I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 211: Gwen is here

Peter Parker has returned to a normal life after his suit was confiscated.

He studied, ate, and slept honestly every day. He didn't even go out to fight criminals at night. The failure of this incident hit him a lot.

After a few days like this, Peter Parker finally came out of the shadow of failure and started to take a good class.

Peter Parker became more attentive in class, and he often raised his hand to answer questions. The teachers were all pleased that Peter Parker finally started to make progress.

Peter Parker finally had time to complete their Black Death Star LEGO with Ned too.

After school that day, Peter Parker was the last person to leave the classroom, but he saw Liz Allen still in the hall of the teaching building.

"Hey Peter." Liz Allen greeted Peter Parker.

"Hey Liz, why haven't you gone back yet?" Peter Parker asked Liz Allen.

"I'm doing some homecoming stuff, so I've been delayed for a while..." I don't know what happened to Liz Allen today, Peter Parker felt that she spoke a lot softer.

"I...I want to apologize to you for the academic competition." Peter Parker whispered to Liz Allen.

"It's okay, last week, the academic competition was the most important thing. But then, I survived, so I don't care about it anymore," Liz Allen said.

"No, I mean, I disappointed you by not participating in the competition, actually...actually...I..." Peter Parker hesitantly wanted to tell Liz Allen that he was Spider-Man.

"Actually I know!" Liz Allen interrupted Peter Parker.

"You know?" Peter Parker was taken aback by Liz Allen, she knew I was Spiderman? It's impossible.

"I know you've always liked me, haven't you? Although it's a little bit wrong for me to say that." Liz Allen said, looking at Peter Parker.

"...No, that's not what I meant, what I'm asking is do you already have a partner for the homecoming dance?" Peter Parker hurriedly changed the embarrassing topic.

"Actually, I've been busy preparing and haven't had time to look for it, so..." Liz Allen smiled and shook his head at Peter Parker.

"Then will you be my dance partner?" Peter Parker asked immediately.

"Of course!" Liz Allen replied with a smile.

"Really? Great! Then I'll go first, and you can go back early. See you tomorrow!" Peter Parker said happily and nervously, then turned and left.

"See you tomorrow!" Liz Allen also turned and left.

Peter Parker was excited as he walked, Liz Allen didn't reject herself, and she guessed that she liked her a little? Does she like herself?

Peter Parker was leaving school humming when his cell phone rang, and when Peter Parker took out his cell phone and saw the caller, he felt a bucket of cold water pouring from his head to his feet.

It was his girlfriend Gwen Stacey who called, Peter Parker slapped himself in the face, shook his head and answered the phone immediately.

"Hello? Gwen," Peter Parker said.

"Hello, Peter, I've finally finished most of my recent internship thesis. I'll call you as soon as I have time. What are you doing?" Gwen asked Peter Parker very excitedly.

"I... I'm just like that, every day is a boring student life." Peter Parker replied after hesitation.

"Don't come here, do you think I didn't watch the news? Didn't you save the ferry and the bad guys at the Monument Tower before? It is said that Iron Man went there." Gwen exposed Peter Parker's lie, she was a very poor student recently. Busy, but still concerned about the news of Spider-Man on the Internet.

"Uh, you already know, I didn't bother you because I was afraid that you were busy with your studies." Peter Parker said embarrassingly.

"Then did you save the beauties in danger when you rescued people in the monument tower? And they promised you afterward." Gwen and Peter Parker joked.

"Hehe, you think too much. I am saving a classmate from our class. You know Ned, and there is another classmate and teacher." Don't be shy, you have to answer confidently.

"Okay, I'm kidding you, I have nothing to do today, how about having a meal with me?" Gwen asked Peter Parker.

"Of course it's okay, I want to see you too, I'll wait for you at the old place." Peter Parker said, their old place is of course Arthur's Atlantis restaurant.

"Okay, I haven't been to Atlantis for a long time to eat. Today is just right, so let's meet at the door of the restaurant." Gwen said.

"Okay, see you later," Peter Parker said.

"See you later." Gwen hung up the phone.

Peter Parker's face became ugly after he put down the phone, what happened today? How could he be so distracted, and inexplicably invited Liz Allen to be his dance partner.

Is this the rhythm of cheating? no! It must be because I have been too lost recently, and I feel uncomfortable in my heart to be like this! Must be! Peter Parker was forcibly comforting himself.

Gwen studied at Oxford University in the United Kingdom, and later had the opportunity to intern in a high-tech company in the United States. Gwen applied for the application in order to see Peter Parker often, and successfully passed the internship application.

Now she is doing short-term biological experimental research at Osborne Biotechnology Company in New York, USA. Recently, she was very busy preparing the thesis, so she did not contact Peter Parker. Today, she was able to meet Peter Parker when she was busy.

When Gwen arrived at the Atlantis Hotel, he saw Peter Parker waiting for him under the fountain pool with the golden statue of Arthur outside the door.

Gwen happily ran over into Peter Parker's arms, Peter Parker hugged Gwen tightly for a while and then kissed Gwen.

Gwen also tried to respond to Peter Parker, and the two kissed recklessly under the statue of Arthur. (Arthur: Are you polite?)

"I missed you." Peter Parker said affectionately, looking into her eyes after letting go of Gwen.

"Me too!" Gwen also looked at Peter Parker and smiled happily.

"Come on, let's go in, it always feels a little weird for us to show our affection in front of Arthur's statue," Peter Parker said, taking Gwen's hand.

"Then let's show directly in front of him next time." Gwen said mischievously.

"Hehe, I can't beat him now. He is no longer a single dog. He is with Wanda, so let's not think about stimulating him." Peter Parker said as he walked.

"I've already seen that Wanda likes him, but I didn't expect the two to come together, and you won't tell me!" Gwen punched Peter Parker and said.

"Uh, I forgot, I haven't seen Arthur recently, and Wanda is also hiding in the house all day to practice secretly." Peter Parker touched his head and said.

"How about we have a meal together next time you see them?" Gwen and Peter Parker came to the pre-booked seat and sat down.

"No problem, I'll ask Arthur when I see him." Peter Parker picked up the menu on the table and looked at it.

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