I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 269: Ragnarok

"Tell my brother, what kind of **** are you called?"

Hela suddenly saw the lightning flash in Thor's left eye, and Hela's complexion suddenly changed.

Thor roared in the sky, and the sky over Asgard Immortal Palace was covered with dark clouds. In the next second, a huge lightning struck Hela!

Everyone on the Rainbow Bridge looked up at Asgard, and the entire Asgard was torn apart by a huge thunderbolt.

Thor flew into the sky with the thunder and lightning, and the great **** roared: "Loki!!"

Loki, who was waiting in the treasury, heard Thor's call, and immediately put Surtur's skull in his hand into the brazier in the middle of the treasury.

"With the eternal fire, you are reborn at this moment!"

That brazier was not an ordinary fire, it was an eternal fire. After Loki finished all this, he immediately left the treasure house and ran out of the palace.

Arthur blocked in front of the countless undead army, and next to him fighting with him were Valkyrie the Valkyrie, Koreng the Stone, and Jimmy the Zerg.

Heimdall watched the last Asgardian people walk into the portal, turned his head and shouted to Arthur: "Arthur, everyone is safe to leave! Close the portal!"

Arthur turned and ran to the portal, came to Heimdall, and said to him: "Go to Heimdall too, the people of Asgard need your leadership to settle down, there is still a battle behind us, After everything is over, I will find a suitable planet for Asgard and let them rebuild their home!"

"Thank you! Arthur, Asgard owes you a huge favor. I'm sorry I can't continue the fight for you." Heimdall looked at Arthur gratefully and said.

"It doesn't matter, you just need to help me with the last thing." Arthur said, looking at Heimdall.

"What's up?"

"Help me see what happened to Nidavi? Where is Thanos now?" Arthur said to Heimdall.

Using his omniscient vision, Heimdall looked through the stars to see Nidavi.

"Not good! Nidavi is surrounded by countless spaceships, and the Titan Thanos Thanos you mentioned is now on Nidavi!" Heimdall said with a change of expression.

"Are the dwarves okay? Did Thanos attack them?" Arthur asked anxiously.

"Not yet. They were all gathered together by Thanos, and the Dwarf King seems to be building something for Thanos..." Heimdall said.

"Fortunately, it seems that our team will set off to save them immediately. The dwarves are the key to rebuilding Asgard! They can't be in trouble." Arthur said worriedly.

"Just please, I believe you will be able to rescue them." Heimdall said to Arthur, then turned and walked into the portal.

Arthur waved his hand, and the portal disappeared. At this moment, Thor was wrapped in thunder and fell from the sky, smashing into the crowd of the undead army.

A large army of undead was instantly killed by Thor's thunder and lightning, and Loki also came to everyone from a distance on an immortal boat that he did not know where to find it.

"Get on the boat! Let's leave the immortal boat!" Loki shouted to everyone.

Valkyrie, Koreng and Jimmy jumped on the fairy boat, Arthur jumped on it, and Thor was still fighting the undead army.

"Thor, it's done, let's go!" Loki shouted to Thor.

At this moment, Hela fell from the sky, knocked Thor away with one blow, and came to everyone.

"Want to leave? You are delusional!" Hela said as she looked at the people on the immortal boat.

"Hehe, haven't you noticed the current situation? How are you going to protect Asgard in his hands?" Arthur asked, pointing to the golden Asgard.

Hela turned to look at Asgard, she only saw endless flames spewing out of Asgard, and instantly the entire Asgard burst into countless pieces.

The flame giant Surtur, even bigger than Asgard, stood on the ruins of Asgard with the Sword of Twilight and shouted in the sky!

Roar! ! !

"No!" Hela looked at the huge Surtur and shouted, her Asgard couldn't be destroyed like this.

Suddenly, a huge thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit Hela right on his body, instantly severing the Rainbow Bridge under Hela's feet. Hela screamed and fell from the Rainbow Bridge.

"Tremble in front of me! Asgard, I've come to you to settle the account!" The tall flame giant raised his great sword and slashed towards Asgard's buildings.

Under the search of the flame giant, Asgard of the gods was like the end of the world, and it became a world of flames.

Thor looked at all this in a daze. It was all caused by him himself. The home he grew up in was about to be destroyed at this moment.

"Go Thor! Thanos has surrounded Nidavi, if we don't go, all of Nidavi's dwarves will be killed by him!" Arthur shouted to Thor.

"What?!" Thor turned to look at Arthur, he didn't expect it to be so urgent!

Thor flew to the immortal boat, and Loki controlled the immortal boat to fly into the distance.

Arthur raised his hand and drew in the air, a portal appeared in front of the fairy boat, and on the other side of the portal was Nidavi!

Loki drove the fairy boat and rushed towards the portal, while Thor stood at the stern and watched Hela in the distance rushed out of the lake towards the flame giant Surtur.

And the flame giant Surtur raised the sword of twilight and slammed it into Hela...

Xianzhou rushed into the portal, and Thor could only watch the portal close. farewell! Asgard, my hometown!

The moment Arthur and the others rushed out of the portal, everyone saw a huge space battleship parked above Nidavi, which was the battleship of Thanos!

Arthur saw a place where the purple light was made, and Arthur let Loki drive the fairy boat to fly there...

Thanos threatened the lives of the dwarves and asked the dwarf king Aitri to make him a glove that could use the Infinity Stones.

The dwarf king Aitri had no choice but to agree to Thanos' request when he saw that his clansmen would die tragically in front of him.

Aitri had made it once for Arthur, so it only took a while to make it.

Thanos got his coveted Infinity Glove and put it on his right hand.

Ebony Maw held a tray in front of Thanos, and in the tray lay two infinity gems, one purple and one orange, which were the power gem and the soul gem.

Thanos picked up the purple power gem from the tray and placed it over a gem hole in the Infinity Gauntlet.

The power gem was instantly sucked into the gem hole and embedded in the gem hole of the Infinity Gloves.

In an instant, the tyrant's body glowed with purple light, and the tyrant closed his eyes, scurrying in his body with the huge energy of the power gem.

After only two seconds, the light of the power gem disappeared, the power gem also fell silent, and was completely controlled by Thanos.

Thanos picked up the orange soul gem again, put it into the gem hole, and the soul gem was instantly embedded into the infinite glove.

But nothing happened this time, the soul gem is not as violent as the power gem, it was naturally controlled by Thanos!

"Hahahaha, great! Just get all the other gems next! Dead Blade!" Thanos shouted at Ebony Maw.

"Master!" General Deathblade stepped forward and stood in front of Thanos to listen.

"Execute all these dwarves!!" Thanos said with a grin.

"Yes, Master!"


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