Ming Dynasty, Jingzhou, Ye Changan's house, in another room, Shui Sheng exclaimed while holding a diary:

"The young master actually obtained a magical skill!"

"No wonder he suddenly disappeared yesterday."

"I wonder where the young master went?"

Bai Feifei, who was standing by, pondered for a moment and said softly,"According to the young master's previous diary, he may have gone to the central land, the Great Zhou Dynasty, to fulfill his promise to Yin Tianxue."

"It is also possible to go to the Beili Dynasty and look for Ye Ruoyi who was born with a defective heart."

"It is also possible that he went to Peach Blossom Island to meet Huang Rong."

Hearing this, Shui Sheng's eyes lit up and she smiled,"Young Master, you value your promises to women the most!"

"He should have gone to the central land, the Great Zhou Dynasty, to fulfill his promise to Yin Tianxue!!"

"Yin Tianxue is always facing the pain of illness"

"Given the young master's character, he will definitely go to her first."

Bai Feifei smiled slightly and nodded in agreement.

In the Ming Dynasty, Huashan, in the room, Yue Lingshan said with envy in her eyes:"It's only been a few days, and this guy has obtained another magic skill!"

"I still have to practice hard every day!!"

"It's really unfair!"

Ning Zhongze, who was standing aside, looked up at Yue Lingshan and was speechless.

There was no way.

Even she couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

What's more, Yue Lingshan was so young.

Don't look at what that person said. This fairy art is nothing.

It's just a little faster.

According to this person's style, it's definitely not as simple as a little faster.

After all, it's also a power called fairy art.

How can it be simple!

Daqin, Baiyue Land, Huoyu Villa, in the room, Mrs. Hu and Lady Hu suddenly raised their heads and looked at each other.

Both of them saw horror in each other's eyes.

After writing the diary yesterday, I got the fairy art reward.

Early this morning, I had already arrived in Baiyue Land, their home-Huoyu Villa.

This speed. How can it be a little faster?

This can no longer be described as fast!

Mrs. Hu and Lady Hu turned their heads together.

Look at the handsome boy lying on the bed.

Speechless for a long time

"Dive into the abyss and shrink the earth!"

"The name sounds like it's very powerful!"

"But, faster, how faster?"

"If it can be compared to a peerless horse that can run three thousand miles a day, then it can be called a magic skill?"

The girls couldn't help but be curious.

【Yesterday, after I finished writing my diary and obtained this magic, I went to the Great Zhou Dynasty, Yujian Villa, and found Yin Tianxue.】


"After leaving yesterday, we arrived at the Great Zhou Dynasty!!

"Even if the deadline was midnight, it had only been a few hours since he left."

"In just a few hours, they crossed tens of thousands of miles and arrived at the central area, the Great Zhou Dynasty?"

"How fast is this speed?"

In the Ming Dynasty, Jingzhou, Ye Chang'an's house, in the room, Yao Yue's face changed and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

Lian Xing, who was standing beside her, holding the diary, also had an unbelievable look in her eyes.

���After a moment, he slowly said:"No wonder it is called immortal technique!"

"Its power is beyond the imagination of ordinary people."

"But if you say this, you will definitely be hated again!!"

Daqin, Baiyue Land, Huoyu Mountain Villa, in the room, Mrs. Hu and Lady Hu's hearts beat again.

Good guy!

We misunderstood. He didn't come to Baiyue Land directly after receiving the reward yesterday. Instead, he went to the central land, the Great Zhou Dynasty, and then turned around and came here. This

......Who can tell us how fast it is?

The women who were reading the diary were also collectively petrified at this moment, and their eyes could not hide the incredible look. The distance between the Ming Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty is at least tens of thousands of miles!

Tens of thousands of miles, you said you would arrive?

Is this what you said, nothing, just a little faster?

This is faster?

Ye Changan, come here, I promise not to hit you!!

I am so angry!

You just can't talk properly, right!

You have to make people's hearts rise and fall, right!

I just thought that he could use this magic to travel 3,000 miles a day, which is fast enough.


This damn guy.

Then he slapped me in the face.

At this speed, it is more than enough to travel 30,000 miles a day. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If this guy knew what I was thinking just now, he would definitely ridicule me: small-minded.

Bad guy!

It really makes people hate him!!

The women took a deep breath, tried to control the ups and downs of their plump breasts, and then continued to look at the diary in their hands.

【Coincidentally, just as I found Yin Tianxue, her illness broke out.】

【Fortunately, my Nine Yin Yimai Dafa was extremely magical, and she was fine soon.】

【Just this morning, when I was about to return to the mansion of the Ming Dynasty, the system suddenly issued a temporary task: Save Mrs. Hu and Lady Hu.

No wonder Mr. Ye suddenly appeared in our room.

It turned out that the diary system issued a task again!

Hey......The mission was to save us two sisters?

What happened to us?

Is something going to happen to our Fire Rain Villa?

Mrs. Hu and Miss Hu both looked puzzled, looked at Ye Changan lying on the ground, and then continued to look at the diary in their hands.

【The Hu sisters, Mrs. Hu and Lady Hu, are from the world of"Tian Xing Jiu Ge"】

【They were originally from the Baiyue land, the two daughters of Huoyugong, the owner of Huoyu Mountain Villa.】

【The elder sister, Mrs. Hu, has a gentle temperament and a slender figure; the younger sister is sexy and seductive, with seductive eyes. Both women are extremely beautiful.

In the room, Mrs. Hu and Lady Hu blushed slightly when they saw this, and a hint of shyness appeared on their faces.


Is there any woman who is not beautiful when this guy saves her?

This diary system seems to be tailor-made for this lustful guy!

The women said helplessly in their hearts.

【Their home, Fire Rain Villa, was built because of a precious mineral, Fire Rain Agate.】

【As a result, Huoyu Villa accumulated a lot of wealth and also made her father Huoyu Gong famous.】

【But it was also because of this that the three wolves with broken hair, a famous bandit in the martial arts world, were attracted to covet. The three of them brutally slaughtered all the people in Huoyu Villa and looted the treasures of Huoyu Villa.


Huoyu Villa will be slaughtered by the three wolves with broken hair?

How could this happen? []

Madam Hu and Lady Hu were shocked again. They looked up and looked at each other.

They looked at Ye Changan again. They breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, in this world, there is Master

Ye. With him, the three wolves with broken hair can be easily solved.

Clear wine makes people famous, and money moves people's hearts!

If you have huge wealth but don't have the corresponding strength to protect it, you will naturally be coveted by others! Isn't the martial arts world a killing field for fighting and killing, and fighting for fame and fortune?

In the hearts of the women, they couldn't help but sigh..

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