I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 60: The Avengers are short of funds

Arthur swam fast in the sea, heading towards New York.

"What's the matter with your body? Earthlings actually have such a powerful body!" Venom attached to Arthur's arm and said to him.

"Why can't people on earth have such a strong body? You have never seen a stronger body." Arthur replied.

"How did you control me? What do you want me to do?" Venom is still a little afraid of Arthur, it has never seen anyone who can control it.

"Do you know what this is? I haven't figured out what to do with you!" Arthur took out the Mind Stone and shook it in front of Venom.

"This is the Infinity Stone! Who the **** are you! To own the Infinity Stone!" Venom exclaimed in surprise.

"My name is Jon Arthur, nicknamed the Sea King, and the Infinity Stones are very common on Earth," Arthur said.

"There are only six Infinity Stones in the universe. How can they be common on Earth, do you think I'm a fool?" Venom didn't believe what Arthur said.

To be honest, you still don't believe it, and you'll find out later. Arthur felt that it was a pity to kill Venom, and he could also be a helper against Thanos in the future.

"I'm hungry, is there anything to eat?" Venom asked.

Arthur beckoned, and a group of sardines swam to Arthur's side, "Eat it!"

"Then I'll follow you in the future!" Venom said with satisfaction, it would be more perfect if someone had a brain to eat.


Arthur returned to the villa. Wanda and Pietro were very happy to see Arthur coming back. Wanda learned a few Chinese dishes. She knew that Arthur liked Chinese food and wanted to have a hand in Arthur.

Sitting at the dining table, Arthur looked at the black fried eggplant and the burnt brown tomato eggs. He refused in his heart, but when he saw Wanda's big watery eyes looking forward to him tasting, Arthur refused. No.

Arthur used his chopsticks to pick up a half-black egg, which clearly had the word "Dangerous" written on it! But seeing Wanda staring at him, he could only bite down.

The first feeling at the entrance is salty, and the second feeling is sweet. For the first time, Arthur has eaten something salty and sweet to the extreme.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Wanda asked Arthur expectantly.

"Didn't you try it yourself after you made it?" Arthur asked rhetorically.

"Pitro helped me taste it, and he said it was okay." Wanda said happily.

Arthur looked at Pietro, and Pietro shook his head in pain. It seems that Wanda has been humiliated by Wanda these days. I have wronged you!

"The taste is alright, next time you cook, you still have to try it yourself and make delicious dishes, and I suggest you learn from the easiest." Arthur opened his eyes and lied.

As for that plate of eggplant, Arthur really didn't have the courage to try it, he was still young! I don't want to die so early...

Arthur changed the subject and told the two of his experience of going to San Francisco this time, and also told the two days and nights of his battle with the riots in a eloquent manner.

Venom hiding on Arthur means that if I didn't know the riots and know your methods, or I would believe your nonsense, you bad old man is very bad!

Except for the little episode that started this dinner, the three of Arthur were still very happy to eat.


the next morning

Arthur still ate the breakfast that Wanda prepared for him as always. Well, Wanda toast is still ok, as for the fried eggs, it still needs to be practiced.

After eating, Arthur came to the yard to help Wanda train chaos magic and spiritual magic.

During training, Arthur unexpectedly received a call from Tony.

"Hello? Arthur, did you hear from Hill that you came back from San Francisco?" Tony Stark asked.

"I just came back last night, what's the matter?" Arthur said.

"You don't come here to have a look at the construction of the Avengers base," Tony said.

"You are professional in base construction, what advice do you want me to give?" Arthur said.

"When you encounter a little difficulty, come over and let's think of a way together!" Tony said.

"Well, send me the address and I'll be there in a minute," Arthur agreed.

"OK, see you later!" Tony said.

"See you later!" Arthur said.

Tony sent Arthur the location of the Avengers base, on the west coast of Los Angeles.

Seaside, I like it!

"You and Pietro will go out with me in a while. Let's go to the new Avengers base to see. It just so happens that I will also introduce you to your future colleagues." Arthur said to Wanda.



Arthur drove a transport fighter with Wanda and Pietro to the Los Angeles Coast Avengers Base, which is under construction and easy to find!

Arthur parked the plane by the sea, and the three got off the plane to see Tony Stark waiting for them.

"You're finally here! Come on, let's go to the temporary office in front, everyone is waiting for you." Tony and Arthur hugged and said.

Tony took Arthur and his brother and sister to a small two-story building. This is the temporary office of the Avengers, responsible for the temporary work command of the base construction.

Arthur went in and saw Barton and Steve Rogers and Natasha. What's the situation today? Are these people okay?

"I'd like to introduce to you, this is Wanda and this is Pietro. I brought their brothers and sisters back from Sokovia, and they have agreed to join our Avengers team." Arthur introduced the people around him. Two siblings.

"We met last time. Welcome to the Avengers team! We will work together for peace on Earth in the future." Steve Rogers stood up to welcome Wanda and Pietro.

"We'll do our best!" Wanda and Pietro nodded.

"Okay, I called everyone here today to discuss the future development of our Avengers. Since the disbandment of S.H.I.E.L.D., we have lost the assistance of various countries. Now all the funds for the Avengers are from the remaining funds of S.H.I.E.L.D. Support with Stark Industries. Stark's income is not as good as before because I decided that Stark Industries will no longer sell weapons." Tony Stark told everyone.

"You mean you're out of money?" Arthur asked Stark in disbelief, he could be regarded as the richest man in America.

"It's not that there is no money, it's that the income is not as good as before. Now Stark Industries has to bear the cost of building the Avengers base and purchasing various equipment. Can't rely on my Stark Industries to support it? We have to find a way to make The Avengers can make money!" Tony said.

"Then do you have any suggestions?" Steve Rogers asked the crowd.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and there is no good idea.

"Have you studied the new energy vehicle I asked you to build?" Arthur asked Tony.

"It's still being researched, because it's still very difficult to shrink the Ark energy reactor unless we find new energy alternatives," Tony said.

It's a pity that some of the Guardians of the Galaxy are not here, otherwise we can study and manufacture spaceships.

"What about the alien spaceships and weapons left by the Chitauris, there can always be new energy research in there," Arthur asked.

"The research is still in progress. The number of our scientists is too small. Now Banner is in charge of the research." Natasha replied.

so what should I do now? Arthur made trouble, make money? make money! I, a person who has traveled back through the 21st century, will not know what industries will make money in the future? Arthur finally remembered his past life memories.

"I have a solution! Let's make games!" Arthur said.

"Game?" Several people looked at Arthur with the eyes of an idiot. Should this game make money?

"Yes, it's the game! This is the fastest way to make money right now!" Arthur said.

"Are you going to let my arms company start from scratch to make games? Are you a little whimsical?" Tony asked.

"Who asked you to do it, you go online and find a company called Riot Games in the United States. They have a game called League of Legends! It was launched in 2009. Although this game is not too popular now, it will definitely be a cash cow in the future. I Let you go and buy this fist company directly!" Arthur explained to Tony.

"League of Legends? I really like this name! Well, I'll let Little Pepper start the acquisition when I go back." Tony nodded and said.

"You have to act fast, no matter how much it costs, you must take him, and the game agency rights of various countries must be in our hands!" Arthur said.

"Okay!" Tony agreed.


(PS: Thank you Alex Bingfeng, Mo Xue Yiyun for the reward, thank you for your monthly and recommended tickets, and thank you for watching Aquaman! Thank you! If you think the author's writing is okay, you can add this book to the bookshelf to support To the author! Thank you all!)

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