I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 85: Ant-Man Training

Scott Lang woke up the next day and found that he was sleeping in an unfamiliar room with a beautiful woman looking at him across from him.

Scott Lang tried hard to recall what happened yesterday. Yesterday's experience was definitely the most exciting day for him in three years.

"Hello? Who are you? Have you been watching me sleep?" Scott Lang asked.

"Yes," Hope said.

"Why?" Scott Lang asked.

"Because you stole something the last time you came here!" Hope replied.

It was only when Scott realized that he was in the old man's villa. As soon as he remembered going down to the ground, he found that the ground was covered with huge ants.

"The scientific name is Paraponillaclavata, which is a giant tropical ant that looks like a bullet. It ranks first in the bite sting index!" Hope wrote the knowledge of this ant for Scott Ronko.

"They'll be watching you when I'm not around, and Dr. Pym is waiting for you downstairs!" Hope said and turned away.

Scott Lang looked very helpless at the ants on the ground, how do you want me to get out?

He could only try to stretch out his feet, and a magical scene happened. The ants took the initiative to move his feet away, leaving him a place where he could put his feet.

"Okay, walk slowly, I won't step on you if you don't bite me, okay?" Scott Lang walked out of the room step by step from the ant pile and went downstairs.

There were three people sitting at the dining table in the living room downstairs, the old man and the blond man from yesterday, and the short-haired beauty just now.

"I think you've met my daughter Hope," Dr. Pym said.

"Yes, she's very nice," Scott Lang said.

"This is Mr. Jon Arthur from the Avengers." Dr. Pym introduced him as Scott Arthur.

"Hello! Scott!" Arthur greeted Scott with a smile.

"Hello! Arthur!" Scott said.

"Hope thinks we don't need you!" Dr. Pym said.

"No, we can figure it out ourselves!" Hope said.

"I agree, I can actually do it alone," Arthur interjected.

"I tried my best to get you to steal my suit, and then Hope gets you arrested." Dr. Pym played Scott in the palm of his hand.

"If he fails, I'll take it easy!" Hope said.

"She was a little anxious about this mission," Dr. Pym said.

"What mission?" Scott asked.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" Dr. Pym poured Scott a cup of tea.

"I'm very impressed with your success in breaking my security system, especially the clever trick of freezing the metal door!" Dr. Pym said.

"You're spying on me?" Scott wondered how Dr. Pym knew everything.

"Scott, I've been watching you for a while, since you robbed Vesta!" Dr. Pym said.

"You really like him." Arthur sighed.

"Yes, Vesta's security system is one of the most advanced in the industry, and he can successfully break through it, which shows that he is still somewhat capable." Dr. Pym said.

"I can come and go freely at the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., which is also my strength!" Arthur said unconvinced.

"He can't compare to you, he's a mortal, and you rely on superpowers!" Dr. Pym said.

"You are definitely a lot stronger than me as a sea king." Scott said.

"You know me?" Arthur asked.

"There are very few people who don't know the Avengers now, especially you, I can see your video as long as I turn on my phone!" Scott complained.

"Oh! That said, I'm quite popular, thank you!" Arthur said happily.

"I just have one question now," Scott said.

"What's the problem?" Dr. Pym asked.

"What do you want me to do?" Scott asked.

Dr. Pym took Scott to a laboratory and explained his research to Scott, as well as the origin of the Ant-Man suit.

Dr. Pym explains that Darren Krause wants to get his Pym particle, secretly copying his formula! Speaking of which, Dr. Pym gave Arthur a vigilant look, meaning that the Avengers also want to get Pym particles!

"Isn't there the Avengers? What else do I need to do?" Scott Lang asked strangely.

"I don't trust them, my life's work is to keep Stark out of my research!" Dr. Pym said.

Arthur said that I'm still here, and you don't hide your words.

"Rest assured that our Avengers will not covet your research, we want the three of you!" Arthur also said it directly?

"You even want me?" Scott Lang asked, and Arthur nodded.

"You don't want my research yet?" Dr. Pym said.

"Earth will have enemies that we need to face together, I just want to unite all the forces that can be united." Arthur explained.

"Okay, I'll talk about that later, and I'll go on to my plan," Dr. Pym continued.

"Darren Krause and Mitchell Carson teamed up to get my technology, and it's about to be successful! Mitchell Carson is the former defense secretary of SHIELD and is now overthrowing regimes everywhere, if we don't Stealing the wasp suit and destroying research data would be a mess!" Dr Pym said.

"This Mitchell Carson is likely to be a Hydra man! Judging from his past style of doing things, he doesn't look like a good person!" Arthur analyzed with his hands on the side.

"OK! You mean I'm going to the Pym Tech Building to steal the Wasp suit and destroy all the data?" Scott asked.

"Yes!" replied Dr. Pym.

"I'm just a thief, a smart thief, but this is crazy!" Scott said.

"Don't worry! I will help you. In fact, I can do it alone. It's just that he doesn't trust me!" Arthur said aside.

"Scott! You now have a chance to be your daughter's hero! You are saving their world, you are the one I chose, and I need you to be Ant-Man!" Dr. Pym looked at Scott said sincerely.

"Okay! I promise you! What am I going to do next?" Scott asked.

"Training!" said Dr. Pym.

Scott Lang officially started his training, and although he only had a few days left, Scott could only study hard.

He needs to dexterously master the enlargement and shrinkage, and adapt to the reduced speed and strength. Hope also serves as Scott's sparring, teaching Scott fighting skills.

Scott is still researching on his own to transform the Ant-Man suit. Dr. Pym warned him not to change the regulator. If the regulator is broken, he will become subatomic and shrink into the quantum realm.

Scott also has to master the control of ants proficiently. Dr. Pym has four kinds of ants, one of which is the giant bullet ant.

There are also long-horned hair ants, which are fast and can conduct electricity. One is that the bowback ant is the flying ant, and Scott named the last one Anton ant. Finally, there are fire ants, which can be used to build bridges.

Arthur watched Scott be beaten by Hope every day, and it felt very coke.

There is also a conflict between Hope and Dr. Pym. Hope feels that his father does not trust him and does not tell his mother how he died.

Hope and Dr. Pym kept quarreling, Scott and Arthur couldn't stand it anymore, Arthur gave Scott a look and asked him to persuade Hope.

And Arthur came to Dr. Pym and said to him, "Hope just misunderstood. She will understand that you are afraid that she will not let him take the risk."

Dr. Pym sighed. Since her mother's accident, Dr. Pym has been frantically researching the quantum field every day in order to find Hope's mother without giving Hope's father's love. Now that I think about it, I really regret it.

"Don't worry, I asked Scott to persuade her. You should also have a good heart-to-heart with your daughter. What can't parents say?" Arthur persuaded.

"You don't understand, my business is more complicated than I thought!" Dr. Pym said.

"What's complicated, isn't it because of Hope's mother? Don't worry, you will be able to find her mother!" Arthur said sincerely.

"How did you know?" Dr. Pym asked.

"I know a lot of things, so please believe me, I don't have any ill will towards you, I just hope to get your help!" Arthur said.

"Okay! I trust you, I'll consider joining the Avengers after this mission is over." Dr. Pym promised.

"I can rest assured that you can think so. Dr. Pym, you should tell Hope about Hope's mother. She should know when she is so old. You don't need to hide it any more." Arthur advised, Dr. Pym nodded, agreeing with Arthur's proposal.

Scott also persuaded Hope, telling him that Dr. Pym chose himself instead of her to carry out this mission because he didn't want her to have an accident! Dr. Pym was reluctant to lose his daughter even if the operation failed.

Hope also apologized to Scott. She really didn't know that Scott had a daughter waiting for him when she called the police, and Hope was a little regretful.

Scott also expressed his understanding of Hope, and the two also had a good impression of each other after getting along for the past few days. Hope also cheered on Scott and let him train well.

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