I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 185: carty star

After Arthur and the Guardians of the Galaxy left the star of Poza, they headed towards the star of Kadi, where the buyers who offered a reward for the heart of Poza were waiting for them.

"We made a big profit this time. After we get the money, let's have a good drink!" Quill said excitedly to everyone.



Several people agreed with Quill's proposal, just in time to make some repairs on Kady Star.

"Arthur, don't frown all day long, and I'll take you to the casino there when I get to Catty." Quill turned to look at Arthur with a painful expression and said.

"I still can't get used to living on a spaceship. It seems that I only belong to land and sea." Arthur fainted a bit in the spaceship, and he vomited twice and is still uncomfortable.

"I get used to it slowly. Everyone is like this at the beginning. I have some candy, do you want to have some." Rocket said while grabbing a handful of candy from the box under the bridge and handing it to Arthur.

"Thank you!" Arthur said as he took the candy, then tore one open and put it in his mouth.

"Cough cough... what is this?" Arthur was choked and almost spat out.

"Have you ever tried the weird-flavored candy that Xandar Star bought? There are various flavors, and I like the devil's spiciness the most." Rocket also peeled one and put it in his mouth to taste.

"Although I like to try different foods, I really can't enjoy this thing." Arthur continued to say painfully.

After a day's voyage, the spacecraft made three interstellar jumps to the fabled star Kati.

Kati Star is the home base of wanderers. The entire planet is very large, and the planet's resources are exhausted. There are only rocks and deserts on the planet's surface, and water resources are very scarce.

Therefore, the life of the poor here is very hard, and most people can only make a living by robbery and stealing, so Katee is also known as the largest lawless zone in the universe.

The mermaids here are mixed, and everyone has everything. Here, as long as you have money and ability, you can get anything, and you can do anything bad.

The largest of these groups are the Wanderers, who are as famous in the universe as the Marauders.

But the looters are a principled and disciplined organization. They generally look at their own reputation. Although they also rob, they have their own bottom lines.

The homeless are different. They are a group of people who can do all kinds of evil, and there is nothing they dare not do in order to survive.

The rocket parked the Predator spaceship outside the Katee Star, and the six people flew towards the Katee Star in the small spaceship.

"Because Wanderers and Marauders have not been very good at dealing with them, it is better for us to be a small spaceship." Quill explained to Arthur why they were in a small spaceship.

"Is Carty forbidden to raiders?" Arthur asked Quill.

"No, I just don't want avoidable trouble," Quill said to Arthur.

After a while, the small spaceship came to a big city on the star of Kati, which is called the paradise of bounty hunters, and its name is poetically called Utge.

Some needy people in the universe can come to Utgay to post bounty tasks, and then people who feel capable of completing them can take the tasks and then get paid.

Therefore, people who make a living by doing tasks here are called bounty hunters, and the name of Star-Lord Quill is mixed here.

The entire city of Utgai is built on a crack in a canyon. The canyon seems to be split by people. Below is a bottomless abyss. There are various cave buildings on the mountains on both sides, which are far apart but can be. See the building opposite.

The rocket parked the spaceship in the parking lot 1388. There are special guards here, and no one will come to your spaceship to steal things.

Quill handed the boss of the parking lot a stack of universal banknotes, and then led the six people towards Utegaard City.

"It looks really good here! It's my favorite place," Arthur said, looking at the city full of rusted steel buildings built in caves in the walls of a huge canyon.

"You'll like it more in a while!" Quill said with a smirk.

The six set off for their destination, the Meteor Tavern, in a peculiar alien hover taxi.

"Don't tell me this is a pub?" Arthur said, looking up at the huge building in front of him.

"The tavern is just a name, it's actually an entertainment city, there are everything in it, restaurants, casinos, auctions, playgrounds, dueling arenas, you can think of everything, and we are going to submit quest items in the bounty market hall. ' Quill introduced to Arthur.

The entire Meteor Star Tavern is very large. There is a sculpture of a meteor dragging its tail outside. After entering through the old-looking but imposing gate, Arthur discovered that they had come to a man's paradise.

There are various small bars here, and there is a row of scantily clad alien women soliciting customers at the entrance of the bar. Of course, there are also alien women holding signs in other places. They are all poor people on this planet. Able to come out to pick up the price clearly marked.

Quill led the six people through the crowded streets. He didn't look sideways, his expression was serious, and he almost wrote the words "I am a gentleman" on his forehead.

And Gamora was also secretly observing whether Quill's eyes were squinting at a revealing alien beauty.

And Arthur and Dracula the Destroyer don't have to be taboo, they are openly admiring the women of various colors and skins on the street. Arthur is not interested in these alien women, but he is more interested in the prosthetics on them. Interest, there are even some women who are straight up robots.

"Do you like mechanical women? They are androids specially made to please men. They are also called **** puppets. They have all kinds of skills." Quill watched Arthur staring at the robots on the opposite side. Arthur explained, with a look you know.

"Men don't have a good thing!" Gamora glared at Quel Arthur and the Destroyer with contempt, and walked forward with rapid strides.

Rocket and Tree Groot also followed slowly, and they were obviously very familiar with this kind of place.

"Gamora wait for me, I'm just explaining to Arthur, don't get me wrong, I'm a real dedicated and good man..." Quill quickly caught up with Gamora and explained chatteringly beside her, expressing that he had I've never been to a place like this.

"Quiele looks like an LSP." Arthur said to the three under him.

One person and one raccoon nodded, while Groot couldn't understand what Arthur meant.

The six people passed through the entertainment area and came to a very large building. It was a huge black cave. There were two huge alien statues at the entrance of the cave. This is the main hall of the reward market. All the rewards are released from here. .

Arthur carefully observed the two statues, they both had long ears, a fox face, and their bodies were wearing thick armor, and they also held two powerful weapons in their hands, which looked very of majesty.

"They are the two founders who built the Bounty Hunter Union. It is said that in the extremely chaotic Katee Star, the two led the Wanderer Legion to unify the place, and then established the Bounty Hunter Union, allowing some people to survive. People can have hope of living." Quill introduced Arthur.

"It turned out to be like this. I also have two sculptures like this at the gate of my country, but now they have been replaced by my sculptures." Arthur said that the Sea King sculpture outside Atlantis has been replaced by Atlantis. Re-sculpted to look like Arthur.

"...You're really narcissistic!" Quill looked at Arthur's inability to complain, but he didn't know that there was a sculpture of Arthur holding a trident at the entrance of Atlantis restaurants all over the United States.

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