I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 244: invitation

Arthur took Wanda away from Kama Taj and returned to the villa in Wakanda. After Arthur and Wanda spent two days in the two-person world, they finally began to arrange his plan...

Peter Parker continued to live his daily life in college again. Liz Allen has transferred and left New York since the last incident. Peter Parker lost a woman who likes him. Although he is a little lost, thinking about the ending fine.

Peter Parker starts fighting criminals in New York City again every day, and he can now use his new suit proficiently, and his cooperation with the artificial intelligence Karen is becoming more and more proficient.

On this day, Peter Parker came to Stark Tower to find Tony Stark. He heard that Arthur had returned. Peter Parker was very happy. He hadn't seen Arthur for a long time and was going to visit him.

Peter Parker came to the Wakanda base from the teleporters, and he doesn't usually come here often.

"Isn't that Peter? Long time no see." Sam saw Peter Parker greeting him.

"Hi, long time no see, I'll come over today on holiday," Peter Parker said.

"If I guessed correctly, you came to find Arthur, right?" Sam asked Peter Parker with a smile. Everyone knew that Peter Parker and Arthur had a very good relationship.

"Yes, I heard he came back and wanted to see him." Peter Parker nodded awkwardly.

"He's at the Atlantis base, you can go find him there." Sam pointed to the portal and said.

"Thanks!" Peter Parker walked towards the portal of Atlantis, and Sam shook his head and turned to leave.

Peter Parker went through the portal and arrived at the basement level of the Atlantis base. He walked towards the stairs and saw Wanda and Pietro as soon as he came to the lobby.

"Hey, Peter, how come you have time? You haven't come to play with me for a long time." Pietro said happily and hugged Peter Parker.

"Uh, I want to find you too, but I have to go to school so..." Peter Parker said embarrassedly.

"I see, is this weekend off?" Pietro asked Peter Parker.

"Yeah, I heard Arthur came back and came to see him, hi, Wanda, long time no see." Peter Parker greeted Wanda beside him.

"Long time no see, Peter." Wanda replied with a smile.

"Gwen said she misses you, I want to invite you to my house for dinner tomorrow, how about getting together?" Peter Parker and the brother and sister said.

"Of course it's fine. I haven't seen Aunt Gwen and Aunt May for a long time. I just went to see them." Wanda smiled and nodded.

Peter Parker looked at Pietro again, Pietro patted Peter Parker on the shoulder and said, "Of course I will go, how can I not go if you treat me?"

"That's great, by the way, Arthur, why didn't you see him?" Peter Parker asked, looking around.

"He went to a meeting at Atlantis Palace to make some arrangements for the coming enemy," Wanda explained to Peter Parker.

"The coming enemy? What's going on?" Peter Parker asked suspiciously.

Wanda and Pietro looked at each other, Peter Parker is also a member of the Avengers, let him be prepared for the current crisis.

Wanda told Peter Parker that Ragnarok and Thanos might be coming to Earth for Asgard.

"...That's the way it is. Arthur has just returned from outer space. He estimates that there is not much time left for us to prepare." Wanda said to Peter Parker.

Peter Parker was silent. He did not expect that the enemy the Avengers would face would be the most powerful organization in the universe, nor did he expect that the legendary Asgard had come to an end.

These things are too far away for him, but the fact is right in front of him, no one can escape this crisis, and he can only bite the bullet and deal with these enemies he has never heard of.

Not long ago, he felt that he could truly be on his own, but he didn't expect to feel that he was still too young after hearing the news.

For Peter Parker, fighting criminals and dealing with special enemies is the limit of what he can do. Unexpectedly, Arthur can go to other planets to deal with legendary characters. The gap between them is getting bigger and bigger. .

Arthur returned to the Atlantis Avengers base after the meeting. Arthur, who came in from outside, saw Peter Parker sitting on the sofa at a glance.

"Hi, Peter! How come you have time to see me today?" Arthur greeted Peter Parker happily.

"Oh, Arthur, I'm on vacation today. I'll come and see you when I hear you're back." Peter Parker forced a smile and said to Arthur.

"What's wrong with him, why is he so preoccupied?" Arthur asked Wanda beside him.

"I just told him about Asgard and Thanos, I think he needs to know, maybe he scared Peter." Wanda said apologetically.

"It turns out that, Peter, you don't have to be under any pressure. When the enemy comes, you won't be asked to deal with it alone, but all of us in the Avengers will be dispatched together. What are you afraid of when you are with us?" Arthur shot tapped Peter Parker on the shoulder and said.

"Yeah, Peter, don't worry, I will protect you when the time comes!" Pietro assured, patting his chest.

"Who said I'm scared? I'm also a superhero of the Avengers, well, it's just a little hard to accept the news." Peter Parker retorted with a blushing face.

"Haha, this is the best, you are an old member of the Avengers I recruited, and you can't let me lose face when the time comes, let the enemy see the power of our Earth Avengers heroes!" Arthur laughed and said. .

"Aunt May asked me to invite you to my house for dinner tomorrow night, and Gwen will come too, they haven't seen you in almost a year," Peter Parker said to Arthur.

"Okay, I also really want to visit Aunt May. I will definitely go with Wanda and Pietro tomorrow." Arthur said with a smile.

"Then it's settled, I'll go back to prepare the ingredients and let Gwen show you a hand!" Peter Parker said happily.

"Peter, you came just in time, I have something for you." Arthur searched in the dimension space for a long time before finding the small computer he bought for Peter Parker and handing it to Peter Parker.

"What is this?" Peter Parker took the small silver box that Arthur handed over. The square box looks very mysterious and has a flip-top design.

When Peter Parker opened the box, he saw a display screen and a few buttons. Peter Parker held it and observed it for a long time without seeing what it was.

"I found this at the flea market on a planet called Katy. I know you like to collect some digital products. This is a portable computer used by aliens. I bought it after watching it for fun." Arthur explained to Peter Parker.

"What! This is alien technology? How to open this?" Peter Parker asked Arthur with interest immediately after hearing the alien computer.

"The switch is here!" Arthur pressed a button, and a beam of light shot out of the box and the computer interface appeared in front of Peter Parker's eyes, in the form of a 3D stereoscopic projection.

"It's so cool! Thank you! I like it very much." Peter Parker said happily, playing with the small computer.


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