I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 212: untie the knot

Peter Parker and Gwen were enjoying dinner together at the Atlantis restaurant. Zhao Long heard that Peter Parker and the others were coming and took the initiative to greet them and gave them a bottle of red wine.

Peter Parker sat there quietly listening to Gwen tell about her learning experience in Osborn, Gwen has been excited to briefly describe, but she suddenly found that Peter Parker does not seem to be in a good mood.

"What's the matter? Why are you frowning, aren't you happy to accompany me out to dinner?" Gwen looked at Peter Parker and pretended to be angry.

"Why, of course I'm happy with you." Peter Parker said happily.

"Tell me, what happened, you are too good at lying, you can tell at a glance." Gwen asked Peter Parker after taking a sip of red wine.

"...Well, here's the thing..." Peter Parker recounted to Gwen what had happened on the ferry and what had happened before.

"That's it, Mr. Tony Stark doesn't believe in my abilities, I wanted to prove myself in front of him, but I screwed it up, and now he took the spider suit, I've lost everything." Peter Parker's voice became lower and lower, and his mood became lower and lower.

"...Why do you have to compete with Arthur, he has lived alone since he was a child, he is much more mature and stable than us, and he has rich combat experience, it is normal to be a core member of the Avengers, but What about you?" Gwen asked, looking at Peter Parker.

"I... am I any different from him?" Peter Parker asked rhetorically.

"You are just an ordinary person. If you don't get this ability, you will be an ordinary person who can't be ordinary. Of course you have your advantages, but your situation is completely different from his." Gwen looked at Peter Parker Speaking of.

"You don't have a lot of actual combat experience, you've been dealing with ordinary criminals, and you're already deeply doubting yourself now!" Gwen continued.

"I doubt myself? Do I have one?" Peter Parker asked in confusion.

"What did you just say? If you don't have the spider suit, you lose everything? Then did all your previous abilities depend on that suit? Didn't you rely on your own abilities?" Gwen looked at Peter Parker's eyes questioned.

"I..." Yes, what happened to me? How confident I was when I didn't have a battle suit before, when did I become so dependent on the battle suit? Peter Parker thought to himself.

"Your real strength lies in your persistence. You have always believed in the saying that with great ability comes great responsibility, you have always maintained your original intention. What's wrong with you now?" Gwen asked Peter Parker.

Yes, Uncle Ben said to me the last sentence that I have forgotten about the greater the power and the greater the responsibility. After joining the Avengers recently, I was a little complacent. I thought that with the support of Mr. Stark and Arthur, I would be useless. feared.

But in the end, you have to rely on yourself. If you want to become someone like Tony Stark and Arthur, you must have a strong heart! (Arthur: What is the heart of the strong?)

Peter Parker figured it out. Before, he was a bit on the horns. He wanted to get the approval of others, but he took a detour. He didn't have a strong and honest strength, and wanted to use external assistance to achieve quick success.

"I see! Thank you, Gwen, for waking me up, thanks to you." Peter Parker said, looking at Gwen.

"You have to really understand it, don't try to prove yourself to anyone, only believe in yourself and surpass yourself, you are truly powerful!" Gwen said to Peter Parker.

"I figured it out, I know what to do in the future." Peter Parker said firmly looking at Gwen.

Gwen is very happy to see Peter Parker regain his self-confidence. He likes Peter Parker. He is responsible, kind and sincere.

After dinner, Peter Parker and Gwen walked hand in hand on the streets of New York, walking slowly.

"I have one month left of my internship, and I will go back to the UK to continue my studies." Gwen said a little unhappily.

"It's okay, don't worry, I'll come to England to see you when I get a chance," Peter Parker assured Gwen.

"What if I left and you hooked up with other female classmates?" Gwen asked Peter Parker suddenly.

"Ahem, am I the kind of guy who can pedal two boats?" Peter Parker was startled by Gwen's words.

"You... you don't look like someone who can cheat, but if I find out what you have done to hurt me, you will be finished. I will let Arthur throw you into the Pacific Ocean." Gwen looked at Peter Parker said viciously.

Peter Parker swallowed and immediately assured Gwen that he was a good man with all his heart and that he would get married when they graduated from college together!

"Who promised to marry you? Let me think about the marriage." Gwen said mischievously.

"What? You have to consider marrying me? Are you tempted by a man who is more handsome than me?" Peter Parker also joked.

"Che, there are many more handsome men than you, but I just like you, who made you so special." Gwen said while holding Peter's hand.

"Although it sounds uncomfortable, I only like you alone!" Peter Parker said, holding Gwen in his arms.

After Peter Parker and Gwen met, they figured out a lot. After going back, he turned the spider suit he made before from under the cabinet again. After putting it on, he planned to continue to help the weak fight criminals in New York City.

New York City at night

Peter Parker sat on the roof of the building watching two police cars and a van chasing on the road below.

The van scurried left and right in the traffic, while two police cars were chasing after them, and the police car's siren sounded far away.

Suddenly, the back door of the van opened halfway, and a robber stuck his head out with a weird gun and aimed at a police car. A purple energy ray shot out and hit the front wheel of the police car.

The police car that was hit exploded and flew up, rolling on the road, and finally turned over on the side of the road with four wheels upside down. The enthusiastic celebrities rushed to save the people in the car.

The other police car was also taken aback and pulled away from the van, not daring to get too close. I didn't expect the robber to have such a powerful weapon.

At this moment, a red figure in the sky fell and jumped onto the roof of the van. The robber who was driving only heard a thud, as if something had fallen on the roof of the van.

The robber man opened the car window and was about to stick his head out to take a look, but suddenly he stretched his hand out of the car window and grabbed his clothes. Then the robber only felt a huge pulling force, and then his head was hit hard. I didn't know anything at once.

After the robber who was driving was knocked out by Peter Parker, the car lost control and rushed towards the green belt on the side of the road. Finally, the van hit a tree trunk, and the other robber in the car was also hit. of.

Peter Parker got the two robbers out of the van and bound them with cobwebs, and he examined the van for two pockets full of dollars and a familiar purple-glowing energy weapon.

Peter Parker frowned at the purple glowing energy weapon.


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