I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 84: escape from the police station

Scott squatted in the holding cell, while Paxton, his ex-wife's fiancé, was standing next to him.

Paxton is a police officer in this police station, Scott feels really unlucky to drink water in his teeth!

Not only did he not get a penny, but he was almost scared to get sick by an inexplicable set of clothes. I wanted to return the clothes, but just happened to be caught by the police!

Now that he's locked up here to listen to his ex-wife's annoying fiancé, the police officer, Scott's mentality is a bit broken.

"You know what? We all almost believed that you had reformed. Both mother and daughter are very optimistic about you. You will break their hearts!" Paxton said.

"Someone's visiting you, Scott," said a black police officer.

"Who?" Scott asked.

"Your lawyer friend" replied the black cop.

lawyer? Where do I get a lawyer? Scott is very confused? Follow the black policeman to the interrogation room.

Scott Lang saw an older white-haired man and a young blond man he didn't know.

"I said that I would still contact your Scott, I was wondering if you prefer to squat." The white-haired old man said.

It turned out to be the owner of the villa, and Scott recognized that the voice that had been talking in the helmet was the voice of the old man in front of him.

"Sit down, please!" said Dr. Pym, while Arthur stood with his arms crossed.

Scott sat down and said to Dr. Pym, "Sir I'm so sorry I stole your dress, I don't even know why you have that amazing dress."

"Maggie saw you right!" said Dr. Pym.

"How did you know about Maggie?" asked Scott Lang, his ex-wife.

"No wonder she doesn't let you get close to Cathy, whenever things don't work out well, you go the old way and commit a crime!" Dr. Pym said.

Scott was shocked that the old man knew everything, but he still admitted that the old man was right, and lowered his head in shame.

"But if you want me to say, you still have a choice. Either you choose to spend the rest of your life in prison, or you go back to the detention room and wait for my next order," Dr. Pym said.

"I don't understand what you mean," Scott Lang said.

"I didn't expect you to understand either, but you have no other choice now, do you?" Dr. Pym said.

Scott glanced at Arthur and found that he was looking at him with a weird smile, as if a little pity in his eyes?

"Didn't you think that I was the one who made you steal the suit from the beginning?" Dr. Pym asked suddenly.

"What?" Scott mumbled.

It turned out that Dr. Pym arranged all this, and he deliberately released the news, just waiting for Scott Lang to take the bait.

"This kind of opportunity is not for everyone! So if you encounter such an opportunity, I suggest you think about it carefully!" After Dr. Pym finished speaking, he and Arthur left the interrogation room.

When they came out, they saw the black policeman still waiting for Arthur's order at the door.

"You take him back to the detention room and delete all the surveillance footage just now, and then you forget everything," Arthur told him.

The black policeman nodded and went to take Scott back to the holding cell, and Arthur gave a psychological suggestion to everyone who had seen them that no one would remember that they were here.

"Let's go!" Arthur said, and Dr. Pym took Arthur back to the villa.


Scott Lang was in the holding cell, thinking about what Dr. Pym had just said to himself, when suddenly he saw three ants on the ground with a small thing crawling in front of him.

That thing suddenly became bigger, it turned out to be the battle suit he wore before, and a group of ants beside the suit formed a number.

10, 9, 8... It turned out to be a countdown, reminding Scott that his time was running out.

Scott made a decision in an instant and put on his battle suit as fast as he could...

Just when a policeman passed by, they noticed that Scott was gone! The police immediately pressed the alarm and looked for Scott everywhere, and the police station became a mess! Little did he know that Scott was at his feet.

Scott ran out of the police station under the guidance of Dr. Pym and came to the side entrance of the police station.

"Ok! So where to go next?" Scott asked.

"Wait!" said Dr. Pym.

Suddenly, countless ants surrounded Scott, and then a huge flying ant fell from the sky and stopped in front of Scott.

"Put your foot on the middle section and ride on its back!" Dr. Pym ordered.

"Is this thing safe?" Scott was a little scared.

"Stop talking nonsense and get on it!" said Dr. Pym.

Scott gritted his teeth and rode on Flying Ant's back, Flying Ant flew him to a moving police car, and Dr. Pym had the police car take him through five blocks that were blocked by police.

Scott grabbed the device on the back of the flying ant to control the direction of the flying ant. The flying ant flew from the police car and came to a bus parked on the side of the road.

The flying ants came out of the bus again and flew in the sky, and Scott Lang was dizzy and dizzy for the first time in the flying ants, and he wanted to spit it out. He felt more uncomfortable than flying!

Scott wanted to come down, he couldn't take it anymore, but Dr. Pym told him to hold on.

Scott couldn't hold on in the end, and fell to the ground after passing out on the Flying Ant's back.

The flying ants chased the fallen Scott, successfully caught Scott, and flew him to Dr. Pym's villa.


"Look, you've been tossed and fainted." Arthur complained while looking at the screen on the monitor.

"He's already pretty good. It's normal for him to faint on the first flight," Dr. Pym said indifferently.

"I didn't faint on my first flight," Arthur countered.

"He's not the same as you, he's a normal person!" Dr. Pym meant that Arthur was abnormal, and Arthur pouted and didn't continue to speak...

Flying Ant 247 successfully brought the fainted Scott back to Dr. Pym's villa. Arthur helped him take off his battle suit and threw it on the bed in the guest room, asking Hope to help him take off his clothes.

"What are you going to do next?" Arthur asked Dr. Pym.

Hope was also watching Dr. Pym want to hear about his father's plans.

"I'm going to wait for Scott to successfully learn to control the ants, take my bomb to the Pym's research lab, and destroy all the research equipment made by Darrenk!" Dr. Pym said of his plan.

"I can do it without him!" Hope said aside.

"No! It's too dangerous, I can't let you risk it!" Dr. Pym refused Hope's request.

"Don't be so troublesome, I can just grab Darrenk and send someone to deal with Pym's research equipment," Arthur said aside.

"No! The research materials for Pym particles cannot fall into the hands of anyone, especially the government! I must destroy it with an atomic bomb!" Dr. Pym insisted.

"Then I'll just shoot for you and blow up the Pym Company?" Arthur said again.

"No, my atomic bomb leaves nothing behind and can blow up the lab without being noticed," Dr. Pym said.

It seems that Dr. Pym still doesn't believe in himself, thinking that the Avengers are coveting his research, so let's just follow Dr. Pym's method.

"Well, just follow your plan, but I'll help at that time to ensure that the plan is simple and successful!" In order to win Dr. Pym's trust, Arthur reluctantly agreed to adopt Dr. Pym's plan.


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