worst, I'll just abolish this rule when I get back!!"

"That girl is really something, what a stupid rule she made!!" The girls who were reading the diary were also shocked.......It should be possible! 803

After all, the ancient tomb no longer exists, so how can we say whether we are allowed to leave the ancient tomb.

It seems that this guy will not give up until he gets Xiao Longnu!!

He is really domineering!!

The girls continue to look at the diary

【However, I don't want to do this unless it's absolutely necessary.】

【As long as Long'er likes me, if she doesn't want to go down the mountain, it's fine for her to stay in the ancient tomb. I won't force her.】

【Anyway, I can visit her anytime.】

【But I don't want her to stay in the ancient tomb all her life. She must see the wonderful world outside.】[]

【So, when to finish filming the ancient tomb depends on my mood.】

【However, the most important thing now is to make Long Er like me, otherwise all the words will be in vain. 】

In the Song Dynasty, in the back mountain of Zhongnan Mountain, in the ancient tomb, in the stone chamber, Xiao Long Nu frowned and said,"I don't know whether I like you or not, but I am very happy that you are willing to do so many things for me!"

"You describe the outside world so beautifully, I really want to go and see it!"

"But, Master asked me to take good care of the ancient tomb, but I can’t let you turn it into ruins!!"

In the central area, in the Great Zhou Dynasty, in an inn, Lin Chaoying stood up and said hastily:"No, I have to return to the Song Dynasty Zhongnanshan Ancient Tomb as soon as possible, otherwise this bastard might slap me at any time and my ancient tomb will be gone!!"

"Isn't it because you have a crush on my Tomb School's disciples?" I

'll marry her to you, you bastard, you better hold back!!

After saying that, Lin Chaoying stuffed the diary into her arms and began to pack up her things.

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