I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 72: Invasion of the Dark Elves

earth london

Here Thor finds the missing Jane Foster and discovers that there is a huge special energy in her body that keeps her weakened.

Thor had no choice but to bring Jane back to God's Domain for treatment.

In the medical hall, Jane Foster was lying on the soul smelting furnace, and the doctors of Asgard were doing a physical examination for her.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Arthur walked into the medical temple and asked Thor, the **** of thunder, who was watching.

"She is sick, and there is a special energy in her body, very powerful!" Thor said.

"I'll take a look!" Arthur walked to Jane Foster and put his hand on her head.

"It's you! Aren't you Arthur the Sea King? You came to Asgard too?" Jane looked at Arthur and said in surprise.

"Yes, I'm Arthur, it's nice to see you again." Arthur said to Jane.

"You are really popular now, and colleagues in our institute like to watch your videos!" Jane said to Arthur.

"What video?" Thor on the side couldn't understand what the two were saying.

"Something happened on Earth after you left. I made a video site in the name of the Avengers, and let everyone in the Avengers take some videos and post them... You reminded me, I'll make one in a while. Documentary on Asgard!" Arthur said.

"Okay, let's not talk about that, do you see what happened to her?" Thor asked.

When Arthur's spiritual power entered Jane Foster's body, he felt a familiar energy. This energy was the same as the energy of the Mind Stone, but not the same.

"This is the etheric particle I said, right in her body!" Arthur said.

At this moment, the **** king Odin walked in from the outside and said sternly to Thor, "Is what I said just deaf to you?"

"He's sick, and the etheric particles are in her!" Thor explained.

"What? This is impossible!" Odin came up and touched Jane Foster's arm with his hand, and red energy appeared in Jane's body where Odin's hand touched.

"...You come with me!" Odin brought Thorjan and Arthur to Asgard's library.

Odin took out a book, which recorded the process of the battle between the dark elves and Asgard. Odin explained to the three the ambitions of the dark elves and the origin of ether particles.

"Since the ether particle has appeared, the dark elves will come too!" Arthur reminded.

"The dark elves have been wiped out!" Odin still did not believe that the dark elves were still alive.

Arthur didn't refute him either, you'll know in two days!

"Does the book say how to get it out of my body?" Jane Foster asked.

"Sorry, no!" Odin said and left.

Thor and Jane looked at each other affectionately, and Arthur also stared at Jane, as if looking at a baby.

The ether particle Arthur in Simplified is determined to win! But when he tried to draw out the ether, the ether particles were out of his control.

The ether has recognized the dark elf king Malekith as the master for more than a thousand years, and the ether particles must be taken out through Malekith's hand!


Thor and Jane Foster were both walking around Asgard, while Arthur was filming with a flash point camera in the back.

Arthur has been carrying a card camera with him since he started a video site, and he took pictures of anything fun he encountered!

Arthur's new armor also has a storage function. Although the space is only the size of a schoolbag, it is enough for Arthur to use. Arthur put all the things he usually uses in it.

"Old irons? Did you see it? This is Asgard, the legendary kingdom of the gods! Of course, this is not a legend, it really exists!" Arthur took a selfie with his camera.

"Thor and his girlfriend Jane Foster are walking ahead. Thor is here to say hello to everyone." Arthur aimed the camera at Thor and Jane.

"Uh... Hello everyone, I'm Thor, welcome to Asgard, this is my girlfriend Jane." "Hello everyone! I'm Jane" Thor and Jane were a little uncomfortable with this shooting mode, His expression was a little stiff.

"Okay, Thor, can you tell us about your hometown?" Arthur said.

"Okay... This is the palace of Asgard, and behind me is the place where the people of Asgard live. Did I see the bridge in the water in the distance, that's our Asgard rainbow bridge? !" Thor proudly introduced to everyone what they could see now.

Arthur also pointed the camera at the place Thor pointed, adjusted to a wide-angle lens, and took this beautiful scenery.

"Okay! Thank you Thor for the introduction. Next, I will take you around to see the bottom life of the people of Asgard. This is the channel of Sea King Arthur. If you like my video, remember to click three times in a row. Oh!" Arthur continued walking and taking pictures with his camera.

On the other hand, Thor is rare and simple to get along alone, and the two chatted and kissed together.

. . .

Fandral and Vorstage went to Warnerheim to quell the rebellion, brought back a group of very bad criminals, and took them all to the Asgard dungeon to be imprisoned.

But none of them knew that one of the prisoners was Algorim, a subordinate sent by the Dark Elf King, who was the most powerful warrior in the Dark Elf clan.

The dark elf king hid a cursed stone in his body, let him infiltrate Asgard and turned into a cursed warrior, coping with the invasion of the dark elves!

The Cursed Stone is made of tiny amounts of ether particles, which allow the dark elf body to gain incomparable strength and defense.

Algorim in the dungeon dug out the Cursed Stone from his body, crushed the Cursed Stone, and the power of the ether particles in the Cursed Stone entered his body!

In an instant, his body seemed to be on fire, glowing red, and the prisoners who were with him were frightened and desperately smashed the energy shield to get out.

boom! ! !

A burst of red energy exploded! In an instant, the four prisoners next to him turned into black powder. And Algorim's body is getting bigger and bigger. After the high-temperature red energy dissipates, he has become a cursed warrior more than three meters high!

The cursed warrior broke the energy shield with a punch, and was seen by the two dungeon guards. The guards rushed up, and the weapon in his hand slashed at the cursed warrior but could not break his defense.

Mr. Curse grabbed one of the guards by the neck and lifted them up into the air. With two clicks, the necks of the two guards were twisted.

The cursed warrior walked to the other cells, punched the cell's energy shield one by one, and released all the prisoners in the dungeon.

Suddenly, the dungeon became a mess, the prison alarm sounded, and the guards of Asgard also reacted, picking up weapons and rushing towards the dungeon.

The Cursed Warrior came to Loki's dungeon energy shield, looked at this gorgeously dressed man but didn't help him lift the energy shield, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Take the stairs to the left!" Loki reminded him.

The Cursed Warrior walked up the stairs to the left, which led to Odin's palace.

The guards rushed into the dungeon, holding Nidavi's latest energy weapon in their hands, and the golden energy continuously shot out to destroy the fugitives in the dungeon.


Thor and Jane and Thor's mother, Frigga, heard the alarm, and Thor immediately thought that Loki might have escaped, and he flew towards the prison.

Arthur came to Jane and Queen Frigga and said, "An enemy has invaded, and I am with you to protect you."

The three of them returned to Asgard, where God-King Odin arranged for guards to guard Asgard's treasury and support the dungeon.

"It's just a little mess, don't worry." Odin said to Frigga.

"Take her to the room, and I'll find you when it's safe! Arthur, go too." Odin ordered.

"You have to be careful!" Frigg took Arthur and Jane away.

At this moment, a huge warship with numerous small spaceships came to Asgard in stealth, and was discovered by Heimdall as soon as he arrived at the Rainbow Bridge. Heimdall tried his best to destroy a small spaceship.

The other small ships were heading towards Asgard, and Asgard's defense guns spotted them and kept firing at the small ships.

These small spaceships that look like knives do not have attack weapons, but are extremely fast, have extremely strong defenses, and are numerous in number, all of which are constantly advancing towards Asgard.

And Asgard also dispatched their Xianzhou troop to intercept them. The Xianzhou troop kept attacking the small spaceships, but there were too many small spaceships, and some of them were approaching Xiangong.

Heimdall inserted the divine sword into the teleportation array and activated Asgard's energy shield, but it suddenly disappeared before the shield completely surrounded Asgard.

It turned out that the cursed warrior came to the core control room of the energy shield in Asgard and destroyed the device of the energy shield, so that Asgard's energy shield lost its core and disappeared.

Amid the countless artillery fire, a knife-shaped spaceship deftly evaded all attacks and rammed into the Asgard Palace.

After the spaceship crashed into the main hall, the hall was shaken immediately, countless pillars were broken by the spaceship, countless Asgard guards were smashed into mud by the spaceship, and the spaceship finally lost its impact after breaking a piece of golden pillars and stopped. In the hall!


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