I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 242: Thor's Nightmare

Jane Foster and Thor broke up, and Thor took a big hit and left Earth and returned to Asgard to drink heavily all day.

God King Odin fell asleep again, and Thor didn't feel anything abnormal. The father and king have often fallen into a deep sleep since the death of his mother.

Thor did not find that his father had been transferred by Loki. Thor has been having the same strange dream recently. In his dream, his father, the god-king Odin, told himself that the twilight of the gods had come.

Then a flame giant as huge as Asgard lifted his great sword and pierced the core of Asgard, and the entire Asgard exploded in an instant.

Thor was awakened by this nightmare again, and Thor, sweating profusely, felt that the dream was abnormal.

Thor sat up, breathing heavily. He looked up at the stars shining in the sky outside the window. What was this dream warning him?

Thor immediately left his room and walked towards the palace. Thor was going to ask his father to clarify.

Thor came to the outside of Odin's bedroom, and the guard stopped Thor.

"His Royal Highness Thor, the King of God is sleeping and hasn't woken up yet," the guard said to Thor.

"Get out of the way, I want to go in and see the father," Thor said to the guard.

"This..." The guard hesitated a little, he didn't dare to disobey the orders of the king, and he didn't dare to offend the young prince.

"Let him come in..." God King Odin's voice came from the room, and the guard immediately stepped aside, daring to stop Thor.

Thor pushed open the golden bedroom door and walked in, and saw his father wearing a white robe, standing by the bed with his back to him.

"Father, you are awake..." Thor walked to Odin and knelt down.

Odin turned around, looked at Thor kneeling at his feet with complex eyes, and said, "Get up, my child."

Thor stood up, looking at the kind-faced father finally calming down a bit.

"What's wrong with coming to me so late?" Odin asked Thor.

"Father... I've been having the same dream lately. In the dream, a huge flame giant destroyed Asgard, and you told me that the Ragnarok has come. I want to ask you how this happened. The same thing?" Thor asked, looking at Odin.

"Well... this should be a warning. The flame giant you saw should be Surtur, the lord of the flame kingdom of Muspelheim. Do you remember the story I told you about it?" Odin Ask Thor.

"Yes, you told me and Loki when I was a child that Asgard stole Surtur's eternal fire and broke the conspiracy of the evil flame giant." Thor nodded and replied. .

"Although Surtur was defeated at the time, he was not dead. Your dream may indicate that he will make a comeback, so you need to find the answer yourself." Odin looked at Thor kindly and said.

"I understand! Since he wants to make a comeback, I will choose to take the initiative! Surtur, who lost the eternal fire, is not my opponent! I immediately rushed to Muspelheim!" Thor stood up and said.

"This matter is left to you, my child, I believe you can solve it perfectly." Odin said with a smile.

"You continue to rest, I'm leaving, Father." Thor bowed and turned to leave.

After Thor left, a green light flashed on Odin, the father of the gods, and changed back to Loki's appearance.

"Hehe, Ragnarok of the Gods? Go and play with Surtur slowly!" Loki said with a wicked smile. Originally, Asgard was already in his own hands, but inexplicably asked him to. Er ran back to Asgard.

Loki can only pretend to sleep to avoid seeing Thor, and now he has finally given up Thor, and then he only needs to deal with Heimdall, who is more difficult to deceive! Loki already has a series of plans to implement.

Thor was in a hurry, and he left as soon as he said it. He left Asgard in a hurry and flew towards the Rainbow Bridge Teleportation Temple.

"Heimdall! Send me to Muspelheim!" Thor strode into the teleportation temple and said loudly to Heimdall who was standing in front of the window staring at the sea of ​​stars.

"Muspelheim? This is not a good place to go. If you go to rescue alone, you are going to die!" Heimdall said without looking back.

"Death? Is there anything terrible out there that threatens me?" Thor asked confidently.

"I see thousands of flame monsters on Muspelheim, and dozens of dragons live there, and most importantly, the flame lord Surtur is fully awake, I don't recommend you Go there alone." Heimdall said, turning his head and looking at Thor with his golden eyes.

"My father has agreed with me to destroy Surtur, so you don't have to worry about me." Thor said to Heimdall.

"The father of the gods agreed? Actually... I always feel that the king of gods is a little weird recently..." Heimdall hesitated and said.

"Father is weird? What's weird?" Thor looked at Heimdall in confusion and asked.

"I can't tell. Since you left, the King of God has issued a series of strange orders, and after you came back, the King of God fell into a deep sleep and didn't wake up until just now... So I feel something is wrong." Heimdall pondered. I'll talk about it in a while.

"Father may have his own intentions, so let's not guess here." Thor said after thinking about it.

"Well, I can only send you to the planet closest to Muspelheim. You can find a way to deal with Surtur yourself." Heimdall walked towards the giant sword in the middle of the teleportation hall, holding both hands. Hold the hilt and turn the greatsword.

Immediately, the entire teleportation hall spun, and the rainbow bridge continuously input the energy of Asgard to the top of the teleportation hall, and then the five-color energy shot straight out into the universe.

"Go, act carefully, and call me immediately if you are in danger, and I will use the rainbow bridge to bring you back!" Heimdall said to Thor.

"Thank you! Heimdall." After thanking Heimdall, Thor walked towards the dazzling portal, followed the rainbow bridge and teleported directly to a small red planet next to Muspelheim...

Arthur and Wanda were sitting in a hillside pavilion in Karma Taj, whispering.

"Sorry for disturbing you." A magnetic man's voice came from behind the two of them.

"Stephen! Are you here?" Wanda turned around and saw that it was Stephen Strange who greeted him.

"Wanda, you finally finished your meditation." Stephen Strange said to Wanda.

"Stephen, long time no see." Arthur also said to Stephen Strange.

"Arthur, I heard from the king that you were here, so I immediately came to look for you from the New York Temple." Stephen Strange looked at Arthur seriously and said.

"What happened?" Arthur asked, looking at Stephen Strange's expression.

"A strange thing happened..." Stephen Strange replied with a strange expression.

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