"Who are you? How did you get in?" At this moment, Drake came to the laboratory with four bodyguards and found the researcher lying on the ground, looking at Dr. Arthur and Dora in front of him, he questioned Ya Se said.

"He's Drake?" Arthur asked Dr. Dora.

"Yes master!" Dora replied.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Drake asked hysterically, noticing Arthur in front of him and the blue symbiote he was playing with.

"I am the Sea King of the Avengers! Have you heard of it? I have the evidence that you are privately studying alien creatures, and you are also conducting inhumane research on the human body, so I will punish you on behalf of the Avengers!" Arthur said righteously. It's cool to stand on the moral high ground to criticize others!

"Shoot him!" Drake looked at Arthur with red eyes and ordered to his subordinates.

It's a pity that no one obeyed his instructions, and the four bodyguards stood motionless as if they were stunned.

"What have you done to them?" Drake asked, looking at Arthur.

He pulled out a bodyguard's pistol and wanted to shoot at Arthur. Arthur flicked his finger, a drop of water penetrated his right hand holding the pistol, and the pistol suddenly fell to the ground.

"I hate people pointing guns at me, Dr. Dora, please close the door of the lab!" Arthur said to Drake.

Dr. Dora operated on the computer and the door of the laboratory closed.

"What do you want to do?" Drake asked.

"Don't you want to become one with the symbiote? I'll fulfill your wish and let you taste the taste of those who have been killed by you!" Arthur finished controlling the blue symbiote on his hand Xiangde Rick climbed up.

"No! Let me out! Let me out!" Watching the symbiote Drake, who was getting closer and closer, slammed **** the tempered glass door of the laboratory.

The blue symbiote climbed onto Drake's body and merged with him. Drake instantly fell to the ground and twitched. After a while, he lost his breath. The blue symbiote also climbed out of him and collapsed on the ground. .

"Don't do it yourself!" Arthur said to Drake.

At this moment, a little girl entered the laboratory, and this little girl gave Arthur a very strange feeling.

The little girl looked at Drake on the ground and the dead blue symbiote and said in a creepy voice "Trash!"

"Stop still! Who are you?" Arthur asked, looking at the little girl.

Silver liquid appeared in the little girl's body, her eyes turned white, and she turned into a monster more than three meters tall "My name is Riot! You killed him and disrupted my plan! I want to kill you !"

"Oh, you are so ugly!" Arthur complained at the ugly riot.

The riot suddenly turned into a long knife and stabbed at Arthur with his right hand, and Arthur ducked sideways.

The rioting hands turned into two scythes, jumped to death, and slashed towards Arthur.

"Damn it! Killing the prototype?" Arthur took out the trident to block the riot's attack, kicked it away with a kick, and smashed the tempered glass wall of the laboratory.

The riot stood up and rushed to Arthur's crazy attack! The hands become different weapons, and there are many tricks. Arthur can only constantly dodge and block.

"Hmph, fancy attack, unfortunately your weakness is too obvious!" Arthur knew that the Achilles heel of the symbiote was the fear of high temperature and sound waves.

Arthur gave a mental attack to the riot that kept attacking him. It stopped instantly and became confused. Arthur took out the mind gem and sent a golden energy ray to him.

"No!!" The body of the hit riot melted instantly, and the little girl was also melted into gas.

Get it! Arthur knocked out the remaining four bodyguards and Dr. Dora, all of whom participated in Drake's inhumane human experiment and should be punished accordingly!

Arthur took out his mobile phone and dialed Hill's number, "Hey, Miss Hill, it's done!"

"So soon? You killed everyone in the Life Foundation building?" Hill asked jokingly.

"How is it possible? It's like this..." Arthur told Hill in detail about Drake's secret research and the situation of the symbiote.

"That's the way it is. I have solved both symbiotes, and the other one has run away. I have subdued everyone in the laboratory. You can call someone to deal with it," Arthur said.

"It's really efficient to give it to you. It's solved so quickly. I'll let someone deal with the Life Foundation. You can come back after you deal with the last symbiote," Hill said.

"Okay, then hang up, goodbye!" Arthur hung up the phone and glanced at the lab, and Drake's phone rang just as he was about to leave the lab.

Arthur took Drake's cell phone and opened it to see that it was a call from a man named Patrick.

Arthur got on the phone. "Hey, we got Eddie Bullock," Patrick said on the phone.

"Bring him to the lab immediately!" Arthur said in Drake's voice.

"Okay!" The other party was not suspicious and agreed to Arthur's request.

Eddie Bullock has been very unlucky recently. He revealed that what he did behind the scenes of the Life Fund would be fired by the TV station, and his girlfriend also broke up with him.

A female doctor named Dora found him and took him into the Life Foundation to find evidence, but he was possessed by an alien symbiote.

Then he was chased by Drake's mercenaries. Fortunately, he managed to escape with the help of symbiote venom, and then he walked into the TV station and put the evidence on the director's desk.

When he came out, he was surrounded by countless police. With the help of Venom, he broke through the siege and came to the hospital with his girlfriend.

He successfully stripped the venom from his girlfriend using the hospital's ultrasound machine, but just as he left the hospital, he was caught by the bald head of Drake's men.

The bald head drove him to the ground floor laboratory of the Life Foundation Building.

The bald head and a few subordinates pressed Eddie into the laboratory and saw not Drake but a man he had never seen before.

"Who are you? Where's Drake?" asked bald Patrick.

"He's been killed by me!" Arthur said.

The bald head and several of his subordinates heard Arthur's answer and were about to pull out a gun when they were hit by Arthur's mental attack, and they fainted when they rolled their eyes.

Eddie was dumbfounded by the situation in front of him.

"What's the matter? Who are you?" Eddie asked Arthur.

"I'm Arthur, the sea king of the Avengers, have you heard of it? Drake has been killed by me, and we will all deal with these people," Arthur said.

"Are you Sea King Arthur? Aren't you dead? You killed Drake?" Eddie looked at Arthur and said strangely.

Arthur was a little embarrassed, and took Eddie out of the Life Foundation building, "By the way, where is the symbiote on you, why can't you feel his existence?"

"He was taken out by me and should be in the hospital now," Eddie replied.

Eddie suddenly finds his girlfriend Annie now at the door of the Life Foundation.

"Why are you here?" Eddie asked.

"I'm here to save you!" Annie replied, but her voice was venomous.

"It's really loyal." Arthur sighed. As soon as Arthur stretched out his hand, Venom Anne's body peeled off and climbed into Arthur's hand.

Both Eddie and Annie stared in astonishment, how could Venom listen to this man like this.

"What are you going to do with it?" Arthur asked Eddie, looking at the black liquid creature in his hand.

"I... I don't know, it has saved me several times, I don't want to hurt it." Eddie looked at the venom in Arthur's hand with complicated eyes and said.

"Then leave it to me to deal with, you go, things are over here." Arthur said to Eddie and Annie.

Eddie and Annie thanked Arthur and left, and Arthur turned and left, finally going home!

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