I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 41: Cosmic Orb

"I have a big deal to do, are you going?" In the room, Quill was packing his things and preparing to leave.

"What business?" Arthur asked aside.

"Yondu received a deal, which is the cosmic spirit ball! That buyer is willing to offer a price that is hard to refuse!"

"Cosmic Spirit Ball?" Arthur felt that the name was so familiar.

"Yes, the predators finally found the whereabouts of the cosmic spirit ball through continuous research. This time we have to grab the cosmic spirit ball in front of Yongdu, and then go to exchange for the money!" Quill said excitedly.

"Okay, please take me with you!" Arthur finally remembered what the cosmic spirit ball is, isn't it the power gem among the six infinity gems?

I didn't get the soul gem before, but now the power gem appears in front of me again, it's really hard to survive, there must be future blessings!

Quill took Arthur and set off in his Predator Quinn to an abandoned planet called Morag.

earth usa washington

Steve Rogers ran in the morning by the lake. He began to try to accept his new life. It is his habit to exercise every day. Today, he just met a new friend, his name is Sam Wilson, who works in the Department of Veterans.

He had a good talk with Sam, and Sam likes to run too, just a little too slow... (Sam: MMP!)

Steve Rogers is constantly adapting to the new things around him. He has learned to surf the Internet. When he hears some movies, music or food recommended to him, he will write it down in a notebook, and then go back and learn more slowly.

Steve Rogers got a text from Natasha telling him he had a mission to go right away.

Steve Rogers said goodbye to Sam and got into Natasha's car for S.H.I.E.L.D.  …

Tony Stark has been a little uncomfortable recently. He always has nightmares about aliens invading the earth, and Arthur, who was bombed beyond recognition, pulled himself and asked himself why he didn't save him.

Tony can't sleep all night, he can only choose to work crazy, he keeps designing new armors, he has to design all the ideas in his mind!

Pepper is very worried about Tony's current physical condition, and told him to take a good rest, but now as the CEO of Stark, Pepper has too many things to deal with, and the number of times he meets Tony is gradually decreasing, he can only Please Happy, let him help watch Tony...

The little spider Peter Parker lives as usual, attending school during the day, dating Gwen after school, and wearing a spider coat at night to fight criminals in New York.

Of course Peter Parker's life has also changed, Gwen's father has finally accepted himself, and Spider-Man, who has become more "famous" since the New York events.

You can often see this most down-to-earth superhero in the Avengers team in town! He has more fans! The attitude of the police to him was also much better, which made Peter Parker's life more pleasant.

Loki was brought back to Asgard, before Odin, the father of the gods.

"Don't you realize the importance of your crimes? War, destruction and death are everywhere you go," said Odin.

"I am a benevolent **** to go to Atrium to rule the earth's names, just like you." Loki said.

"We are not gods! Like humans, we are born, live and die," said Odin.

"But we can live five thousand years!" said Loki.

"It's all because you want the throne," said Odin.

"It's my birthright!" said Loki.

"Your birthright is to die at birth! You should have been left on the cold rock! If I hadn't taken you in then, you wouldn't hate me here now!" said Odin.

"If I should be executed, then be merciful and hurry up, I don't like talking to you!" said Loki.

"You are still alive because your mother can't bear to kill you. You will never see her again in the future. You will spend the rest of your life in the dungeon!" Odin said.

"What about Thor? I'm in the dungeon until I die, but you want to make that idiot king?" Loki asked.

"Thor must do his best to make up for the damage you've done, and he will restore order to the nine kingdoms, and then he will become king!" replied Odin.

Loki was thrown into the dungeon by Odin, while Thor led the rebellion at Warnerheim. Since the Nine Realms knew about Jordenheim, there were people in Warnerheim, Nornheim and Ria who rebelled against Asgard, Thor went to suppress them and bring the Nine Realms back to peace...

in space

Quill's spaceship is making a space jump, and Arthur is retching with a trash can...

"This is your first time trying space jumping?" Quill asked, looking at Arthur who was "seasick".

"It's the first time I've left the earth, vomit...cough..." Arthur said with a sallow face.

"Oh, poor boy, would you like some music to relax?" Quill asked.

"Don't play your **** music, just listening to those songs for a few days makes me vomit, vomit..." Arthur said sadly.

"This is the golden song of our hometown. I've listened to it for more than 30 years, and I'm still not tired of it." Quill said with the tape in his hand.

"If my phone hadn't been blown up during the previous battle with Chitauri, I'd let you hear what modern music is!" Arthur said.

"Mobile phone? What is a mobile phone? Don't you use a Walkman to listen to music?" Quill asked in confusion.

"A mobile phone is a phone! You can listen to songs, watch videos and play games on it. You can understand it as a small computer." Arthur explained.

"Phone? Isn't that a landline that can only be dialed? Missouri's technology is developing so fast?" Quill said in amazement.

"Earth's technology is developing so fast that they use infinite gem energy as a weapon." Arthur spat.

"We're here, that's Morag!" Quill said, pointing to the huge gray planet in front of him.

"It's finally here, I'm going to go out and get some fresh air!" Arthur said.

"Okay, sit tight!" The spacecraft landed smoothly on the surface of Planet Morag.

Arthur and Quill got off the spaceship, Quill took out a detection instrument "Go this way!" and walked in one direction, Arthur followed.

"I kind of like it here!" Arthur said. There is no sun this week, the ground is full of smoke, and there are springs spewing from the rocks. It's like rain, and the air is full of moisture.

The two walked to a dilapidated building. Quill took out an instrument, and the instrument emitted blue light and scanned the building in front of him.

The blue light shows the building's former appearance, and there are many figures on the street, indicating that aliens must have lived before this week.

The two followed the instructions of the instrument and came to a building. Quill took out the Walkman and put on headphones, and danced to the music.

Quill reached out to Arthur to join him, and Arthur shook his head and said to him, "It's a little abnormal for you to specify!"

Arthur followed behind Quill, who was dancing and advancing, and the two came to a huge door.

Quill took out a gadget and successfully opened the stone door, which looked historic.

The two walked into the main hall, and Quill took out a small glowing ball to illuminate the surroundings.

There is a broken metal pillar in the middle of the hall, and the center of the pillar emits purple energy to form a cage, and their target cosmic spiritual ball floats quietly in the center of the pillar.

Quill glanced at Arthur, took out a triangular magnetic decoration and placed it on the ground, and the cosmic spirit ball was sucked out of the energy cage by the magnetic force and flew to the magnetic device.

"Connoisseur! If you were on Earth, you would be a master of tomb robbers!" Arthur praised Quill.

"I'm fully prepared." Quill looked proud, bent down and picked up the cosmic spirit ball.

"Who!" Arthur felt that someone had come to the door.

"Hand over the stuff!" Three strangely dressed aliens walked in and pointed guns at the two.

"Oh, there's trouble." Quill said to Arthur.

"I hate people pointing guns at me!" Arthur said to the three aliens.

"Hand over the cosmic spirit ball! I'll say it again!" said the leading alien.

"Oh, there are always people who don't understand human words." Arthur finished speaking and the trident appeared in his hand, and a blue energy shot towards the three aliens. The two aliens in front were killed by the energy on the spot. , the leading alien was blasted and flew out.

"There are enemies outside! Come this way!" Arthur blasted a large hole in the wall behind him with energy, and took Quill out of the hall from here.

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