I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 65: full adult

This time, the League of Legends S2 global finals was very successful. In the end, the WE team from LPL fought fiercely for five games, and finally narrowly beat the SKTT1 team and won the global finals championship.

Just when the five Chinese guys lifted the trophy of the global finals, golden ribbons floated in the stadium like rain, and this moment was also recorded by the camera.

The number of viewers of this game has exceeded 800 million, and the barrage is full of WE cows! It can be seen how excited and proud the Chinese audience is.

After the game, Arthur conducted a post-match interview. Arthur asked a few guys some questions in standard Mandarin, and told them that for winning this championship, not only did they get a reward of $10 million, but they could also customize their own champion skin. Several people were overjoyed when they heard it.

As for the second and third places in the global finals, there are also $3 million and $2 million in rewards, they are well worth the trip!

The League of Legends S2 Global Finals was successfully held. Although Arthur and Tony spent a lot of money for this game, the influence it brought was also huge.

The number of gamers of League of Legends increased by 80 million overnight, especially in China, almost everyone knows that the Chinese team defeated the South Korean team to win the world championship! Even CCTV spent 30 seconds reporting the event on the news network.

A phenomenon that has appeared in China is that all Internet cafes are filled with League of Legends players, and League of Legends has officially surpassed World of Warcraft to become the online game with the largest number of players in the world.

The news media who were not optimistic about Stark's entry into the game industry before had their faces swollen, and could only turn their heads to praise Tony Stark's vision and foresight. Stark's entry into the game industry is the most correct choice!

And because of the live broadcast user Dazeng of the League of Legends global finals, Hero Video Network surpassed the old video site YouTube in one fell swoop and became the world's largest live video site.

Hero Video also officially launched the mobile terminal software, which allows you to watch high-definition videos and live broadcasts directly on the mobile phone.


Time flies very fast, it's almost Christmas, although Arthur doesn't like Christmas very much, but this year Wanda and Pietro will spend it together, so he is still ready to arrange it and have an unforgettable Christmas.

Arthur directly covered a pine tree in front of the house with colorful lights and dressed it up as a Christmas tree. Arthur also bought a Christmas tree at home. I also bought a lot of Christmas decorations to make the home have a festive atmosphere.

And Arthur's Christmas is doomed to be bad.

Arthur saw the news while watching TV at home over the weekend. ABC was hacked. A terrorist named Manchurian appeared on TV. The entire United States is now on high alert. All searches for Manchurians have failed.

Then there is Tony's basic friend Colonel James Roddy wearing a colorful set of steel armor, and he also took the name of the Iron Patriot. The President of the United States will send him to deal with this terrorist called the Manchurian.

Then the news of several TV stations complained about the Iron Patriot's armor, and felt that the military was like playing a family.

Arthur thinks so too. This color scheme is really ugly. The next time I see Roddy, I have to laugh at him.

At this time, Tony and Roddy were having dinner in the Atlantis restaurant, and the two were discussing the matter of the adults.

"Don't say it, Arthur's dish called braised pork is really good. I've been wanting to try it since I saw that video," Tony said.

"Then you can go directly to Arthur's house and let him do it for you." Roddy said.

"To be honest, I still don't believe in Arthur's craftsmanship. Don't watch the video, both of them say it's delicious. I guess it's the effect of the show!" Tony complained with a black belly.

"Okay, let's get down to business, what's going on? This full man?" Tony asked.

"These are classified things! Well, there were nine bombings," Rhodes said.

"Nine?" Tony asked.

"But there were only three known to the public, and the problem was that no one found the equipment they were using, and there was no fragmentation," Rhodes said.

"I can help, I have a new app, I have autopilot armor, and I can catch explosives in mid-air," Tony said.

"Aren't you busy with the Avengers?" Rhodes asked.

"The Avengers base has been designed, and the construction team can cover it according to the drawings." Tony explained.

Suddenly, two children asked Tony for autographs, and one of the boys mentioned the New York alien incident, and Tony's reaction suddenly became a little intense.

He quickly ran outside and put on his armor for Jarvis to examine his body, feeling a little hard to breathe.

The diagnosis Jarvis gave him was that he had anxiety and Tony couldn't believe it! He said goodbye to Rhodes and went home.


After another two days, Arthur finally saw the performance of Manchu on TV. Don't say that the performance is quite real, and the latter news caught Arthur's attention.

Tony Stark's bodyguard Happy Hogan was attacked by terrorists and has been sent to the hospital for treatment. Tony Stark declared war on the terrorists on this incident!

Tony said to the camera "My name is Tony Stark and I'm not afraid of you! You're a coward, so I decided to kill you myself! It's not about politics, just old-fashioned revenge! If you're a man, remember my address 10880 Malibu Street, I'm waiting for you!"

Tony still underestimates the enemy. I remember he was bombed by the enemy just after he said the address. Forget it, I will go to the hospital to see how Happy's injury is, Arthur thought.

Arthur drove to the hospital and inquired about Happy's room number, and Arthur came to Happy's ward.

Seeing that Happy Arthur, who was in a coma and was covered in injuries, clenched his fists. Happy had a good relationship with him. He also took care of Arthur at Stark before.

very good! I'm still in charge of this!

In the evening of Christmas Eve, Arthur was learning to cook turkey in the villa. This is the food that Americans eat for Christmas. Arthur couldn't figure out what was so delicious about it.

Arthur gets the turkey ready, stuffs it with his favorite spices and bakes it in the oven for an hour. Wanda is frying steak, Pietro is preparing champagne.

Arthur made a few more dishes, brought the roasted turkey to the table, and the three began to enjoy dinner. Pietro poured them champagne. Arthur raised his glass and said, "Come! Merry Christmas! Cheers!"



Arthur cut the turkey and shared it with Wanda and Quicksilver, and then tasted it himself. Sure enough, the meat was quite good, and the taste was alright. He didn't like it very much.

Just when they were happy to eat, an urgent news came on the TV "Tony Stark's villa was attacked by terrorists this afternoon, the villa collapsed, and Iron Man Tony Stark disappeared..."

Snapped! Arthur slapped the table with a slap. These people were too arrogant and dared to blatantly attack Tony in broad daylight. Fortunately, Arthur remembered that Tony had nothing to do but was taken to other places by Jarvis.

Arthur called Tony's phone, prompting to shut down. Arthur didn't know Tony's location either, so he could only wait for new news from Tony.


(PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a collection!)

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