I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 214: identity exposure

Inside a moving car on the streets of New York City

"Yes, a friend of mine knew someone from Stark, so he offered me this internship, but I'm no longer at Stark," Peter Parker continued to Adrian and Liz Allen. arrive.

"Really? Why?" Liz Allen asked.

"Yeah... Actually, the work is a bit... boring, so I didn't do it anymore." Peter Parker said hesitantly.

"Boring? Didn't you get a chance to meet Spider-Man?" Liz Allen asked, looking at Peter Parker.

"Really? Spider-Man, what kind of person is he, do you know him?" Adrian interrupted suddenly.

"Uh...he's a good guy, very reliable." Peter Parker said embarrassedly.

Adrian suddenly felt something was wrong when he looked at Peter Parker who was hesitant. He observed Peter Parker carefully and always felt a sense of deja vu.

"Where have I seen you? Somewhere, have we...because your voice is a bit..." Adrian asked Peter Parker, the more he looked, the more familiar Peter's eyes and voice were.

"I went to academic competitions with him and he came to my party," Liz Allen explained to Peter Parker.

"The party was great, really great. The house is beautiful, with lots of windows," Peter Parker said with a smile.

"You've only been here for a while..." Liz Allen said.

"It's not that short, is it?" Peter Parker said.

"You came for a while and then disappeared." Liz Allen said firmly.

"No, I didn't disappear," Peter Parker retorted.

"You disappeared, you disappeared as usual, and you did the same in Washington. In fact, I have been watching you all the time." Liz Allen said seriously.

Peter Parker is about to break out in cold sweat. Even if you observe it, you don't need to say it now, right? Is this the rhythm to be exposed?

The more Adrian thought about it, the more wrong he felt. Peter kept disappearing? And his voice was so familiar.

"What happened in Washington is terrible, are you afraid?" Adrian carefully observed Peter Parker's expression in the rearview mirror.

Peter Parker's expression suddenly stiffened, he nodded mechanically, holding his breath to make himself look more natural.

"So did you see your old friend Spider-Man? He must be happy when he shows up in the elevator, right?" Adrian asked, looking at Peter Parker in the rearview mirror.

"...Actually, I didn't go up at the time. I saw it on the ground. Fortunately, he was there that day." Peter Parker was very uncomfortable with Adrian's scorching eyes. He was very nervous now, and he felt himself It is estimated that it has been exposed, and Adrian's next sentence confirmed his guess.

"Good friend Spider-Man!" Adrian looked at Peter Parker and smiled evilly.

Liz Allen felt that the atmosphere in the car was suddenly a little weird, and his father didn't know what was wrong. The car behind honked his horn and urged him not to leave.

"Dad, the light is green," Liz Allen reminded his father.

The car started to move again, and Adrian and Peter Parker didn't speak again. The car fell silent, each thinking about his own business.

Adrian dropped Peter Parker and Liz to the door of the school's auditorium, where the Homecoming Ball was to be held.

"We're here, we're here," Adrian said, looking at his daughter.

"Thank you, Dad!" Liz Allen leaned over and kissed his father's face, ready to get out of the car.

"Go ahead, baby, I'm going to give Peter a father's lesson." Adrian said suddenly.

Peter Parker was stunned when he heard it, wondering what he was going to say to himself? Do you want to turn your face with me here?

"Don't be intimidated by him, I'm going in first, love your dad," Liz Allen said to Peter, and then said goodbye to his father.

"Love you baby, have fun," Adrian said to his daughter.

Peter Parker watched Liz Allen walk into the auditorium, while he waited in his seat to see what Adrian wanted to say to himself.

"Does she know?" Adrian asked, pulling a pistol from under the car chair and turning to look at Peter Parker.

"Know what?" Peter Parker was no longer nervous when he was alone with Adrian, and asked Adrian with a smile.

"It seems that she doesn't know, very good! I admire that she keeps secrets. I have some secrets myself, and I have so many reasons against my daughter dating, but in the end..." Adrian made a helpless gesture to Peter .

"Peter, nothing is more important than family! You saved my daughter's life and I will never forget that kindness, so I'll give you a chance, are you ready? You go in and forget about these things, never allow Come back into my business. Otherwise, I'll kill you! And everyone you love, I'll kill you! This is what I can do to protect my family, Peter. Do you understand?" Derian looked at Peter and warned.

Peter Parker lowered his head and did not answer Adrian's words.

"Hey, I just spared your life, what do you say?" Adrian asked, looking at Peter Parker.

"Thank you!" Peter Parker replied.

"Very well, you can go in now and let my daughter have a good time, you know? Don't be too happy." Adrian said, looking at Peter Parker.

Peter Parker glanced at Adrian, opened the car door and got out of the car. The car slowly drove out of the school. Peter Parker looked at the passing car and wondered what he was thinking.

Peter Parker walked to the auditorium and saw the classmates singing and dancing through the glass door. Ned and Michelle both saw Peter Parker beckoning him to come over.

And Peter Parker's mood didn't get better with the cheerful music, and it got heavier.

Peter Parker opened the auditorium door and walked in, walking through the dancing crowd to see Liz Allen in a red dress talking to classmates.

Peter Parker walked over to her, and Liz Allen also saw Peter Parker and walked over to Peter happily.

"What did he say to you?" Liz Allen asked, looking at Peter Parker with a smile.

"I have to go, I'm sorry, it's not fair to you, I'm really sorry!" Peter Parker hesitated and said to Liz Allen, then turned and ran quickly towards the side door.

Leeds Allen, who was left with only a confused and uncomfortable face, is now standing there, watching the back of Peter Parker leave.

Peter Parker quickly rushed to the corridor of the teaching building. He came to the locker, lifted the locker vigorously, and took out a backpack from below, which contained the spider suit he once made himself.

Peter Parker put on his clothes and ran out of the side door of the school. He was knocked out by a huge force just as he came to a school bus.

It turned out that the bald black man was waiting for him here with that electric shock glove.

"He gave you the opportunity to choose, but you chose the wrong one." The bald head walked up to Peter Parker and said.

"What's wrong?" Peter Parker shook his head and said, the feeling of paralysis all over his body was very familiar.

"What's wrong with your old-looking clothes?" The bald head asked Peter Parker, and then the glove in his hand made an electric shock again, and he walked towards Peter Parker with a hideous expression.


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