I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 42: accuser ronan

The two ran towards the outside, and on the way, they saw five aliens in armor and guns and an alien spaceship.

Quill threw a triangular magnetic device, and the huge magnetic force attracted all the five people together. Arthur took the opportunity to use the trident to send out an energy cannon to instantly kill the five people.

Seeing the alien spaceship next to him, Arthur raised his right hand, and two water columns in the rock next to him came towards the spaceship. Arthur clenched his five fingers into a fist, and the two water columns instantly condensed into a cone and stabbed toward the spaceship.

The enemy's spaceship was instantly pierced by a huge cone of water.

boom! Blast to pieces!

"Let's go!" Arthur said to Quill. Quill could not have imagined that Arthur was so strong that he could not only emit energy cannons, but also control water.

The two got into the spaceship and flew into the sky, but they didn't see the leader of the alien looking down at them just now.

"Raiders!" The leader of the aliens is Star Hunter Klass! He was Ronan's subordinate, and he recognized Quill's clothes and fighter jets.

Looking at the dead five and the blown-up spaceship, Klaas said fiercely, "Ronan will find you!"


on the raider ship

Arthur pointed to an extra red-skinned woman and asked, "What's wrong with this woman?"

Quill said, "She's... what's your name?"

"Barrett!" the woman replied.

"By the way, Barrett, I forgot she was still on the spaceship. He is the girl I met on Xandar," Quill said.

"You're really not a picky eater!" Arthur sarcastically said.

"What, do you have a woman?" Quill asked, and Arthur didn't speak.

"Haha, you won't be still a baby!" Quill pointed at Arthur and laughed.

"I only turned 18 this year! And I focus on cultivation, and I am not interested in women. Women will only affect my speed of drawing a gun!" Arthur said nonchalantly.

"You don't like a woman, don't hide it!" Quill exposed Arthur's lie, and Arthur blushed.

Just then, the communication phone rang.

"Peter, there's a call for you!" Barrett said and pressed answer!

"No, wait, don't!"

"Quier!" The video screen came, it turned out to be Yongdu.

"Hey, Yondu," Quill said.

"I'm in Morag! I didn't see the cosmic spirit ball, and I didn't see you!" said Yondu.

"I'm nearby and I've helped you out of the big trouble!" Quill said.

"Where are you now?" Yondu asked.

"I wasn't going to tell you!" Quill said.

"I have worked so hard to find the whereabouts of the universe spirit ball, I have worked so hard!" said Yongdu.

"I found it first!" Quill said.

"We predators must have principles!" Yondu said.

"Your choice is to grab if you can!" Quill said.

"When I picked you up from the earth, these people under me were going to eat you. They had never eaten human flesh. I stopped them. I saved your life. I will find you. I want... ..." Quill hung up before Yondu could finish speaking.

"He looks pissed! Will they come and get us when we've put them together?" Arthur asked.

"He can't find us!" Quill said.

"Actually, Yondu is very good to you, he really saved you!" Arthur said.

"He saved me? He kidnapped me!" Quill yelled.

"You'll find out later." Arthur knew that Quill couldn't listen now, so he didn't speak.


morag star

Courage was out of breath, and I didn't expect Quill to grab the cosmic ball in front of him.

"Give me a reward for him! A reward of 40,000 is offered, but I want to catch him alive!" Yongdu ordered to accept it.

"When you picked him up, I told you to send him there according to the customer's request! He is just our goods! You are too soft-hearted with him!" A looter said in duty.

"I'm too soft-hearted with you, don't worry about Quill." Yondu opened his cloak to reveal his weapon, an arrow!

"Once we get him back! I'll kill him myself! We're worried about who will get that spirit ball!" said Yondu.


Kree battleship Dark Star

Ronan the accuser sits on the throne, with Gamora and Nebula standing next to him.

Klaas stood below and reported, "Master, those two are thieves! One of them is a predator named Star-Lord, but we found that he made an agreement with a middleman named Broker to get the cosmic ball!"

Ronan said, "I promised Thanos that I would get back the cosmic ball for him! Only then will he help me destroy Xandar!"

"Xingyun, go to Xandar to help me get back the cosmic spirit ball!" Ronan ordered.

"It will be my pleasure!" Nebula said.

"This will be your end!" Gamora interrupted Nebula.

"If you fail again, father will not reward you!" Gamora said to Ronan. "I know Xandar better!"

"You can't fail!" Ronan said.

"Have I failed?" Gamora asked rhetorically, then turned and set off for Xandar.


on the raider ship

"We're going to Xandar?" Arthur asked.

"How do you know, a seller I know is called a broker, and he opened a department store in Xandar Star. He is the middleman to help us sell the cosmic spirit balls," Quill said.

"Do you know what's in the cosmic sphere?" Arthur asked.

"I don't know, you know?" Quill asked.

"I really know, and I also know that your middleman called the broker will definitely not dare to accept this thing." Arthur said mysteriously.

"Then tell me what it is," Quill said.

"It's a power gem! There is only one of the six wireless gems in the universe. It should be the Kree who just attacked us. Their leader, Ronan, is also looking for this power gem." Arthur explained.

"What! So we've been targeted by the Kree?" Quill asked.

"Yes, we are now being targeted by Ronan and the Marauders, what are you going to do?" Arthur said, looking at Quill.

"I still plan to go to the broker to try first, this opportunity to make a fortune is still not to be missed!" Quill said.

"Well, I agree, if you can't sell it, can you give it to me, and I will help you solve the Kree!" Arthur said.

"You want the Orb of the Universe too?" Quill asked.

"Yes, the power gem can destroy the world, and I can become stronger with it!" Arthur said.

"Well, if I can't sell it, I'll give it to you."

"It's a word!"

"It's a word!"

The spacecraft came to the beautiful Xandar star. Xandar star is a planet with a powerful technological civilization in the universe. From outer space, it looks quite similar to the earth, but it is much larger than the earth.

Walking on the Xandar star, Arthur sighed that the technology of Xandar is really developed. The people of Xandar have almost white skin and yellow hair as the people of the earth. Of course, there are many people from other planets with other skin colors, and the people of Xandar also love it more. Peace, love life.

On a sky bridge in Xandar Square

"I'm leaving Quill," Berterry said.

"I'll come to you in the future, bye!" Quill said.

"Goodbye!" Berterry left.

"Come on, let's meet the broker!" Quill patted Arthur on the shoulder and said.

Quill took Arthur to an inconspicuous shop in Xandar Commercial Plaza.

"It's here! That's it!"


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