【The reason why Huoyu Mountain Villa suffered this disaster was due to the conflict between Han and Chu.】

【In order to obtain the treasure of Baiyue, South Korea and Chu wanted to obtain the secret of the Blue Dragon and the Seven Stars, so the two countries conspired to plan the civil strife of Baiyue.】

【The Baiyue rebelled internally, and they were unable to deal with it, so they were forced to invite South Korea to send troops.】

【Unexpectedly, Han and Yan jointly sent troops to suppress the rebellion, but the Baiyue royal family was also wiped out.】

【Only one Baiyue prince, Tianze, who was called the Red Eyebrow Lord, was taken away by the Night Organization led by the Korean general Ji Wuye and secretly imprisoned.】

"The secret of the Seven Stars of the Azure Dragon?"

"It seems that we need to send someone to the land of Baiyue."

In a room in the Yin-Yang family's residence in Daqin, Dongjun's expression suddenly changed and he spoke.

In a house in the land of Baiyue, Yan Lingji showed a look of sudden realization and said,"So it's because of this reason that you didn't let me join the Red Eyebrow Lord's men.""!"

"In that world, I joined the Red Eyebrow King, and then he was captured. What happened to me later?"

"He wouldn't have been arrested too!"

"I am so beautiful, isn't it?......"

Yan Lingji showed a curious look and continued to look at the diary in her hand.

In the bathtub in the room of Zilanxuan, Xinzheng, the capital of South Korea, Zi Nu splashed water while looking at the diary in her hand and said lightly:"In this world, everyone is pursuing unknown secrets!"

"Are you desperately hiding your secrets again?"

After a moment, he suddenly added:"Except for the guy who shows off his secrets everywhere!!"

In the room of Beiliang Palace in Liyang Dynasty, Jiang Ni held the diary, sighed, and said:"Alas!! A country was destroyed just like that."

In the Beili Dynasty, in the extremely cold land in the northwest, outside the world, Yue Yao's eyes moved, and she said:"The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, it has been like this since ancient times!"

"I, Beique, want to regain my throne, but I don't know how long I have to wait!"

After saying this, he continued to look at his diary with a normal expression.

【Before the rebellion began, Li Kai, the right commander of the Han army, met Mrs. Hu, the daughter of Lord Huoyu, and fell in love with her. He gave her the carved Huoyu agate.】

【However, this incident was seen by Li Kai's subordinate Liu Yi.】

【Liu Yi was a lustful and cruel man. He was extremely jealous of Li Kai's favor for this beauty.】

【As a result, he violated orders on the battlefield and did not go to support Li Kai, causing his army to be destroyed by the rebels, and Li Kai was also believed to have died on the battlefield.】

【Liu Yi colluded with the"Three Broken-haired Wolves" to steal all of Huoyu Gong's treasures and took them for himself, and then killed the"Three Broken-haired Wolves" to silence them.】

【After that, Liu Yi took control of the military power and became the only one in power. He also forcibly married Lord Huoyu's eldest daughter, Lady Hu.】

【Concubine Hu was taken back to the capital of Han, Xinzheng, and was favored by King Han An and taken as his concubine.】

【It can be said that the mastermind behind the disaster at Huoyu Villa was Liu Yi, a deputy general in the Korean army.】

【Liu Yi is the trusted subordinate of Ji Wuye, the great general of South Korea.】

【As for what other conspiracies are involved, the original plot of"Tian Xing" is not very detailed, so I don't know.】

【It doesn't matter anyway.】

【It doesn't matter to me.】

【However, the tasks released by the system now make me a little confused.】

【Therefore, I had to rush directly from Yujian Villa to Huoyu Villa in Baiyue.】

【At this moment, I have found Mrs. Hu and Miss Hu】

【Please wait a moment.】

【I'll ask them a few questions first and then continue to update the diary later】


"How can this be!!"

"I just received a temporary mission this morning, and now I have been transferred from the Great Zhou Dynasty to the land of Baiyue in the Great Qin Dynasty?"

"How long has it been?"

"Does this magical skill allow you to go wherever you want?"

"It's incredible!!"

The girls were shocked beyond words.

In the room of Huoyu Villa in Baiyue Land, Ye Changan had just closed his diary when he heard Lady Hu angrily say:

"Damn Liu Yi!"

"How dare they do such a beastly act!!"

"So many people in my Fire Rain Villa, including my father, died because of him!"

"We were also displaced!"

"How hateful!!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Hu on the side also said:"Sister! This matter was caused by me!!"

"I’m sorry to Daddy and you!!"

Mrs. Hu said, and she began to sob.

Ye Changan was stunned for a moment, and then said:"I say, you two, don’t get so caught up in the drama!!"

"What I just said is something that happened in another world." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"In today's world, things may not go that way."

"Besides, I'm here, how can I let you get hurt?"

Hearing Ye Changan's words, Lady Hu suddenly showed joy and shouted:"Yes! Master Ye is here to save us!!"

Mrs. Hu on the side also looked happy and said:"Don't blame me, Master!"

"I just lost my composure!!"

Ye Changan looked at the two stunning beauties in different postures in front of him, and his heart suddenly became restless.

Last night, Yin Tianxue's body did not allow her to fight with real swords and guns.

Now, being provoked by the postures of the two women,

Ye Changan suddenly lost control.

Ye Changan hurriedly circulated his internal force to eliminate the abnormality in his body, and then looked at Madam Hu and Lady Hu and asked,"Have you heard of any rebellion in Baiyue recently?"

The two women thought seriously for a moment, and then shook their heads together.

Seeing the two women shaking their heads, Ye Changan knew that the crisis of Madam Hu and Lady Hu should not come from the rebellion in Han and Chu.

���Where did the crisis of the two girls come from?

Ye Changan continued to ask:"Has anything big happened in the land of Baiyue recently?"[]

The two girls thought for a long time again.

Suddenly, Lady Hu said,"Sir!"

"There is one thing I don't know if it counts?"

Ye Changan raised his eyebrows and said,"Tell me about it!"

Hu Meiren stood up and paced, pondered for a moment, looked at Ye Changan and said,"Some time ago, the King of Baiyue appointed a man named Huogong Toudao as the national teacher."

"And strongly support the Vajra School founded by the national teacher, recruit people with superior qualifications, and recruit students from all over the country!"


Fireworks monk?

Hearing Hu Meiren's words, Ye Changan was very surprised.

Shouldn't this firework monk be in the Ming Dynasty, Kunlun Mountain in the Western Regions?

How did he run to the land of Daqin Baiyue?

And became the national 2.1 teacher of Baiyue?

What's going on?

Ye Changan frowned, really couldn't figure it out, and then asked:

"Do you know where that fire monk came from?"

"When did he appear in the land of Baiyue?"

Hearing this, Lady Hu shook her head and said:

"That’s not clear!"

"My sister and I have never practiced martial arts, and we have only heard a little about these things!!"

"Young Master asked! I just remembered it."

Ye Changan looked at the two girls and nodded gently.

He had a premonition at this moment.

The destruction of Huoyu Villa and the crisis of the two girls were probably related to Huogong Tou Tuo!

But no matter what, he stayed in Huoyu Villa. Waiting for the rabbit.

Anyway, the mission was limited to three days.

In other words, within three days, the crisis would surely come!

Whoever dared to blow up the thorns would be directly destroyed!.

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