I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 196: desert of death

The Predator spaceship rushed towards the green-marked planet at a fast speed. The small obstacles encountered on the way were decomposed by the red energy shield, and the large meteorite spaceship became transparent and passed through the meteorite.

Except for Arthur, the five people were frightened, but they calmed down when they saw that there was no accident.

The radar showed that it was close to the planet marked in green. The naked eye could not see the appearance of the planet in the fog of the void, but under Arthur's red projection, everyone could see the outline of the planet.

The rocket lowered its speed slowly, carefully landed towards the open space on the planet, and finally landed steadily on this unknown planet.

The five Quills brought an oxygen supply device. The oxygen on this planet was so thin that humans could not survive. Arthur didn't care. He could survive without oxygen.

"This planet is really special. The oxygen content is only 2.3%, the gravity is 156%, and the light is zero." Quill stood next to the spacecraft and took out an instrument to detect the surrounding environment.

"No wonder I felt a lot more difficult to move after I came down." Rocket said.

"I'm Groot!" Countless glowing seeds appeared on Groot's body, illuminating the surrounding environment for everyone.

"Well done, Groot, although the light can't shoot out here, it feels a lot more comfortable." Gamora praised Groot.

"Then how do we find that person called the Fallen?" Destroyer Dracula asked.

The rest of the people were also in trouble. In this broken place, the two rays of light couldn't shoot directly, and they couldn't see anything. It was like being in a huge sandstorm, and it was even more difficult to find someone.

"Follow me!" After Arthur finished speaking, he took the lead and walked in one direction.

The five kept up with Arthur's pace. Everyone knew that Arthur could sense the surrounding environment with his spiritual sense, and now he can only rely on him.

Everyone walked on the black sand and made a creaking sound. This kind of sand is covered in a radius of hundreds of kilometers, and there is not even a single plant. Fortunately, the sand particles are not small, and the situation of quicksand will not occur.

"I've had enough of this **** place, shouldn't we be lost?" The six of them walked in this desert for a full hour, not to mention people, they didn't see anything, everything was flat In the sand, the rocket can't stand it anymore, said.

"No, we've been walking in a straight line, and we're getting farther and farther from our ship," Gamora said, holding the radar, which showed their distance from the ship.

"Be careful!" Arthur suddenly gave a warning, pulled Quill to jump up, and just as they jumped up, a huge black pliers broke out of the ground and clamped towards them.

Arthur stomped on the giant pincers and stomped it back into the sand below, while the other four were overturned by the sudden attack.

"Grass, what the **** is this? Bah Bah!" Rocket got up from the ground and spat out the sand in his mouth.

"It seems to be a giant scorpion. He moved too fast in the sand and disappeared in an instant." Arthur reached out his consciousness and searched the ground, but lost the trace of the scorpion.

"Scared me to death, I thought I was going to lose my calf." Quill said in shock. If Arthur's kick hadn't kicked the **** pliers away, Quill's calf would have been pinched by the pliers. .

"Okay, let's be careful and move on," Gamora said to everyone.

Although the six of them were startled, they calmed down immediately and continued to move forward, but they all cheered up and listened to the surrounding movement.

The six walked like this for another twenty minutes, but there was nothing but sand everywhere.

Arthur suddenly stopped everyone, standing there as if he was looking at something. The five of them looked around cautiously, but the visibility was too low. Groot's seeds could only illuminate the distance within one meter, and it was pitch black outside, which felt particularly terrifying.

Arthur suddenly slapped the five people, and the five people flew three meters away in an instant, and landed gently on the ground without injury.

But just where they stood, a huge round mouth full of teeth rushed out of the sand and bit upwards.

Arthur knocked five people away just to avoid the monster's attack. Arthur jumped into the air and shot a blue energy ray at the monster in his hand.

As soon as the monster screamed, it was pierced by Arthur's energy ray, fell down and smashed on the sand, losing its breath.

Quill and the others couldn't see the specific situation, and only heard a horrific scream, then a blue light flashed, and finally there was a thud as if something fell to the ground.

"Okay! The monster has been killed by me, everyone, come here." Arthur shouted to the five.

The five people knew Arthur's location by listening to Arthur's voice, and came to him together.

"This is!! Giant sandworm?" Quill said in amazement, looking at the corpse of the monster on the ground.

The monsters on the ground are more than ten meters long, two meters thick in diameter, and half of them are buried in the sand. Under the light of Groot's seed light, everyone can clearly see his huge mouth full of teeth and his body. Arthur burrowed through the green **** wound.

"This broken place is really dangerous, if it weren't for Arthur, we would have planted it!" Rocket sighed as he looked at the sandworm.

"I didn't expect the Void Realm to be so dangerous. I knew that I wouldn't take up this kind of broken quest. No wonder the Fallen wants to hide here. Who can find him in such a place?" Quill also complained.

"Okay, stop complaining, let's move on, we are absolutely safe with me." Arthur continued to walk forward, and Quill was still complaining along the way.

Suddenly Arthur stopped again, and everyone immediately took a defensive posture.

"Are the sandworms here again?" Quill asked Arthur.

"It's not insecticide, it's an old friend, this time we don't have to walk anymore." Arthur said mysteriously, looking not far away.

"What do you mean without walking? Can we still fly?" Rocket didn't understand what Arthur meant.

The yellow gem in Arthur's hand suddenly emitted a faint yellow light, and then there was a rustling sound from the sand in front of him, as if something was walking.

Then a behemoth appeared in the sight of several people. It was actually a giant crab. It didn't move after walking down in front of Arthur and the others.

"This...how can there be a crab in the desert, why is it not moving?" Quill asked, looking at the crab that looked like a lump of rock.

"Of course I was under control. Now, we have a mount. Come on!" Arthur jumped on the back of the big crab after saying that.

"Great, I just don't want to leave, so I can rest my feet." Rocket rushed up and sat beside Arthur.

The other four also climbed on the crab's back. The huge crab was the size of a basketball court, and six people sitting on its back had absolutely no effect on it.

After the six people sat down, the crab suddenly moved, and it moved forward at a speed that was very surprising to several people, just like a crab swimming in the water, fast and steady!

Arthur and the other six sat on the back of the crab and blew the breeze, and the nervousness slowly disappeared, finally feeling a little more comfortable.


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