I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 64: world finals

Arthur's went back to his leisurely days. Every day, he either accompanies Wanda to practice or accompanies Pietro to score points. In order to play games, he also gave both of them a computer.

Peter asked Arthur again if he wanted to go back to study, but Arthur still refused. Although Arthur is very busy now, he still has plans for the next time. It is impossible to go back to school.

Today, Arthur is preparing to shoot a video with Wanda. Arthur is going to make a food video, a Chinese home-style dish with braised pork!

Arthur is in charge of cooking, and Wanda helps. In the video, the two of them are honestly cooking by hand, not using superpowers.

Arthur washed the pork belly, cut it into cubes, put it in the pan and fry it until golden brown, then heated the pan and put in rock sugar to fry the color, then add the pork belly and Wanda's cut **** slices and stir fry.

Arthur was drooling while frying Wanda, and Arthur deliberately photographed Wanda's greedy expression. Finally, add water and rice wine, cover and turn to low heat and simmer slowly.

During the waiting process, Arthur also introduced the history of the braised pork dish and its status in the hearts of the Chinese people, while Wanda cooperated and held it together.

The braised pork in the fire was finished. Arthur showed everyone the finished product. The thick oily red sauce was very tempting. Arthur asked Wanda to taste and comment, but Wanda asked Arthur to feed him.

Arthur picked up a piece of braised pork with chopsticks and fed it to Wanda's mouth. Wanda said it was delicious, and his expression was very cute. The effect of this picture was full.

Sure enough, after this video was released, the number of views was very high, and most of the barrage comments praised Arthur's cooking skills and Chinese dishes so well.

Among them, Chinese netizens have the highest evaluation. They can't think that a foreigner like Arthur, the sea king, can still cook Chinese food in a good way.

And American netizens were also very interested in this dish, and Arthur also took advantage of the situation to advertise, telling everyone that if you want to eat it, you can go to the Atlantis restaurant to taste it.

Of course, when Wanda left the country, many barrages praised the beauty of beauties and so on. As for the last two interactive barrages, there was a wailing, which was simply a crit for the single dog! Although Arthur is also single.

Many female fans questioned the relationship between Wanda and Arthur. They incarnated Conan and guessed that Arthur was filming the video at their own home. Wanda was also wearing pajamas at home. So are Wanda and Arthur living together? ? Thinking of this, their hearts are broken.

Wanda noticed the comments of these female fans and was secretly happy, this is the effect she wants! Let some women who have fantasies about Arthur give up the idea.

If Arthur knew Wanda's thoughts, he would probably lament that she was a pig teammate! How can I get to know my sister if you do this?

However, Arthur usually only has a flamboyant mouth. He still believes in a famous saying that women will only affect his speed!


Time flies to the days when the League of Legends World Championship finals are coming up in November.

Although the League of Legends Global Finals was held for the second time, it was the largest in history. The last S1 game was held in an Internet cafe. This time, Stark Industries directly rented the Stark Industry Tapps Field hosts games every month.

The arena is also very beautifully decorated and has strong e-sports elements. The audience at the beginning of the game is decided by issuing invitation letters. As long as you buy a skin, you can get a number.

Then, before each game, the official website will display the number of the invited audience, and a message will be sent in the game to remind you that you are invited.

Therefore, players in other divisions have protested, and the official has also responded. The previous game was held in Los Angeles, and only American players were invited to watch it for free. If you want to watch the game, you can wait until the day of the finals. Tickets are sold by transaction.

Since the opening of the League of Legends World Finals, it has attracted the attention of all players around the world, and the number of live viewers of each game has exceeded 200 million.

The total number of live viewers of the semi-finals and semi-finals is as high as 400 million, which shows that the influence of this competition is still very large.

Until the day before yesterday, the semi-finals had been decided by the LCK's STKT1 team against the NJSword team, and the SKTT1 team won.

The LPL's WE team played against the LEC's Fnatic team, and the WE team won.

Arthur was a little surprised to see this result. This time, under his guidance, the LPL division was established ahead of schedule. The WE team was not eliminated because of the disconnection, and because the prize money of the finals was the highest in history, the SKTT1 team also appeared earlier.

Therefore, the result of this final is completely unpredictable, and he is also more concerned about this final!

Tickets for the global finals were sold out within five minutes of the launch. Arthur looked at the statistics and found that Chinese players and Korean players still accounted for a large proportion. great attention.


On November 11, 2012, Double Eleven, the League of Legends S2 Global Finals officially started.

Players all over the world are sitting in front of their computers and watching this grand game live on the Hero Video Network.

People who didn't buy tickets are very annoyed. This time, the League of Legends global finals is the largest, most gorgeous venue, and the best live broadcast of all e-sports competitions they have ever seen.

The audience came to the entrance of Staples Stadium in advance, and it was already full of people.

There are a lot of League of Legends elements in the square, there are billboards, there are role models of League of Legends, and many players come here to hold cos parties. There is a big screen outside the venue, and players who have not bought tickets can also watch it directly here. Live match.

A lot of beautiful girls put on the clothes of the female characters in the League of Legends to take pictures with other players, the boys also COS male characters, and some people COS Avengers team heroes. Let people from all over the world come to watch the game feel that it is a worthwhile trip.

After everyone entered the venue, the opening ceremony was officially ready to start. The previous e-sports competitions were played directly, and the finals of the League of Legends showed everyone an animated CG.

The characters in the League of Legends all appear in the animation. They are constantly advancing and fighting towards the trophy of the global finals, and the wonderful moments of the previous games are also edited in it, which seems to give people a feeling of blood boiling.

Just as the nine-tailed fox Ahli grabbed the trophy, the lights were turned off, it was pitch black, and then the music started, it was Numb from Linkin Park! Several members of the Linkin Park band came to the scene to perform this League of Legends theme song for everyone.

The audience screamed, and it was so rewarding to watch an eSports game and see the Linkin Park Band perform! Everyone swayed to the music...

Arthur stepped onto the stage in a black suit after Linkin Park's theme song, and he's hosting today.

"How are you guys in the audience?" Arthur asked aloud, then said it again in Chinese.

The entire audience cheered, "Sea King! Sea King! Sea King!" Arthur is almost no young man who doesn't know him now.

The Chinese viewers who watched the live broadcast praised that Arthur's Mandarin speaking is really standard. Chinese gamers rarely pay attention to e-sports competitions. After watching the global finals this time, they realized that the e-sports competitions are so good-looking, I love them!

"Since the League of Legends S2 global finals were held, teams from all over the world have brought exciting games to everyone, but the games are cruel, and victory always belongs to the strong! And here today, the hero will be decided this time. Which team will the world champion of the league global finals belong to!" Arthur said to all the audience with a magnetic voice.

"I have STKT1 from the LCK division below!"

At this time, a heart-warming music sounded. This is the theme song of the League of Legends S2 global finals, SliverSvrapes. This song will be used as the last game of BO5 in the future.

"Fuck, what kind of music is this, it's so hot!"

"This song makes my blood boil!"

"This is what the finals should look like, and people are looking forward to the game even more!"

The audience liked this battle song very much, which made the game more ignited.

The five members of the SKTT1 team and the head coach came out from the backstage, and Arthur stood in a row on his left.

"Top single lmpact jungler Bengi mid laner FakerADpigret assistant poohManDu head coach kkOma let us welcome them together!" The audience burst into warm applause!

"We have the WE team from LPL!" The five WE team and the head coach came out from behind and stood to Arthur's right.

"The top single strawberry jungler promises the middle single Ruofeng AD with a smile to assist the head coach Abu! Let's welcome them together!" The warm applause of the audience sounded again.

"Okay, the exciting game is about to officially start. Here we would like to thank the Avengers, Stark Industries and the Atlantis restaurant chain for their sponsorship! Well, let's start the game!"

After Arthur finished speaking, he went to the backstage, and the players from both sides also walked into the competition seat. The League of Legends S2 Global Finals officially started!


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