I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 208: combat failure

"The synopsis of "Peter in a Big Trouble", I told you not to act privately! Not only did you not listen, but you also hacked into a battle suit worth millions! Just to show off for one person?" Tony Stark from a distance Fly over, stop in front of Peter Parker and talk to him.

"Are you all right?" Peter Parker asked, looking at the ferry in the distance.

"You didn't help anyway!" Tony Stark said.

Peter Parker blew up in no time and I didn't help? How much have I done to catch the vulture geek, all in vain?

"I didn't help? Those weapons are in circulation, I've been trying to tell you, but you don't really care. If you listened to me, these things wouldn't happen. If you care, you will come in person! "Peter Parker jumped off the roof railing and said loudly in front of Tony Stark.

The steel armor on Tony Stark receded into the hexagonal reactor on his chest like running water, as if the steel metal was liquid, and finally all returned to the Ark energy reactor on Tony's chest. Tony in a suit. Tucker also appeared in front of Peter Parker.

"I heard kid, who do you think called the FBI? Do you know that I'm the one who trusts you most of all? They even think I'm taking a risk by giving you the task!" Tony Stark Step by step to Peter Parker said seriously, Peter Parker slowly backed away.

"Why don't you believe in my ability? I can do what Arthur can do!" Peter Parker retorted.

"No, you can't, just shut up and listen to me, okay? What if someone dies tonight? That's different, right? That's your responsibility, if you die, I I will feel that the responsibility is on me, but Arthur gave you to me." Tony Stark pointed at Peter Parker's chest and said sternly.

"Yes, Mr. Stark, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" said Peter Parker, his head bowed.

"It's no use saying sorry!" Tony Stark said.

"I understand, I just want to be like you, I want to be like Arthur, I want to be a real Avenger like Pietro!" Peter Parker looked at Tony Stark and said seriously.

"But I hope you're better than me! Well, that won't work, I have to take back my suit!" Tony Stark said, looking at Peter Parker.

"How long?" Peter Parker asked, looking up at Tony.

"Until the day you actually grow up!" Tony Stark replied.

"I've grown up!" Peter Parker retorted.

"No, you don't, you still can't master your abilities, and you still don't know what teamwork is! Come off." Tony Stark said.

"No no, please, you don't understand, this is my everything, I'm nothing without this suit." Peter Parker said something that touched Tony Stark. Tony Stark once thought that there was no steel. He is useless in battle armor. But later experience told him that what is really strong is his heart, not these equipment, and he must let Peter Parker understand this truth.

"You're nothing without this suit, and you don't deserve it, okay? God, I sound like my dad," Tony Stark said to Peter Parker.

Peter Parker saw that Tony Stark was determined to take back the battle suit this time, and could only say helplessly: "I don't have any other clothes."

"Well, I'll find a way," Tony Stark said.

That evening, Peter Parker came home wearing a new t-shirt and shorts that Tony Stark bought for him.

"I've called you for a day, and you haven't answered, where have you been? I saw an accident on the ferry, and I called five police stations! Five! I also called your friend, I called Ned..." Aunt May was chattering angrily.

"Aunt May, I'm fine! Really, relax, I'm fine!" Peter Parker interrupted Aunt May.

"Stop crap, I know you didn't go to class today, I know you left your hotel room in Washington, and I know you sneak out of your house every night! That's not good, Peter, you gotta tell me what the **** already?" Aunt May asked, looking at Peter Parker gravely.

"I...I lost my internship at Stark," Peter Parker said with tears in his eyes.

"What?" Aunt May thought she had heard it wrong.

"Yes!" Peter Parker admitted with a nod.

"What's the matter?" Aunt May asked. Tony Stark has always taken care of the two of them, so he wouldn't just fire Peter Parker from the company.

"I just thought I'd work hard and he'd...go with me...but I still screwed up!" Peter Parker said with his head down.

"It's okay, it's okay, Mr. Stark is not disappointed with you, he just thinks that you are not ready. As long as you continue to study hard, he will one day recognize your ability." Aunt May hugged the hammer head said a frustrated Peter Parker.

"Sorry I made you worry," Peter Parker said.

"Peter, you have to know that I'm not blaming you for running out without permission, I'm just worried about your accident, I just hope that you can be healthy, graduate from college, work, get married and have children, so that your parents and your uncle will also be in heaven. Glad," Aunt May said to Peter Parker.

"I know... I'm not going to take risks, I'll study hard in the future, and I won't let anyone down again." Peter Parker said, looking at Aunt May.

"Good boy, go take a bath and rest." Aunt May touched Peter's hair and said, Peter Parker nodded and went back to rest...

The next day, Peter Parker was called to the office by the counselor and criticized, and asked him to reflect on it and not skip class in the future.

Peter Parker came out of the office and saw Ned waiting for him at the door.

"What's wrong with you? You were scolded. You didn't come to yesterday's class meeting. The counselor called. I can't help you cover it up." Ned said to Peter Parker.

"It's okay, let's go." Peter Parker and Ned walked towards the classroom.

Peter Parker returned to his normal study life. This time, the incident hit him completely. The same is the Avengers. Everyone else can be on their own. Only himself is the worst one and can only deal with some street police.

And the slightly more difficult tasks are not enough. In the previous Dr. Connor incident, Arthur helped him, and Wakanda and Ultron Wars were all the Avengers working together. This time, I was screwed up by myself when I acted alone. And the uniform was confiscated.

Peter Parker began to learn and reflect on the gap between himself and others.


Tony Stark's return to Wakanda also happened to meet Steve Rogers and Sam.

"What's wrong? What happened to Peter Parker?" Steve Rogers asked, looking at the spider suit Tony Stark had thrown in the corner.

"Nothing happened, just a little setback when letting him do the task alone for the first time." Tony Stark sipped with a glass of tequila,

"Then why did you confiscated his suit?" Sam asked.

"The kid relies too much on the battle suit. He doesn't know that the real strength is his heart! I want him to understand this truth." Tony Stark said.

"I like that kid very much. He has the ability! He has an honest heart and is very smart. Many of us are not as good as him, but he is still relatively immature. He just needs to be tempered." Steve Rogers said.

"Yeah, don't worry, I believe he will face up to him, I believe in your vision, and I believe in Arthur's judgment." Sam said.

"Yeah, it was Arthur who asked Peter to join the Avengers. I don't know what Arthur is doing now?" Steve Rogers said looking at the sky outside the window.

"It's probably eating, he just likes to eat!" Tony Stark pouted and complained.

In space, Arthur, who was eating an alien roast chicken leg on the Predator spacecraft, sneezed. Who is scolding himself? Arthur rubbed his nose...


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