I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 209: supreme star

In the main hall of the Bounty quest in Utegai, Kati Star

"Okay, Quill, you've completed another SSS quest so quickly, and you'll be able to level up again after completing another SSS quest." Thrall said while looking at Akarian's head on the table.

"You don't even look at who we are, the task of being stronger than SSS can only be done easily in our hands." Quill raised his head and said coaxingly.

"This is your reward!" Thrall handed Quill a purple-gold card with five billion in it.

"Thanks! Thrall." Quill happily took the money card and kissed it on his mouth.

"Well, since you are so powerful, I have a special mission here, are you interested?" Thrall suddenly said to Quill mysteriously.

"What special mission?" Quill asked strangely. He had never seen a mission that was not released from the mission hall. What the **** was going on?

"Follow me!" Thrall walked towards the room to the side, and the six Quills followed.

The room is very simple, with only a coffee table and a large sofa, a refrigerator on the side, and a huge monitor on the wall.

"Please take a seat!" Thrall said to the six Quills. This room is the VIP lounge. Thrall took out a bottle of orange wine and seven quilts from the refrigerator and poured a glass of wine for each of them.

"Okay, let's talk about Thrall when we have something to say. Don't be mysterious. What mission needs us to complete?" Quill picked up the wine glass and Thrall slammed the glass and said.

"This mission is a bit special. The people who issued the mission are special. They are Sovereigns, have you heard of it?" Thrall asked Quill after taking a sip of wine.

"The Sovereigns? I seem to have heard of their names, but I don't know the specifics." Quill also took a sip from the glass and replied.

"You must have heard of their other name, that is, the Supreme Stars. They claim to have the most perfect genetic bloodline in the universe. They have a very high civilization and are a very arrogant race." Thrall said to the six people arrive.

"Oh, you mean the Supreme Stars, I know them, aren't they the most powerful and rich race in the universe? Do you still need us to help them with tasks?" Rocket said.

"Yes, the high priestess of Sovereign, but she is their queen, and her name is Ayesha. They entrust us to find the most powerful bounty team to complete their entrustment. Their remuneration is very generous. , Quill and I are old friends, so I thought of you, how am I funny?" Thrall showed an expression of you taking advantage.

"Of course, there is no doubt about our strength. It can be said that we are the strongest team of bounty hunters in the universe, but you have to tell me how much the reward is first?" Quill looked at Thrall and said.

Thrall took a sip of wine, slowly stretched out his right hand to compare, and said, "Twenty billion purple gold!"

"What!!! Twenty billion!" The Rocket almost jumped up after hearing this. What is the concept of twenty billion? You can buy a low-level intelligent planet.

"Yes, this is the number, but the risk of the task is also very high, so it is up to you to decide whether to accept it or not." Thrall said again, filling several people's drinks.

"What do you think, Arthur? Can we pick it up?" Quill looked at Arthur for his advice, and Quill knew that the Guardians of the Galaxy now had to rely on Arthur, a powerful helper.

"Sovereign... I can take this quest, I have no problem at all, I can do it easily." Arthur thought about it and said, when he heard Sovereign star, he thought of a group of golden-skinned aliens, and the plot finally resumed. To continue, it seems that the decisive battle is getting closer and closer.

"Then we'll take this mission. You tell that Agatha's name. There's no mission that our Guardians of the Galaxy can't handle. Okay, the Kree people are powerful, so we won't be defeated yet." Quill looked at Sal said.

"It's Ayesha, I'll help you reply to her, and don't brag about your deeds, I've heard you talk about it more than ten times." Thrall stood up and said to Quill.

"Then I'll wait for your news. We're going to rest in Utege for two days. This mission is really tiring." The six of Quill also stood up and walked outside.

"I understand, I understand! I'll call you when I have news, have fun." Thrall patted Quill on the shoulder with a smirk, and then left towards his workroom.

Quill was leading the four of the Guardians of the Galaxy and Arthur to walk outside the bounty hall. They needed to find a place to relax.

Quill and Rocket are going to continue to gamble and win back everything they lost last time. Draculas is going to the fighting arena again. He only has this hobby. As for Arthur, he is with Gamora. Go buy something for your next trip.

The six broke up in the entertainment city. Quill, Rocket, and Groot walked towards the casino. Draculas walked towards the arena. Only Arthur and Gamora were left standing. .

"Let's go too, go buy some supplies first, and then I have to find a place to take a good rest." Gamora said looking at Arthur.

"Let's go then." Arthur followed Gamora towards the mall.

The shopping center in Utege is not a shopping mall, but an entire shopping street, very huge, with three floors, and each floor has countless shops.

It can be said that you can basically find everything here. There are a variety of small shops on both sides of the shopping street, and there are also shops that look very high-end.

There is also a special black market street. The whole street is in an alley, and on both sides are street stalls set up by individuals, selling all kinds of strange things, and some mysterious shops with closed doors.

Gamora introduced him to the situation while shopping with Arthur.

"This is a magical place. I really want to take Wanda to buy her something." Arthur said while looking at the things on the shelves at the entrance of the store.

"Wanda? Is that your new girlfriend? Never heard of you before," Gamora asked Arthur.

"Yes, she met me after you left last time. She lives with me and is a very personable woman." Arthur smiled naturally when he talked about Wanda.

"It seems that you like her very much, so happy for you." Gamora said, looking at Arthur with a happy face.

"Thanks, how are you and Quill?" Arthur asked.

"It's not like that. We're more of a family than love. So are Rocket Groot and Dracula." Gamora said with a shrug.

"Can they be the same as Quill? It can be seen that his relationship with you is gradually deepening, and Quill and you have more and more shadows of each other." Arthur said to Gamora.

"Yes? Why don't I feel it?" Gamora asked in disbelief.

"Didn't you find that you like listening to music more and more? Didn't you like to use swords before? Now you also like to use energy weapons, and you are more and more adventurous. Isn't this infected by Quill? ' Arthur said, looking at Gamora.

"It's true that you say that!" Gamora nodded and admitted after thinking about it. She did develop these habits unknowingly, and they were all led astray by Quill.


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