I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 197: Explorer Bar

"It's so comfortable, this crab moves so smoothly in the sand, it's simply a species to be a mount." Quill sighed while resting happily.

"You think too much. I used the power of gems to control it. It can be seen that the strength of this crab is not bad. If ordinary people encounter it, I will probably die miserably." Arthur broke Quill's fantasy. Speaking of.

"Indeed, you can see that it moves so fast, and its body is as hard as a rock. It is estimated that it is difficult to hurt it with ordinary weapons. You are looking at its huge pincers. In this environment, if we encounter It must die!" Gamora told everyone.

The four of them nodded and agreed with Gamora. Only Arthur didn't care. He had seen too many of these giant creatures. He still kept more than 100 of them in Atlantis.

"Let's give it a name, it will be our exclusive mount on this planet in the future." Arthur suggested to everyone.

"How about it's called Xiao Hei, you can see that it is as dark as a stone." Rocket suggested, but everyone did not agree to take such an unprofessional name.

"It's called Invincible Cancer, that's how it shows its abilities!" Quill said, and Gamora rolled his eyes at him for what the hell's name it was.

"What about the name Sogra? In our hometown, Sogra is the name for the **** of the desert," said Draculas the Destroyer.

"God of the desert? Wouldn't it be a bit exaggerated, although I also think it's an overlord in the desert." Quill felt that it was a bit too much to say that it was a god.

"Call it Big Pineapple, it means **** devil on Earth." Arthur said suddenly.

"Big pineapple? What the hell? It's not as good as Socra. Let's call him Socra." Rocket complained to Arthur.

"I agree!" Quill said.

"I agree!" Gamora said.

"I'm Groot!" Groot also agreed to call it Socra.

"Okay now it's five to one, you lose, so I'll call him Socra from now on." Quill looked at Arthur happily and said.

"Whatever you want, Sogra said he was leaving the desert soon," Arthur continued.

"What? Finally leaving the desert? Great!" Quill exclaimed happily.

The giant crab Sogra took a few people forward for more than ten minutes and came to a stop. All six people jumped off the crab's back.

Arthur patted Sogra's body, and the crab Sogra turned and disappeared into the ground.

"Let's go, Sugra said that you can go out from the valley in front." Arthur said to the five.

The six walked towards the front together, and suddenly a large valley appeared in their sight, and a black stone wall stood in front of them.

After walking along the stone wall for a while, everyone saw a pass. There was a path leading to the valley. Several people walked along the path toward the mountain.

A group of people climbed mountains and waded water and finally walked out of the valley, and saw green plants and withered trees.

Several people breathed a sigh of relief, and finally came out. Next, they just need to find a place where there are people and ask the whereabouts of the fallen.

Under the guidance of Arthur, the group finally came to a small town. There is light in this small town. They have not seen light since they came to the Void Realm. This town is actually glowing. It is amazing. Void fog is not Impervious to light?

When the six people approached, they found that there was a lamp hanging on the door of every house here, and it was this lamp that was emitting a blue light.

Arthur and the others took a good look at this kind of lamp that can illuminate the surrounding environment even in the fog of the void where light cannot spread.

They found that the lamp was burning a peculiar plant that dyed its hair with a gas when burned, like incense in a temple.

It is this kind of gas that actually emits light. Yes, the gas will emit light. When I see a stream of blue gas floating in this small town, the whole town is lit up.

Arthur and the others sighed that the world is so vast that it is impossible for light to penetrate through the fog of the void, so there is this kind of plant that emits gas, which can be directly integrated into the environment to illuminate everywhere.

Arthur walked into the town with a few people, but every household in the town was closed, and there was no one on the street.

"Look! Is that the Explorer's Bar?" Quill asked, pointing to a sign hanging on a cabin in the distance.

"Really, let's go in and have a look." The Rocket also saw the sign and said.

A few people walked towards the cabin, and Arthur also saw the sign. There was a skull and a wine glass on the sign. Is this the so-called explorer wine? Really long experience.

Several people pushed open the wooden door of the bar, and the situation inside surprised several people. The bar was very bright, and a string of chandeliers hung on the roof to light it up.

A lot of people were sitting in the bar chatting and drinking, which contrasted sharply with the bleak scene outside.

"Gentlemen, please close the door quickly, so as not to let in too much fog from the void." A bearded man at the entrance of the bar said to the six people.

"Okay, sorry!" Arthur came in last, closing the door immediately.

"Gentlemen, is this your first time to Planet 101? Our Explorer Bar is the largest chain bar in the universe, where you can taste whatever you want." The bearded man said to the Arthur Six. .

The six of Arthur found a nearby table and sat down, ready to chat with the beard to find out the whereabouts of the fallen.

"It was indeed our first time here, we landed in the desert over there, and we came out to this town," Quill said to Beard.

"What? You were able to cross the desert of death! And you came here alive?" Big Beard said in surprise as if he had heard unbelievable words.

The entire Explorers Bar suddenly became quiet. Everyone in the bar looked at the Arthur Six, and some people were discussing in a low voice. Obviously, they heard the words of the beard. is lying.

Suddenly a tall one-eyed dragon man stood up, walked to the table of the six of Arthur, looked at Quill with a grim face and said, "Boy, you said you came out of the desert of death, why I don't believe it? Seeing you all with thin arms and legs and two pets, are you bragging here? Ahahahaha!"

The one-eyed man laughed wildly, as if he looked down on the six Arthurs. The two pets were Rocket the Raccoon and Groot the Tree. After hearing his words, Rocket reached out to the energy gun on his waist.


The one-eyed man screamed and flew out, smashing heavily on the wall of the wooden house, his entire chest cavity had sunk in, and he could not survive with the blood from the seven holes.

"Who else wants to try it? You dare to laugh at my partner, I think you are tired of living!" Arthur said with a sneer, and he just finished the one-eyed man with one kick.

There was silence in the bar, and one of the one-eyed man's group, a burly fat man slapped the table, stood up and said, "You're deceiving people too much!"

As soon as the fat man finished speaking, he was dragged by a red energy and flew towards Arthur, and Arthur grabbed his neck.

"Do you want to dance too?" Sitting on the seat, he pinched Fatty's neck with his left hand. Fatty knelt on the ground and his face, pinched by Arthur's enormous strength, became bloodshot, and his expression was extremely painful.

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