I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 71: Sea King's Armor


Here is the hometown of the dark elves. Malekith, the king of the dark elves, wanted to use ether particles to dominate the Nine Realms. He launched a war on the day when the nine worlds converged, but was defeated by the Asgardians, and ether particles also Hidden by the old god-king Bauer in a place no one knows about.

And Vatheim was in ruins, and the Dark Elf King took away the remaining soldiers. Escaped in a spaceship.

Today, more than a thousand years later, when the nine celestial bodies converge in a single line, the sleeping dark elves in the universe are awakened by ether particles again.

Malekith, the dark elf king, returned to Wertheim again, watching this lifeless hometown become scorched earth, Malekith vowed that he would enter Asgard, retake the ether particles, and rebuild his hometown!

Asgard Asgard Dungeon

Arthur came to the dungeon to see Loki who was imprisoned here. The dungeon in Asgard looked very good, not as dark and dirty as Arthur imagined.

The dungeon is as resplendent as the palace. It consists of small rooms with energy shields to prevent prisoners from escaping. It looks quite high-tech.

Loki was imprisoned in the innermost part of the dungeon, in a single luxurious single room. His mother even decorated the room quite luxuriously, with a sofa, coffee table, red wine and fruit.

Arthur looked at Loki lying on the sofa drinking red wine and reading a book. Is this a dungeon? There is no need to work, eat and drink, Arthur wants to go in and enjoy it.

"Are you still alive?" Loki was surprised to see Arthur. In the Battle of New York, Arthur was tricked by Loki into the "sink" he prepared.

"Thanks to you, I experienced a space trip, and I spent a little effort to get back." Arthur said.

"Does it feel good to be in there? Do you know what you did wrong?" Arthur asked.

"Which thing do you mean?" Loki asked rhetorically.

"You actually cooperated with Thanos to **** the Rubik's Cube? Do you know that when Thanos gets the Rubik's Cube, he will be the first to kill you, and then destroy Asgard! Do you think you can still be the king of Asgard?" Arthur mocks Loki.

"Do you think I'll really give him the Universe Rubik's Cube? Only I can control the Universe Rubik's Cube! I'm just using Thanos." Loki said wisely.

"You underestimate Thanos too much. This time you not only didn't get the Cosmic Cube, but also lost the Mind Gem. Just wait, Thanos will come back to you!" Arthur said.

"Whatever, I'm a prisoner now. If Thanos comes, Odin will entertain him." Loki said indifferently.

"Just stay with you, we will meet again soon." Arthur turned and left.

Arthur came to the Rainbow Bridge Teleportation Hall, and he and Thor made an appointment to go to Nidavi today to get his armor and weapons.

"What are you talking about?" Arthur saw Thor and Heimdall still chatting.

"I can't go to Nidavi with you!" Thor said.

"Why?" Arthur asked.

"Heimdall found out that Jane Foster was gone, and I had to lie down on Earth and see," Thor replied.

"Really? Well, I'll go to Nidavi myself." Arthur knew that Jiuxing Lianzhu was coming soon after hearing the news of Jane's disappearance, and his plan was about to start.

Arthur was teleported to Nidavi by Heimdall. This is the third time Arthur has come here. This time, the dwarves of Nidavi are even more busy.

Arthur saw that the dwarves were constantly building a large number of weapons, and Asgard soldiers were waiting here to transport away the built weapons in batches, which seemed to be quite efficient.

"You're here? Your armor and weapons are finished by yourself." The dwarf king Aitri saw Arthur and said.

"I'm really bothering you, see what I brought you?" Arthur handed the dwarf king a barrel of fine wine on his shoulders.

"Oh? This is Asgard's fine wine. It smells really good." The Dwarf King picked up the wine barrel and opened the cork to smell it.

Arthur picked up his armor, golden light and not very light in his hand. This, the dwarf king is not cutting corners, right?

At this moment, something magical happened, and the armor was automatically put on Arthur's body. This process is a bit like Tony's nano armor in the movie.

The golden shirt and green trousers all have dragon scale patterns. Arthur's hands are wrapped in green gloves until the elbows form an arm guard, and there are six gem slots in his right hand.

After the armor was put on, a golden cape appeared from Arthur's shoulders, and finally a golden crown appeared on Arthur's head.

It's amazing, this armor is like a wishful baby that can be automatically worn on the owner's body. And the dwarf king's craftsmanship is really good, it is exactly the same as Arthur's drawing.

"This is armor made by Ulu. If you can add magic, I will add some simple magic, such as automatic dressing, and it can also change the shape." The dwarf king explained Arthur's doubts for him.

"Change the shape?" Arthur thought of a shape under the guidance of the dwarf king and then chanted a spell. Arthur's armor instantly turned into a black suit, white tie and leather shoes.

"Fuck!" Arthur touched the fabric of the suit, it was almost the same as the real thing, so amazing?

"These are just basic functions. Ulu is such a magical metal, and Thor's armor can be freely deformed."

I don't have to buy clothes anymore, Arthur loves this feature so much, it's more practical than any other ability.

The armor turned into a T-shirt and shorts AJ1 for a while, a sweater, jeans and skateboard shoes for a while, and a JK uniform miniskirt for a while (this was wrong!) Arthur was having a great time.

"This is just one of the functions. Its core function is defense. Ulu metal and Zhenjin are the two major metals in the universe. Not only are the defenses amazing, but they will also be repaired automatically," said the dwarf king.

"I also made the gem slot you want on the right glove for you. He can use six infinite gems at the same time, but I don't recommend you to do it, and only if you have gems." The dwarf king is saying Just saw Arthur take out a yellow gem from his arms and put it in the slot of his index finger.

"You really have gems, no wonder you designed this slot!" said the Dwarf King in surprise.

After the gem entered the slot, it was perfectly embedded on the glove, and then the glove disappeared and was perfectly hidden by Arthur. This armor is really good! Let's call it the Sea King's Armor.

Arthur picked up a new trident again. The golden trident has become what Arthur's drawing looks like, which is much better than the original.

Arthur felt that his energy was running faster when he used the new trident, indicating that the current trident was much more powerful than the original trident.

Arthur waved his trident into a gold ring on his right index finger.

"Thank you so much! The dwarf king's craftsmanship is really the strongest in the universe. I am very satisfied with this set of Kai armor and the new trident! Thank you! Aitri." Arthur complimented the dwarf king.

"Haha, a trivial matter, come to me next time when you have something to build, you are Thor's friend and also my Aitri friend." The Dwarf King said cheerfully.

"I'll give you this friend! Aitui, if one day Nidavi meets a man named Thanos, and he asks you to agree to him first, don't resist his decision, find a way to delay time, I will definitely come. Save you!" Arthur said sincerely to the Dwarf King.

"The tyrant? Who is the tyrant? What is he going to do to us Nidavi?" The Dwarf King asked in confusion.

"Just remember what I said, and you'll know when the time comes." Arthur said mysteriously.

"Okay, I remember!"

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