I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 273: Infinity War (2)

Countless monsters ran out of the giant black spaceship that was stuck on the ground like an awl, and there were countless numbers of them, rushing towards the Wakanda crowd.

"Open the defense cover!" T'Challa ordered, and Wakanda was immediately wrapped in a blue energy defense cover, putting all the countless monsters outside.

The artillery fire of Thanos' battleship was also blocked by Wakanda's vibrating energy shield. The battleship attacked for a long time and found that it could not break the shield and did not continue to attack.

All the members of the Avengers walked to the edge of the shield, watching countless monsters outside attacking the shield one after another.

In the distance stood three aliens armed with weapons, a woman with horns was Proxima Dark Night, and a tall, thin, black-clad Deathblade General. A huge, ugly looking monster is a black dwarf.

The three of them are now in the group of monsters, and people can recognize at a glance that they are the cadres of the enemy.

Suddenly, a beam of light shot down from the giant battleship and shone next to the three of them. After the light disappeared, Thanos wearing golden armor and holding a double-edged sword, as well as the ebony-throated and half-body mechanically transformed in gray robes. Nebula appeared in the field.

"Master..." The three saluted Thanos, who nodded in response.

Thanos stood in the crowd and looked at the Avengers in the energy shield, and said loudly: "I am Thanos from Titan. To be honest, I don't want to fight with you! Just you Hand over the four Infinity Stones, help me accomplish my great goal, and I'll leave immediately and spare your lives!"

"I tell you on behalf of the Avengers, if you choose to retire immediately, and you will no longer be troubled by the earth, we can choose to let you out of here, if you want our Infinity Stones... Sorry, I'm sorry!" Arthur stood Shout out to Thanos in front of all Avengers.

"Then there's nothing to talk about, you think you can stop me? Today I'll let you know what destiny is!" Thanos suddenly clenched his fist, and the purple energy blasted towards Wakanda's blue energy shield.

The blue energy shield suddenly shattered like paper, exposing the Wakanda people to countless monsters.

The huge battleship above everyone's heads suddenly opened six hatches, and the Leviathan of the Qitarians flew out from the hatches of the battleship.

Behind Thanos, in the awl-like spaceship, countless Qitarui troops with weapons came out in formation, and there were monsters like hills, and there were tens of thousands of people.

For a while, the Avengers and Wakanda's armies will face an alien army that is too different in number. Everyone feels very depressed. Looking at the lineup of Thanos on the opposite side, it feels like an army is under the city.

Arthur suddenly flew into the air, raised his trident and screamed in the sky... For a time, the waters of the waters around Wakanda boiled! Giant creatures emerged from the water, giant octopuses, giant crabs... All the strange creatures make it hard to believe that they are species on earth.

An Atlantis army wearing silver armor and holding a trident walked out of the sea in formation under the leadership of the head Sansa.

There are also huge sea creatures behind them, which look like crabs and have thick shells.

The Atlantis women's army walked to the side of the Wakanda tribe and arranged an array. Everyone raised their tridents at the same time and shouted: "Long live the sea king!" "Long live the sea king!"

Arthur bowed his hands and told the Atlantean army to stop shouting, and then Arthur drew a strange symbol in the air with both hands, and suddenly his eyes were full of blue energy and sparkled.

Arthur communicated the energy of the latitude of water, Arthur raised his hand and drew a circle in the air, and a huge dimensional blue portal appeared above.

Roar! ! !

A huge blue dragon flew out of the portal, circling and roaring in the sky.

This is the mount that Arthur once surrendered in the latitude of water, an adult dragon, and a dragon that can only use water dragon language magic.

The dragon flew to Arthur's side, Arthur jumped on the dragon's head, and Arthur, wearing golden armor and holding a golden trident, stood on the top of the dragon's head, looking at the army of Thanos in the distance.

Roar! !

The dragon roared again, Arthur looked at Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers received Arthur's signal, turned around and said loudly to everyone: "The Avengers! Wakanda Warriors! Atlantis Soldiers! In order to protect our homeland, we can only rally! Let's fight to the end!"

After Steve Rogers finished speaking, everyone yelled and rushed towards the enemy at the same time. Thanos looked at the earthling army rushing towards the opposite side, raised the weapon in his hand and pointed forward.

All the troops under Thanos also attack at the same time! The dense alien army rushed towards the earthlings, and the two sides suddenly roared and fought fiercely together!

Arthur rode a dragon and took the lead in flying in the air, followed by Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Wanda, Valkyrie on a Pegasus, Falcon Sam, War Machine Rhodes, Star Lord Quin Er, Green Goblin Harry, Electron Max Dylan!

The rest of the flightless people all fought on land with Steve Rogers and the alien army.

The dragon under Arthur snorted a water element energy towards a Leviathan. The blue water energy instantly blasted the Leviathan's head, and Arthur held a trident and blasted energy rays to the ground. A slice of alien monsters...

Wanda uses chaos magic to bombard alien creatures constantly. Under Wanda's attack, the alien creatures are as fragile as paper...

Stephen Strange used a group attack, and countless creatures were crushed to the ground by his gravity magic.

A man stared at Stephen Strange, who was Thanos' powerful subordinate Ebony Mow. He felt that this man had an Infinity Stone on him, and he was also a magician. Ebony Mow was very interested in meeting Stephen.

Stephen Strange suddenly felt a wave of magic beside him, and he raised his magic shield to block Ebony Maw's sneak attack.

"Mirror magic... Your magic is really low, hand over the Infinity Stone in your chest!" Ebony Throat said to Stephen Strange with his hands behind his back.

"You can try to grab it..." Stephen Strange didn't talk too much with Ebony Throat, condensed a magic whip and drew it towards Ebony Throat.

Ebony Maw raised his hand, an invisible energy wall blocked Stephen Strange's attack, Ebony Maw waved his hand again, and countless stones flew up, turning into spikes and attacking Stephen Strange.

Just then, Wang suddenly appeared here, and a portal was formed in front of Stephen Strange, taking away all the spiked stones of Ebony Maw.

Stephen Strange also opened a portal, and this trick Arthur's favorite fighting magic of returning to him in the same way was perfectly matched by Stephen Strange and Wang.

The magic spike flew towards Ebony Throat and caught him off guard, and blood suddenly appeared on Ebony Throat's face!

Ebony throat is also careless! I didn't expect the Earth Mage to cooperate so well.


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