I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 230: Tenjin group

Everyone followed Egg into the golden palace. The palace was decorated with eerie reliefs full of gold and dark red. Arthur was horrified to see it. Could it be Egg's body?

"I don't even know where I came from. Basically, since I can remember, I have been floating in the universe alone, flickering and lonely." Egg used the egg-like display device in the main hall to show everyone. In his original appearance, it was a bright white brain.

"Over millions of years, I learned to control the molecular matter around me, and I got smarter and stronger! Then I continued to build layer after layer here, and finally it was done. There is a planet under your feet now." Egg continued to demonstrate for everyone.

Layers of matter formed around the glittering brain on the screen, and finally a planet was formed. Everyone in the Guardians of the Galaxy was stunned. It was really insightful.

"But I'm not satisfied, I pursue the true meaning! There must be other lifeforms besides me in this vast universe! So I decided to find them myself, and I created what life should be like in my imagination. . Even the smallest detail was spared." Egg told everyone that he used his powers to create a flesh and blood body for himself.

"Then did you make a second child for yourself?" Dracula the Destroyer suddenly said in this serious atmosphere, and Rocket laughed aside.

"Shut up!" Quill turned to Dracula and said.

"Are you sick?" Gamora also looked at Dracula silently, can you ask this?

"If he is a planet, how did he give birth to you with your mother? He will crush your mother!" Dracula said seriously.

Rocket laughed even more, and Arthur covered his mouth and laughed.

"I... I don't want to know how my parents got me!" Quill said speechlessly, looking at Dracula.

"Why? Every winter my father tells me the story of how he impregnated my mother," Dracula the Destroyer said innocently.

"You're disgusting too!" Quill said, looking at Dracula.

"That's a wonderful thing, you people on Earth are sick." Dracula and Quill are not the same concept at all, and their race is very sacred and open to life-continuing things.

"That's right, Dracula, I have a second child!" Egg replied helplessly.

"Haha, I just said, see?" Draculas the Destroyer said to Quill.

"And it's amazing!" Egg nodded proudly.

Everyone had an expression of eating Xiang, and Gamora's face was even more ugly. Who are these people?

"Besides I have pain nerves, digestive system and all the supporting organs, I want to feel what a real human being should be like! So I wandered among the stars until I found the life I expected! I am in this universe I'm not alone!" Egg pointed to the screen and said, the white egg-shaped spaceship on the screen shuttled through the universe and finally came to a planet, and met a little girl holding a flower.

"Then when did you meet my mother?" Quill asked.

"Shortly after that..." Egg walked to another screen, where a man in red hugged a blond woman.

"And Meredith made me feel true love for the first time. I call her Sayuri! And the crystallization of that love is you! It took me a long time to find you, Peter." Egg looked at With Quill said affectionately.

"Why did you leave her if you loved him?" Quill asked, looking at Egg, who turned silently and walked outside.

Quill followed, and Gamora tried to follow but was stopped by Arthur.

"Let them have a good talk, father and son," Arthur said to Gamora.

"Is Peter in danger?" Gamora asked.

"No, Egg may have other purposes for Quill, and now he's still playing the role of a good father, so we'll just watch him play." Arthur said with a smile.

"I didn't expect Peter's father to be a member of the legendary Celestial Group. Otherwise, I would never have persuaded Peter to come here. It's too dangerous." Gamora said regretfully.

"Is the Heavenly God Group very powerful?" Rocket asked.

Groot and Dracula both looked at Gamora, very interested in the legend of this **** group.

"The **** group is a mysterious existence that existed at the beginning of the formation of the universe. They are almost immortal, and each of them has a powerful power. It is said that life was created by them. They ignore the rules and order of the world and are like gods in legends. existence." Gamora explained to several people.

"Don't worry too much, the **** group also has strengths and weaknesses, and each has its own weaknesses. Quill's father's ability is not very good in my opinion." Arthur pouted and said.

"I don't worry if you have the confidence to deal with him. If he turns against us and we are on his territory again, it's almost a self-inflicted trap." The Rockets said with a sigh of relief.

"When did you become so timid?" Destroyer Dracula said, looking at the rocket.

"I always reserve a retreat for an opponent that I can't deal with. Unlike you, I will just bite the bullet and mess around." Rocket said to Draculas contemptuously.

"I'm not afraid of anyone." Dracula said indifferently.

The mantis girl was silent while listening to the conversations of several people, with a little struggle in her eyes.

Egg took Quill to a statue of a woman holding a flower in the yard.

"My mother used to tell everyone that my dad was alien and that she had brain cancer so everyone thought she was crazy," Quill said, looking at Egg.


"Look, I really want to believe this, I really think so. But you left the best woman in the world there and left her to die alone!" Quill exclaimed to Egg.

"Listen to your mother I don't want to leave at all, Peter! If I don't come back here often, the matter of this planet and this body will degenerate and disappear!" Egg explained loudly.

"Then why didn't you come in person? Why did you send the guy Yondu that everyone hates to pick me up?" Quill looked at Egg and asked.

"I love your mother so much, Peter! I can't bear to go to a world without her! You don't know how I feel about losing her!" Egg said hysterically.

"Why can't I feel that feeling? I watched her die!" Peter Quill yelled.

The dialogue between the two is quite exciting. If Arthur is here, he will definitely give Egg a golden statue. The acting is so touching.

"I've been around for millions of years and I don't know how many mistakes I've made, Peter. But you're my greatest masterpiece! Please give me a chance to be the kind of father she wants me to be! I'll teach you a lot About this planet and the light in it! They're all part of you, Peter." Egg looked at Peter and said affectionately.

"What do you mean?" Quill asked.


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