I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 270: Thanos Thanos

"Execute all these dwarves!" Thanos said with a grin.

" Thanos! You promised me, as long as I make infinite gloves for you, you will let us go! How can you go back on your word?" The dwarf king Aitri was in a hurry, he couldn't watch the three hundred people die tragically in his own eyes. before.

"I only promised to pardon your life! You Nidavi dwarves are the strongest weapon-making masters in the universe, keeping you will always be a threat!" Thanos shook his head and said.

"No!! Thanos, you can't do that! Please, spare my clansmen! Kill me!" The dwarf king Aitri knelt in humiliation in front of Thanos and begged bitterly.

"Your life belongs to you, but your hand belongs only to me!" Thanos gave Ebony Maw a look.

Ebony Maw gestured to Thanos' men, and two huge and ugly Chitauri giants stepped forward and controlled the dwarf king Aitri from left to right.

A Chitauri was holding a red-hot iron bucket filled with molten metal.

The two giants pressed the dwarf king Aitri to the ground and stretched out his hands.

The Qitarui, who was holding the metal bucket, lifted the metal bucket and poured the molten red molten metal liquid on the hand of the dwarf king Aicui.

"Ah!!!!" Dwarf King Aitri screamed as he was scalded by the molten metal.

He clenched his fists tightly, the metal liquid wrapped around his hands, and for a while there was a smell of burnt meat in the entire hall.

More than 300 dwarves watched their king lying on the ground screaming and rolling, and shed tears of anger. They wanted to go up and fight the enemy desperately!

But they knew that they had to be slaughtered, that the dwarves were not good at war, and they had no weapons now. Now they can only pray, pray that Asgard can know their situation and save them!

Thanos looked at the dwarf king who was rolling and screaming on the ground and signaled to his subordinates, and one of his subordinates poured a bucket of cold water on Ai Tri's hands.

呲... Ai Cui's hands suddenly filled with smoke, and the metal on his hands also cooled sharply. The dwarf king finally stopped screaming, lying on the ground gasping for breath.

And his hands have turned into two dark iron blocks, from now on the dwarf king can no longer make exquisite weapons...

"I forgive you, Ai Tri!...Dead Blade, do it!" Thanos ordered to Dead Blade.

"No!!!" Dwarf King Aitri shouted loudly as he looked at Thanos' subordinates who raised their weapons at his clan.

The dwarves closed their eyes and waited for death to come...

Just then, a huge bolt of lightning fell from the sky, hitting the crowd of Thanos men who were about to kill the dwarves.

For a time, Thanos' subordinates turned their backs, and they were killed and injured.

Thanos looked up and saw only a blue energy ray shot towards him.

Thanos reacted quickly, raised the infinite gloves, and the same purple energy shot towards the blue energy.

One blue and one purple energies slammed together, and a huge explosion suddenly occurred. The entire hall of the dwarf king was shaken, and countless metal buildings were destroyed by the bomb.

Thanos and his subordinates were also unable to open their eyes due to the dazzling rays of light. After the explosion, Thanos and the others looked into the hall, only to see two people standing in front of the dwarves, and all of Thanos' subordinates were already there. knocked down.

They are the sea king Arthur, who is wearing golden sea **** armor and holding a golden trident, and Thor, who has only one left eye and no hammer.

"Thor! Arthur! You have finally come to save us!" The dwarf king Aitri shouted happily when he saw Arthur and Thor, and Asgard finally came to save them.

"Asgard? Aren't you fighting a civil war? Why do you still have time to save these dwarves?" Thanos asked, looking at Thor, who had only one eye left.

"Asgard is gone! Did you attack Nidavi while something happened to Asgard?" Thor asked, looking at Thanos.

"Yes, Odin is dead, and Asgard is in a melee. This is also a good opportunity for me to come to Nidavi to build the Infinity Gloves! I know that the universe Rubik's Cube is in your hands, hand him over, I can spare you One life!" Thanos said arrogantly, looking at Thor.

"You want the universe cube, don't you? Coincidentally, there are two gems in my hand, do you want it?" Arthur revealed the green infinity glove in his right hand, with two gems, one red and one yellow, shining brightly. .

"Arthur!" Thor didn't expect that Arthur would expose the gem to the enemy, and it was too late to stop him.

"Hahahaha! Very good, you not only brought me the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and my Mind Gem, but also helped me find the Reality Gem and hand them over! Not only did I promise to let you all die, but I also promised you one Request, how?" Thanos said, looking at Arthur happily.

"You shoot first! I'll transfer all the dwarves away!" Arthur said in Thor's mind with the Mind Stone.

"Do you want the Cosmic Rubik's Cube? Well, here it is!" Thor took a step forward, lightning flashing all over his body, a huge thunder in the sky, and a flash of light... The huge thunder smashed towards Thanos and the others!

boom! !

Thanos clenched his fist, purple energy wrapped around his body, and the huge thunderbolt hit the purple energy cover with a dazzling light.

Just as Thor started, Arthur turned around and drew circles towards the more than 300 dwarves behind him.

A huge blue portal suddenly appeared from under the feet of more than 300 dwarves, and the dwarves fell towards the portal like dumplings...

On the other side of the portal is the star of Bocht, where the people of Asgard are located, and Heimdall is waiting for them there...

This happened in an instant. When Thanos returned to his senses, only Arthur Thor and the dwarf king Aitri were left in the hall.

"Good job! Arthur!" The dwarf king burst into tears when he saw that Arthur had rescued all his people.

"You guys are very good! It seems that I have to kill you with my own hands to get you to hand over the Infinity Stones obediently." Thanos suddenly smiled, looking at the three of Arthur and said lightly.

The tyrant's face became more and more hideous, he raised his right hand to make a fist, and a huge purple energy blasted towards the three of Arthur!

Just when the purple energy attack slammed in front of the three of Arthur, it turned into colorful bubbles under the energy of reality gems...

"Let's go!" Arthur grabbed Aitri, who was twice his height, with his left hand, and suddenly flew when he grabbed Thor with his right hand.

The red energy enveloped the three and flew upwards. The ebony throat waved, and the countless metals on the roof of the hall were wrapped around the three of Arthur as if alive.

"Play magic with me?" A blue magic shield wrapped the three of them, blocking the metal controlled by Ebony Maw's magic. Arthur led the two of them out of the hall and flew towards the fairy boat in the sky.

Loki, Valkyrie, Koreng, and Jimmy are waiting for them on the fairy boat.

The three of Arthur jumped on the immortal boat, and the immortal boat became crowded with some huge dwarf king Aicui.

"Do you think you can run away?" Thanos asked while standing in the hall, looking up at Xianzhou.

"Titan! If you want the Infinity Stones, come and find us in Missouri, let's go first!" Arthur shouted loudly to Thanos.

Loki took out the cosmic Rubik's Cube, and the blue energy suddenly swallowed the fairy boat, and Arthur and others disappeared instantly.

Thanos looked at the place where Arthur and the others disappeared without a word for a long time. Thanos' subordinates, Ebony Maw, General Deathblade, Night Proxima and Black Dwarf, looked at Thanos worriedly. They could feel Thanos' anger spreading. .

"Haha, very good! Now the remaining four gems are all concentrated in Missouri! Ebony throat!" Thanos said with a laugh.

"Master!" Ebony-throated replied.

"Assemble all the troops and capture Missouri!" Thanos ordered expressionlessly.

"Yes! Master!"


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