"My net shooter!" Peter Parker lay on the ground and looked at the net shooter that was knocked out and landed in the distance, and wanted to go up and pick it up.

Peter Parker immediately got up and ran to the net shooter, watching Peter Parker's movements with a bald head, and punched the front of a yellow school bus next to him with an electric glove.

The whole school bus was hit and spun in place, and the tail of the bus that was thrown over by Peter Parker just ran to the net shooter was knocked out and smashed **** another school bus.

The bald head came over, kicked Peter Parker's net shooter out with one kick, and walked towards Peter Parker while touching the electric shock mechanical glove in his hand and said proudly: "I was still skeptical about this thing, but I didn't expect it. So useful!"

Just as Peter Parker stood up staggeringly, the bald head punched him fiercely. Peter Parker was instantly knocked out by the huge impact, and smashed into a school bus through the car glass.

Peter Parker was hit more than ten meters away by the punch, and his whole body was paralyzed by the electric shock. He lay on the floor of the school bus for a long time and couldn't get up.

The bald head walked in front of the school bus, and punched the school bus site again. The school bus was directly hit and rolled and flew out. Peter Parker also slammed into the school bus up and down and screamed.

The school bus spun around in the air for a few times and then slammed into the parking lot with its four wheels upside down and smoked. Peter Parker opened the school bus door and rushed out, lying on the ground with pain all over his body.

"Why did he send you here?" Peter Parker asked as he watched his bald head crawling on the ground.

"You'll never know." The bald head was obviously murderous. He raised his electric shock glove. The current on the glove turned on to the maximum, emitting a dazzling light. When he was about to end Peter Parker, a spider web came from a distance. The electric shock glove was glued to the shot.

Peter Parker and the bald head turned to look in the direction of the spider web. It turned out that it was Ned. He had Peter Parker's web shooter in his hand, and the spider web was still attached to the bald head's metal arm.

"Beautiful!" Peter Parker exclaimed happily, grabbed the cobweb and yanked the bald head to grab the shit, then pulled the web shooter from Ned's hand and put it on his wrist.

Turning around, a ball of spider silk shot out, sticking the bald head who had just stood up to the school bus, and his movements were neat and tidy.

"Yes! Ned, that winged vulture freak is Liz's dad!" Peter Parker said in front of Ned.

"What did you say?" Ned was also surprised by the news.

"It's true, I have to tell Mr. Stark, you help me contact Happy Hogan, he's Mr. Stark's head of security, and go get a computer and help me track my phone!" Peter Parker After speaking quickly, he turned around and prepared to leave.

"Are you all right?" Ned asked Peter Parker aloud.

"Come on, we have to catch him before he goes out of town!" Peter Parker jumped on the streetlight and shot a cobweb into the distance.

Ned also turned and ran to the school, to cooperate with Peter as Peter Parker ordered...

Peter Parker's classmate Flash was about to drive a convertible with the blond girl he had met at the prom to take her out to play, when Spider-Man jumped from the sky onto the hood of his car and took Flash and the blond girl together. All frightened.

"Flash, I need your car and your cell phone!" Peter Parker said to Flash in a young voice.

"Sir, it's technically my dad's car, so I can't..." Flash stammered.

"Bring it to you!" Peter Parker said...

Flash and Miss Blonde stood on the side of the road and watched their car drive away by Spider-Man, and also knocked over a row of bicycles on the side of the road, which made Flash feel distressed.

Peter Parker was driving down the street in Flash's convertible, his first drive, and Arthur had taught him a few times before, but he still didn't get his license.

"Ned, did you hear that?" Peter Parker called out to Ned with Flash's cell phone.

"This is Ned!" Ned was operating a computer in the computer classroom.

"Ned, I need you to help me track my phone!" Peter Parker said.

"No problem, where's your phone?" Ned asked Peter Parker.

"In Daddy Leeds' car!" Turns out Peter Parker dropped his phone on Adrian's car before getting out.

"You're so smart! He just passed the PlayStation on Jackson Avenue," Ned said, watching Peter Parker's phone location.

"Okay, how do the headlights on this car turn on? I'm driving a Flash car!" Peter Parker asked Ned, who had only roughly learned how to drive, not how to turn on the lights.

"Wait for me to check the operating instructions." Ned turned to another computer and looked up the operating instructions for the Audi sports car on the Internet.

"OK! I'll turn on the speakerphone for you!" Peter Parker turned on the speakerphone, put his phone aside, and drove seriously.

"You actually stole Flash's car, that's amazing!" Ned exclaimed.

"It's really amazing... Ah! Hurry up! Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Peter Parker dodged left and right on the road, and he was overtaking indiscriminately without the lights, and almost collided with the oncoming car several times.

"Are you all right?" Ned asked worriedly, listening to Peter Parker shouting.

"This is my first time driving! Last time I drove Arthur's car to practice on a road with no one! Have you contacted Happy?" scramble.

"Uh, I'm trying to contact him, I have to break the back door of the mobile phone system." Ned operated on the computer, and his hacking knowledge finally came into use, technical support! Simply cool! Ned thought happily.

"We're taking off in nine minutes... Hello, hello, who called me?" Ned finally found Happy Hogan's number remotely from Peter Parker's phone and dialed.

"Mr. Happy, I'm Ned," Ned said immediately.

"Who are you?" Happy had never heard Ned's name.

"I'm Peter Parker's companion, and I have something very important to tell you..." Ned said quickly.

"Are you kidding me!" Happy hung up the phone without listening to Ned's words, and Ned scratched his head helplessly.

"Ned, have you figured out how these headlights work?" Peter Parker's voice came from the phone again.

"The round **** on the left side of the steering wheel, turn clockwise!" Ned read to Peter Parker, looking at the instructions on the computer, who also hadn't learned to drive.

"Left? Alright! Perfect, where is my phone now?" Peter Parker asked Ned after successfully getting out of the car.

"He stopped in an old industrial complex in Brooklyn," Ned said.

"Huh?? That doesn't make sense, I thought he said he was going out of town." Peter Parker dodged a few more oncoming cars and drove in the direction of Brooklyn.

"It's weird, by the way, I got in touch with Mr. Happy, it doesn't seem like he likes you very much, he's busy catching a plane, saying that he will take off in nine minutes." Ned said to Peter Parker.

"What?" Peter Parker asked curiously.

"I saw boxes all around him," Ned continued.

"The box? It's moving day, moving day! I know! He's going to hijack that plane! I have to stop him!" Peter Parker had heard Tony Stark say before that there was a shipment of supplies to be delivered to the Wakanda base , it must be this plane!


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