I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 245: reunion

The next afternoon, Arthur drives from Stark Tower to Peter Parker's house with gifts for Aunt May, Wanda and Pietro.

Arthur asked Tony Stark if he wanted to go, and Tony's expression had a shadow on Aunt May's strawberry pie, so Arthur could only give up, not forcing him.

ding dong~

ding dong~

Wanda rang the doorbell of Peter Parker's house, and it was Peter Parker who opened the door. He happily invited Arthur and the others into the house.

"Oh, it's Arthur. I haven't seen you in a long time. The last time was on TV." Aunt May said to Arthur from the kitchen.

"Sorry, I've been a little busy recently, so I didn't come to see you. Didn't I come today?" Arthur hugged Aunt May and said to her.

Gwen Stacy also came out of the kitchen and saw Wanda was particularly happy that the two were hugging warmly.

Pietro also greeted Gwen Parker, and Peter Parker's best friend Ned also came in the living room. He saw that the three of Arthur were very excited, but the real Avengers members appeared in front of him.

"Aunt May, this is some fruit from Wakanda. I'll bring it for you to taste." Arthur said, taking out a large bag of fruit and placing it on the dining table.

"Look at you, what did you bring to dinner, what a good boy." Aunt May looked at Arthur kindly and said.

Although Peter Parker goes to Wakanda from time to time, he does not dare to take things home for fear that Aunt May will know that he is Spider-Man.

But what Peter Parker didn't know was that Aunt May already knew his identity. From the fact that he was good friends with Arthur and Tony, Aunt May guessed that he had something to hide from himself.

And Aunt May saw his spider suit in Parker's room. Aunt May didn't choose to question Peter. She believed that Peter Parker didn't tell her because she was worried.

Now it seems that with good friends like Arthur and Tony Stark around to help Peter Parker, Peter Parker should not be in danger.

"You are Ned Liz, right? I still remember that you were a classmate in our class." Arthur looked at Ned and said, he remembered Ned entirely because Ned played a lot in the Spider-Man movie.

"Wow, Arthur, you still remember me, my God, it's incredible! I'm a big fan of yours," Ned said excitedly to Arthur.

"Now Ned is still my classmate and my best friend." Peter Parker said to Arthur and the others.

"Nice to meet you, Ned, I know you're good at playing with computers. After graduation, go straight to work in the Avengers." Arthur stretched out his hand to Ned and said.

"Really? I'd love to! Thank you so much Arthur." Ned said excitedly, grabbing Arthur's hand.

"You are going to dig my corner. Ned is my technical support. It has been decided that even if the Avengers come to the Avengers in the future, they will act with me..." Peter Parker said happily, but suddenly remembered that Aunt May still On the side, isn't this revealing? Peter turned to look at Aunt May.

Aunt May showed no expression, as if she hadn't heard the sermon, and under Arthur's introduction, Wanda and Pietro greeted Aunt May.

Aunt May also likes Wanda very much, and I heard that it is Arthur's girlfriend who keeps her watching.

Aunt May and Wanda and Gwen went to prepare dinner, while Arthur, Pietro, Peter Parker, and Ned chatted in the living room.

Arthur watched Peter Parker absentmindedly guess what he was thinking, patted him on the shoulder and asked, "Are you wondering if Aunt May knows you are Spider-Man?"

"How did you know? I just missed the point, but Aunt May didn't seem to hear it." Peter Parker said in a deep voice.

"I think Aunt May would have guessed it long ago. You live in Queens again, and you have an extraordinary relationship with me and Tony. Why didn't Aunt May guess it?" Arthur said to Peter Parker.

"Yes... is it?" Peter Parker was a little scared, afraid that Aunt May would be angry with him.

"Just be honest with her, you are no longer a child, and after graduation, you can justifiably go to work in the Avengers." Arthur instructed Peter Parker.

"Yeah, Peter, I can see that Aunt May loves you very much, and I believe she will support your choice." Pietro also said to Peter Parker.

"Yeah, Peter, just confess to her, it's a big deal to be scolded by her." Ned also said aside.

"Okay, I'll talk to her in the evening..." Peter Parker was still a little uneasy.

"Aren't you going to show your hands? It's been a long time since I've eaten your dishes." Pietro said to Arthur.

"Let Wanda show off. Wanda's cooking skills are pretty good now. We'll be waiting here today to taste their craftsmanship." Arthur shook his head and said.

Ned asked Arthur about some of the more secretive Avengers gossip, and Arthur answered him with a smile. Ned would not be able to run away as an employee of the Avengers in the future.

After waiting for more than an hour, the sky has gradually darkened. Dinner was also ready, and Peter Parker went to the kitchen to help set the plate.

Today, Peter Parker invited a friend to be a guest, so today's dinner was prepared very well. Although Peter Parker and Aunt May lived a relatively difficult life, Aunt May later went to work in the hospital, and Peter Parker went to Stark Industries to work in their lives. got better.

The last time Tony Stark confiscated Peter Parker's suit, he didn't stop paying Peter Parker, and later returned the suit to Peter Parker.

Aunt May cooked a large table of dishes tonight, which were very hearty, some of which were made by Wanda, and Gwen was not very good at cooking, so she only cooked one dish.

The seven sat around the table, Peter Parker and Gwen, Arthur and Wanda, Ned and Pietro, and Aunt May at the helm.

"Don't be restrained, just like at your own home, let's start it." Aunt Mei said as she picked up the spoon.

Let's start together, Arthur hasn't eaten these American dishes for a long time, and now it tastes different.

"I didn't expect Wanda's craftsmanship to be so good. Arthur is really happy in the future." Aunt May said to Wanda with a smile, and the appearance and taste of several simple Chinese dishes made by Wanda are very good.

"My cooking skills were taught by Arthur, and his skills are much better than mine." Wanda said a little embarrassedly.

"Yes, I remembered that Arthur used to cook here, and the craftsmanship is really good." Aunt May said after thinking about it.

Gwen on the side is more embarrassed. She is not good at cooking, and now she is too embarrassed to talk to her, so she can only eat with her head down.

"Does Gwen take classes at Oxford University? Why do you still have time to come back to New York?" Arthur saw Gwen's embarrassment and took the initiative to change the subject and asked her.

"Yes, I was studying at Oxford and recently interning at Osborne Biotech in New York, so I had time to visit Peter, but the internship is coming to an end..." Gwen explained to Arthur.

"Osborn Company..." Arthur pondered after hearing the name of the company, as if thinking of something.


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