"Give me your hand, son!" Egg said to Quill.

Quill stretched out his hands, and Egg took Quill's hands and made a gesture of holding something.

"Hold like this, now close your eyes, focus, and let your mind go to the center of the planet." Quill closed his eyes and did as Igo said, and suddenly he felt a surge of energy from around the planet converging into his hands , Quill opened his eyes and suddenly saw his hands glowing blue, holding a mass of blue energy in his palms.

"That's right, that's it!" Egg roared excitedly.

The blue energy in Quill's hand frightened by Egg disappeared again.

"It's great! It's great! It's alright! Relax, concentrate! You can do it, do it again." Egg couldn't be excited, looking at Quill's eyes with more and more satisfaction, and said to Quill .

Quill concentrated again, and his hands burst into blue energy again, slamming like a flame.

"Yeah, great! Now, let it take shape! Feel the energy." Egg said excitedly to Quill.

Quill looked at the blue energy in his hand in surprise and controlled it with mental power, which was an experience he had never experienced before. This mass of energy is like a mass of water in his hand, it feels warm and can be controlled to lengthen and shorten.

"Very well, you're home. Here it is, Peter." Egg looked at Quill affectionately and said, extending his hands.

Quill threw the energy out of his hand, and it happened to be caught by Egg. Egg rubbed a few times and the energy slowly stabilized, turned into a blue sphere, and threw it back to Quill.

Quill looked at the energy in his hand, and looked at Egg who was running from a distance. Is he going to play catch game with himself? Quill's greatest wish when he was a child was to have a father who loved him to play catch with him.

Quill's eyes became gentle. He smiled and threw the blue energy ball to Egg in the distance. Egg caught it and threw it back. The two played the ball game in the yard. .

"It's such a warm scene. Egg really did his best to deceive Quill's trust." Arthur said to Gamora who was standing next to him with his arms crossed and looking at the two people playing ball in the courtyard at the entrance of the main hall.

"Could it be that you guessed wrong, what if Quill's father really wanted to find his child?" Gamora said.

"I believe in my own feelings, and Egg really wants to find Quill, and the purpose of finding it is only known to him. He said that he came to Earth and met Quill's mother after encountering a living being. Please, he But the members of the Celestials who have lived for millions of years, do you think what he said is true?" Arthur asked Gamora.

"Indeed, it is estimated that he met Quill's mother within thirty years, and it is impossible that he has not encountered other lives in the other millions of years. He is lying!" Gamora replied. .

"Shh!" Arthur told Gamora to stop talking.

"This is on Egg's body planet, so we have to be absolutely careful when we speak, he can hear what we are saying." Arthur's voice appeared in Gamora's brain, this is Arthur's use of mental power and card Mora dialogue.

Gamora nodded, indicating that she knew what to do.

"How did you come to this strange planet?" asked Draculas the Destroyer, who was sitting on the steps with Mantis.

"I was discovered by Egg when I was a larva. I was an orphan on my home planet. He raised me with his own hands and treated me as his own child." The mantis girl looked at the sunset and said.

"Then you are his pet?" asked Dracula the Destroyer.

"It could also be..." Mantis Woman shrugged.

"People generally like to keep cute pets, how could Egg like you so ugly?" Dracula asked, looking at the mantis girl strangely.

Three question marks appeared above the mantis woman's head? ? ? I? ugly?

"Am I ugly?" asked the mantis girl.

"It's so ugly that people don't dare to look at it." Destroyer Draculas replied, and the mantis girl actually believed it, and lowered her head in grievance.

"It can be considered a blessing in disguise. If you look ugly and someone loves you, it means that that person is in love with you. Beautiful people never know who to trust." Destroyer Dracula said something meaningful.

"Wow, then I should be happy that I'm ugly." Mantis Woman was happy again.

"Those pools remind me of the time when I used to take my daughter to play by the lake in my hometown. She is very similar to you." Destroyer Dracula said, looking at the terraced pools in the distance.

"Is she ugly too?" asked the mantis woman with a smile.

"No, she's as innocent as you..." Dracula said in a daze.

The Mantis Girl watched Dracula reach out and touched the skin of Dracula's arm. Her two tentacles glowed white. The Mantis Girl felt the feeling of Dracula's missing his family, and couldn't bear the tears. Live streaming down.

"What are you crying for?" Dracula turned to look at the mantis girl strangely and asked.

"This is my ability to empathize. As long as I touch others, I can feel their feelings. I just felt your thoughts." The mantis girl said with tears.

"You still have this ability?" Dracula asked, looking at the mantis girl in surprise.

"I can also change other people's emotions a little bit. I can comfort them and give them temporary satisfaction when I touch sad people," explained Mantis.

Just then Rocket Groot, Arthur and Gamora came over and saw Dracula and Mantis sitting on the steps.

"What's wrong? What are you talking about?" Gamora asked Dracula.

"This very ugly lady has become my new friend." Draculas said, pointing to the mantis girl beside him.

"I learned a lot from him, for example, I'm a pet, and I'm ugly," said the mantis girl.

"You're not ugly at all, Dracula, don't teach bad kids," Gamora said to Dracula.

"Can't you see it?" Dracula said, pointing to the mantis woman's face.

Gamora didn't have a chance to Draculas, and said to the mantis woman: "Mantis, can you show us around."

"Yes." The mantis girl said happily...

Under the leadership of Mantis Girl, Arthur and the five followed her to wander among the flowers.

"This is the ability of the mantis." Draculas introduced the perception ability of the mantis woman.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to have this ability, but there is still a gap with Arthur's words. He can control you to do anything." Gamora looked at Arthur vigilantly and said.

"Really? Wow, are you so powerful that you can teach me?" said the mantis woman looking at Arthur with bright eyes.

"I have the same talent as you, I can't teach you, and Gamora, what do you mean by looking at me with the look of Lsp?" Arthur asked Gamora.

"Your disgusting ability is a woman who will be afraid." Gamora complained.

Arthur was speechless, and the mantis girl lowered her head in disappointment.


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