Zhong Ling, Mu Wanqing?

Aren't these the illegitimate daughters of Duan Zhengchun mentioned in this guy's diary?

So he went to save them.

Then Ouyang Ke must be dead.

However, you stole someone's treasure and killed his own son. Wouldn't Ouyang Feng go crazy?

I heard that among the Five Great Masters of the Song Dynasty, Ouyang Feng, the Western Poison, is very vicious.

I'm afraid some people will suffer from unprovoked disasters.

The girls who were reading the diary couldn't help but think in their hearts, and then continued to read the diary.

【Ouyang Ke is an extremely lustful person in Jin Yong's"The Legend of the Condor Heroes". He robs decent women everywhere and flirts with them wherever he goes.】

【[You can be called a sex-hungry ghost]


Aren’t you a sex-hungry ghost?

The girls couldn’t help but secretly sneer at him.

【In name, he is the young master of Baituo Mountain and the nephew of the Western Poison Ouyang Feng, but in fact, he is the illegitimate son of Ouyang Feng and his sister-in-law, Madam Ouyang.】

"So that's what"Seven Six Zero""!"

"No wonder there is no record of this in the files of the Divine Marquisate."

"This kind of thing, I am afraid, only Ye Changan, a time traveler, can know."

In the room of the Shenhou Mansion in the Great Song Dynasty, Wuqing nodded and said softly

【As one of the Five Great Masters, Ouyang Feng's martial arts skills were undoubtedly great. Naturally, he cultivated his own son vigorously and taught him all kinds of martial arts.】

【Therefore, Ouyang Ke's martial arts skills are very strong in the original book, and ordinary masters are no match for him in a one-on-one fight.】

【And he is also very good at talent and strategy.】

【In The Legend of the Condor Heroes, he was once favored by Huang Yaoshi, one of the Five Great Masters, and I almost married my beloved Rong'er to him.】

【However, even though Ouyang Ke was strongly cultivated by Ouyang Feng, in the novel, he was still played around by Rong'er.】

【At this point, I have to praise Rong'er, she is so smart~]


In the novel, Daddy almost married me to this pervert who robbed women everywhere?

How good can the son of an old poisoner be?

Daddy is really old and confused!

However, bad guy Ye Changan, who is your Rong'er!

Rong'er is extremely smart, does she need your praise?


Huang Rong secretly pouted while holding the diary.

Being able to get the full cultivation of a top master is naturally not something that ordinary warriors can compare to.

But Huang Rong, who was praised by Ye Changan to the sky, can actually play him around. It seems that she really has extraordinary means!

No wonder this guy thinks about her so much and praises her all the time!

However, as the daughter of Huang Yaoshi, the East Evil, who is also one of the Five Great Masters, and the heroine in the novel, it is normal for Huang Rong to be different!

I wonder, what does this woman named Huang Rong look like?

The girls who were reading the diary couldn't help but become curious about Huang Rong.

【Therefore, Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing, who learned martial arts and various hidden weapon techniques from their mothers, were naturally no match for him.】

【But I, Ye Changan, took action, so naturally I killed him instantly, and he couldn't die any more.】

【but......Afterwards, I felt that I was a little careless.


Could it be that this guy was afraid of that Western Poison Ouyang Feng?

After all, Western Poison Ouyang Feng was a well-known strong man in the Song Dynasty.

He was also a poison master.

It was normal for this guy to be afraid.

No, that's not right!

Not to mention the various magical skills this guy possessed, just because this guy had a treasure that could avoid all kinds of poisons, it was impossible for him to be afraid of Ouyang Feng's poison.

You are so slow to speak, can you speak faster!

The girls couldn't help but frown slightly, and then continued to look down.

【Ouyang Ke, that idiot, frightened my two little beauties like that, but I actually let him die so easily, without feeling any pain at all.】

【Do you think it is hasty or not?】

【Um......I learn from my mistakes. Next time someone dares to scare my woman, I will make him feel pain before he dies. I can't let these bastards get away with it. So this is what you mean by careless?

Not only killing him, but also making him feel pain before he dies.

The women who were reading the diary were shocked and rolled their eyes.

【After saving Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing, the two girls asked to learn martial arts from me to protect their mother.】

【I gladly agreed.]


Are you that kind? (To read the most exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

I’m afraid these two women have already fallen into your clutches!

The women couldn’t help but hum in their hearts.

【During my communication with them, I learned a piece of news that interested me very much.】

"Interested news?"

"Is there any news in the world recently that could arouse Mr. Ye’s interest?"

"By the way, Master Ye must have heard about the news that the heir of the Ancient Tomb Sect was holding a martial arts competition in Zhongnan Mountain to recruit a bride."

"Mr. Ye had previously said that he would go to the Tomb of the Living Dead in Zhongnan Mountain to take a look. This time he will definitely go there."

"I have to pack up as soon as possible and go to Mount Zhongnan, otherwise if I miss Master Ye, I will probably be a useless person for the rest of my life."

In the room of Liufenbantang in the Great Song Dynasty, Lei Chun said excitedly.

In the room of Shenhou Mansion in the Great Song Dynasty, Wuqing's expression moved, and he said:"It should be the news of the Ancient Tomb Sect's martial arts competition to recruit a bride."

"It seems that I will not be able to make it to Mount Zhongnan in time, so I can only trouble Brother Tieshou to make the trip for me......"

"I just wonder if he can invite someone here!!"

What kind of news is this guy interested in?

The ladies who were reading the diary were all moved and became curious.

【The news is: The descendants of the Ancient Tomb Sect are competing in martial arts at the Tomb of the Living Dead in Zhongnan Mountain to find a bride】

【In the original novel, this plot was deliberately spread by Li Mochou, a disciple who left the Ancient Tomb Sect.】

【The purpose is to create some trouble for Xiao Longnv, who is about to take over as the leader of the Tomb Clan, so that she can take the opportunity to snatch the Tomb Clan's unique martial arts - the Jade Girl Heart Sutra.���, At the Tomb of the Living Dead in the back of Mount Zhongnan, Xiao Longnu frowned and said,"Senior sister is still unwilling to give up on the Jade Girl Heart Sutra!!"

In the Song Dynasty, at a secluded place at the foot of Mount Zhongnan, Li Mochou's face changed and she said in shock,"Not good! Young Master Ye actually knew my plan!"

"If Junior Sister also has a diary, then wouldn't this plan come to nothing?"

Li Mochou's eyes flickered, and after a moment, she sneered,"Junior Sister! It doesn't matter even if you know it!""

"Those people in the martial arts world don’t know this, let me see how you deal with them!"

In the central area, in the Great Zhou Dynasty, in an inn, Lin Chaoying showed a little surprise and said,"Xiao Longnu will take over as the head?"

"Is my girl dead?"

"Why did the two heirs start fighting?"

"Did something happen to the Tomb Stalker Sect?"

"well......After wandering around for so many years, it’s time to go back!"

"But I’m afraid I still can’t defeat that old guy Wang Chongyang!"

"It's really not 5.7......Just go to that pervert Ye Changan and ask for a technique?"


Lin Chaoying shook his head, chuckled, and continued to read the diary.

I'm afraid it's another internal conflict in the sect!

There are two descendants of this ancient tomb sect, and they can fight!

It seems that no matter how small the place is, it is also a martial arts world.

Disputes are inevitable!

The women who were reading the diary sighed and continued to read the diary.

【Now it seems that this is where the plot begins.】

【However, the Song Dynasty today is not the same as the one in the novel.】

【Xiao Long Nu might not be able to stop the martial artists who come to her with only her jade peak.】

Song Dynasty, the back of Zhongnan Mountain, the Tomb of the Living Dead, Xiao Long Nu's smooth forehead wrinkled more tightly, her voice was still cold, but she said with some helplessness:"If I can't stop it! I can only put down the Broken Dragon Stone!"

After that, Xiao Long Nu continued to read the diary expressionlessly..

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