I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 274: Infinity War (3)

Captain America Steve Rogers and Black Widow Natasha team up against General Deadblade and Proxima Centauri.

Steve Rogers used his shield to constantly block the spear attacks in the hands of General Deathblade, and Proxima Centauri used a fork to fight Natasha's vibrating swords...

And Dr. Banner also turned into a Hulk, smashing all over the ugly alien creatures. A black monster about the same size as him beside him was Venom, and he was also constantly attacking among the alien monsters. One bite at a time.

The Hulk looked at Venom with contempt. It was disgusting. He could eat it. Compared with alien monsters, how does Venom feel more like alien monsters?

Drax the Destroyer and Korg the Thing became friends, and together they attacked the tall black dwarf.

Drax grabbed the black dwarf with a dagger and shouted a stab at it. Koreng held a giant hammer and kept attacking the black dwarf, making him unable to fight back...

Spider-Man also started the killing mode in the alien monster group. The four tentacle-like spikes behind him attacked the surrounding alien monsters. This is the latest nano armor designed by Tony Stark for him.

Quicksilver Pietro quickly shuttled among the monsters, and no one could see his figure clearly. He was holding a broken knife and cut the opponent's neck when he couldn't react.

Hawkeye Barton was standing on a hillside observing the scene, reporting to Steve Rogers, and the bow and arrow in his hand kept shooting at the enemy.

Tony Stark, Colonel Rhodes and Sam attacked the huge Leviathan in the air. Rhodes and Sam's artillery fire did limited damage to the Leviathan, and the two could only attack together.

Tony Stark's new armor, Mark 50, incorporates the invisible metal that Vibranium and Arthur brought to him. It is not only made of nano-metal, but also very powerful.

Tony raised his hand and an orange energy ray suddenly cut Leviathan in half from the middle!

Tony noticed that among the giant alien warships overhead, the densely packed Zitaray spaceships flew out and flew towards the battlefield.

I remember that the last time I fought with them was when the New York Avengers was just established. It has been so many years now, and seeing them again Tony Stark reminds me of that time.

Tony rushed towards the countless Qitarui spaceships, preparing to face them alone. A figure appeared next to Tony, his speed was no slower than Tony, and he was Mike Dylan, the electro-optical man.

Max didn't know how powerful he was until he mastered the energy of his body. Max usually kept charging at the Avengers base to make his battery store more and more energy.

Tony Stark only saw a flash of lightning, and Max turned into lightning and slashed towards the countless Chitauri spaceships.

Suddenly there was a blue electric light in the sky, and the Qitarians were instantly paralyzed by the high-voltage electric current, and the spaceship lost control and smashed to the ground.

Tony immediately quit when he saw Max's actions. Isn't this stealing the limelight from me? Tony's steel armor formed a large jet under his feet, and he suddenly accelerated, charging towards the Chitauri spaceship army.

An eight-transformation device stretched out from the back, and eight energy rays were shot out of the Chitauri spaceship army, giving the Chitauri people an indiscriminate attack at the right time. Pieces of the spaceship were blasted by Tony's rays on the spot.

For a time, the sky was full of fire, and Thanos stood there and watched his army fall into a disadvantage on the battlefield. He didn't have any expression, as if it had nothing to do with him.

The hatch of the giant battleship continued to open, and more than a dozen black awl-shaped spaceships descended from the sky and plunged into the ground.

Countless alien monsters rushed into the battlefield again, and Arthur was speechless when he watched the spaceship above his head drop alien creatures like an endless stream. How many troops did Thanos bring?

Gamora and his sister Nebula fought together. Not only did the two sisters have no feelings when they met, but they attacked each other harder than ever! As if they wanted to kill each other.

Raccoon Rocket stood on the tree Groot with a machine gun and kept attacking countless alien creatures, and Groot also punched the heads of these annoying creatures one by one.

The black panther T'Challa led the Wakanda army to constantly attack alien creatures, especially those giant creatures, and the iron-clad rhinos of the frontier troops were just able to deal with them.

Sansa also led the Atlanteans, holding a trident to continuously shoot out energy to destroy alien creatures. Although the Atlanteans have weakened a lot after leaving the water, they are born with divine power. It can also use simple water element energy attacks, which is no worse than Wakanda warriors on land.

The sea giant creatures summoned by Arthur are even more powerful, and the thick armor guns can't be broken. Countless alien creatures have been attacking giant crabs like tickles.

The giant crab lifted its claws and swept across it, and all the alien creatures were crushed into mud. There were more than 20 such giant crabs.

Most marine creatures cannot go ashore, and can only use water energy in the sea to attack alien creatures on the shore...

Arthur looked at Thanos not far away and ordered the dragon under him to fly towards him.

Thanos also noticed Arthur who was coming towards him, and picked up the double-edged sword in his hand to prepare to meet the enemy.

Arthur rushed down directly from the dragon's head, holding the golden trident and stabbed at Thanos! Thanos not only did not hide, but also raised his two-edged sword and slashed with Arthur.

One knife and one halberd slammed together fiercely, and Arthur only felt a huge impact on the trident, and the trident almost let go!

What a lot of strength! As expected of someone who dares to fight against the Hulk, the power of Thanos should not be underestimated.

Arthur stepped back two, and the trident continued to slash at Thanos, who also raised his double-edged sword to resist, and the two fought fiercely for a dozen times.

Arthur's hands trembled a little. Thanos looked at Arthur's golden trident and fought with his own two-edged knife so many times, not only did it not break, but there was no trace of it, good weapon!

Thanos' two-edged sword is made of the strongest special metal in the universe, and any weapon that he has fought against will not be damaged.

I didn't take advantage of the melee combat with Thanos, what should I do? Attack with magical energy? Thanos has two Infinity Gems like himself at the same time, one of which is the most powerful power gem!

Arthur couldn't take care of that much anymore. Raising the trident was a red energy shot towards Thanos. Thanos didn't use gem power, he raised his right hand and blocked Arthur's energy ray with infinite gloves.

"Interesting..." Thanos grinned, his right hand clenched his fist and the purple gem lit up, and the purple energy slashed towards Arthur like lightning.

The red gem in Arthur's right hand lit up, and Thanos' power gem lightning was turned into foam by the reality gem and disappeared into the air.

At this moment, a red magic energy blasted towards Thanos, and it was Wanda. Thanos was staggered by this sudden attack.

"You're also very good..." Thanos said, looking at Wanda who is now next to Arthur.


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