I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 241: happiness

"It seems that I miss him so much that I always see him..." Wanda murmured while looking at Arthur.

Arthur looked at Wanda speechlessly, what do you mean? Do you think she imagined herself? It seems that Wanda has been imagining herself in front of her lately.

Arthur walked up to Wanda and looked into her eyes. Wanda found that the Arthur in front of her was different from the Arthur she had seen before, but she couldn't tell the difference.

"I'm back! Wanda." Arthur grabbed Wanda's hand, pulled it up from the other's side, and held it in his arms.

Wanda was a little confused by Arthur's actions, but Arthur, whom he transformed into, asked Arthur, "Who are you? How come you look exactly like me?"

Arthur glanced at the transformed Arthur, and the transformed Arthur turned into smoke and disappeared into the air.

Only then did Wanda realize that Arthur in front of him could actually change his illusion, so...

"Is that you? Are you really back?" Wanda murmured, touching Arthur's face.

"It's me, I'm back! I miss you!" Arthur also looked at Wanda affectionately.

Tears rolled from Wanda's eyes, Wanda hugged Arthur tightly, and Arthur gently patted Wanda's back...

"Why did you come back so soon this time?" Wanda and Arthur were sitting on the seats just now, in the same warm scene, Wanda asked Arthur.

"I came back immediately after the matter was resolved. Although I have only been there for more than a month, I miss you so much." Arthur looked at Wanda and said softly.

"Well, I miss you too... I couldn't live in that empty villa anymore, so I came to Kama Taj and wanted to increase my strength." Wanda said softly.

"Your strength is already very strong. If your ability is awakened, even if you have two gems, I probably won't be your opponent." Arthur said with a smile.

"I want to protect you..." Wanda said looking into Arthur's eyes.

"Don't do the stupid thing last time. I'll be fine. If there is a war, protect yourself." Arthur grabbed Wanda's hand and put it on his face.

"I will definitely not let you get hurt, and I will definitely protect myself." Wanda looked at Arthur and said seriously.

"Okay, it's time for you to wake up, you haven't eaten for two weeks, let's go eat something together." Arthur stood up and said to Wanda, Arthur snapped his fingers suddenly, Wanda's fantasy Broken in an instant, Wanda also opened his eyes from the state of meditation.

After losing Wanda's chaotic magic, the room returned to its original state, and the red energy on Wanda disappeared in an instant.

When Wanda opened his eyes, he saw Arthur sitting in front of him. Wanda stretched out his hands and hugged Arthur.

Arthur also hugged Wanda, lowered his head and kissed Wanda, Wanda also closed his eyes, and the two kissed sweetly...

After a while, the door of Wanda's room was pushed open, and Arthur took Wanda's hand and walked out of the room.

Wanda snuggled up beside Arthur and kept watching Arthur secretly, wanting to see if he had lost any weight.

"Don't look at it. Although I live on the spacecraft every day, the food I eat is not bad. It's all meat products from aliens. I feel like I have gained weight." Arthur could see Wanda's worry, explained to her.

"I haven't gained weight, it's still the same as before, it seems to have grown a little taller." Wanda said with a smile.

Arthur is 23 years old, and his height has grown to nearly 1.9 meters. Wanda is only as high as his chin when standing with him.

Because of the genes of Atlantis, Arthur became tall and strong, and the muscles on his body were also very obvious. He looked like a proper fitness guy, and his figure was comparable to that of Thor.

Wanda and Arthur are a good match when they stand together. Arthur took Wanda's hand and walked towards the Kama Taj kitchen. Wanda hadn't eaten for two weeks, and Arthur was a little hungry.

The uncle in the kitchen was very happy to see Arthur. At that time, when Arthur came to Kama Taj, the place where he ran the most was the kitchen, so the chefs and Arthur couldn't be more familiar.

Arthur told them that they had eaten nothing and were hungry. The chefs immediately prepared Arthur's favorite pilaf and curry rice for Wanda.

The two ate happily. After the meal, Arthur told Wanda about his adventures in the universe over the past month while drinking green tea.

Wanda dragged her cheeks and listened to Arthur's story quietly, and had a little yearning for the rich universe that Arthur said.

"I'll take you to Utege in the future. The commercial street there is really good, and the things they sell are very strange and very interesting." Arthur said to Wanda.

"Okay, I'm willing to accompany you anywhere." Wanda nodded and said.

"No, this is the clothes I bought for you. It can have strong magical energy. I bought it when I saw it was more suitable for you." Arthur handed Wanda the dark red leather jacket that she bought for her.

"I like it very much!" Wanda happily took it over and said.

"And this one, I picked it for you, I think it's perfect if you bring it!" Arthur took out another box and handed it to Wanda.

After Wanda took it, he opened the box and saw a golden necklace lying inside. The necklace was inlaid with five red gems the size of peas, which looked very beautiful.

Feeling the energy contained in the red gem, Wanda looked at Arthur in surprise and asked, "This is the Infinity Stone?"

"Yes, this necklace was made by me, and the gems on it are fragments of real gems. The dark elves used this fragments to make their secret weapons. This gem necklace can enhance your chaotic magic power. ." Arthur nodded.

"Would it be a problem if you took the shard of the Reality Stone off?" Wanda asked, looking at Arthur worriedly.

"No, this is the characteristic of ether particles. Even if it is broken, it will automatically turn back into a gem, and the damaged part will return to its original state over time." Arthur shook his head and explained.

Wanda happily put away the necklace. She likes this gemstone necklace very much, and she also likes this red leather jacket very much. She likes anything from Arthur.

Arthur took Wanda's hand and the two walked along the long corridor of Kama Taj, looking at the Himalayas in the distance, remembering that the two of them also watched the scenery together last year.

The same scenery and the same people, Arthur thought it would be a good choice if they could live here forever.

After the crisis is over, Arthur will consider traveling with Wanda. When he is tired, he will come back here and live together in this beautiful snow-capped mountain. If he is tired of living here, he can go to the kingdom of Atlantis together. live.

Wanda and Arthur thought the same, and she also hoped to live here with Arthur and never be separated.


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